Lasik is technolo/g/y

lasik is technolo/g/y

why has the lasik industry seem to slow down in the last few years. I remember hearing it all over radio and tv even 10 years ago?

What does it all mean? PRK, bladeless, custom.

Anyone consider lasik? anyone go through with it? family members? I am -3.25/-2.75 and I hate wearing my fucking glasses. never even tried contacts, but i feel like I would be too lazy to take care of them.

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Bump. Don't have anything to contribute but interesting thread.

Try this video. Watch it daily and see if things get better.

People realized it was a meme.

>why has the lasik industry seem to slow down in the last few years. I remember hearing it all over radio and tv even 10 years ago?

Because it went from being a "gimmick" or a "dangerous experiment" into a normal medical procedure. It's quick, safe and effective.

It's worth it mainly if contacts or glasses are a nuisance for you as lasik is still relatively expensive.

but was it? I mean for $4k I would pay to fix my eyes even for 20 years. by the time i am 45. I just don't know anybody even related to people I know that have done it. I would love to hear it from someone who has actually tried and had success. Also, i don't like things touching my eyes...

I just hate the idea of having a flap cut in my goddamn eyeball. If I could be sure it wouldn't fuck it up permanently, I'd be more willing to do it.

That and it's fuckexpensive here. 3-4k per eye.

As the other user said they don't need to advertise any longer. Everyone knows it exists now and anyone who wants it, gets it.

I had a friend who had it done. He was out of commission for about 2 weeks and then back at work. He used eyed drops for about a month or two after the procedure but now he's fine and has perfect vision.

Isn't it all laser based now? There isn't any need to cut flaps out if that's the case. But yeah, I feel the same as you. I'm probably going to get it done to me in 10 or so years, unless cutting into eyes for the procedure is still done

I've been told that if you spent a majority of your day in front of a screen, your vision will just be as bad as it was before you got LASIK done. Just how true is that?

Op, no I went to one of those free consultations and depending on the type its more expensive for all laser but they promise you similar results. so depending on if you want the knife or laser do you want to pay a 40% premium for the procedure. I still just don't get it all and am scared of the whole thing.

A mix of cost and fad-fizzle. It's still super common for people to get it but it's not the "Look at the magical future technology!" situation.

tons of places still use the manual flap cutting. the ones with the intralase cutter still make a flap but seem a lot less prone to doctor fuckups.

too bad they cost ~1000 more just to use a laser scalpel.

1. Laser treatment has risks.
2. It can degrade after a few years.
3. It cuts a layer off the lens. The lens remains inflexible. Shortness of sight it the inability for the lens to shape to the eye muscles. So you still have to wear spectacles for close work.
4. It's done by bozo's in shops (or rather the shops clinics) unless you pay through the ass to go to a proper clinic.
5. The better type is to have an operation to insert contact lenses under the front of the eye. At least it is reversible.
6. People can experience 'sparklies' from lights at night.
7. A better option is on the horizon which promises perfect vision beyond 20/20 but may be more expensive. See link below.

glad I didn't drop 6 grand on intralase shit then, I can definitely wait a few years

I will look into getting it but I'm not sure if it'll work on my since glasses and contacts don't work for my eyes either. I have macular degeneration as well as myopia but I do know someone who get the surgery years ago and now has good vision.

>I remember hearing it all over radio and tv even 10 years ago
You don't see ads for motor oil very often. I.e. If you need it, you already know what it is. Also, lasik isn't a brand so the initial push was to introduce the idea to the public and build trust. Also, no need to modify a medical procedure with gimmicks if it works almost every time.

I had PRK done.

I wouldn't actually recommend laser surgery now though, not with new 'perfect' lenses being developed as implants.

The lasik procedures do actual irreversible damage to the eye; they help you but there are side effects (dry eyes and halos at night for me) and mutilating your body as little as possible is the preference.

Lens replacements can and will give you better than 20/20 vision without as much damage to the eye as a lasik procedure. And lasik procedures don't guarantee 20/20 vision either.

Although bothersome I have found that varifocals have become a must for me. I would have the eye OP if I could get perfect vision that does not degrade cheaply enough. There are always risks with any surgical procedure though.

How long ago did you get it? Any degredation? How's your dry eyes and night driving now?

Not him, but my mom had LASIK done maybe 15 years ago. Her eyes are a little better than before she got the surgery but night driving has gotten a lot more uncomfortable for her. She can still do it, but would prefer not to

stop desperately trying to make everything Sup Forums

go to a board that's more appropriate. visit other boards.

stop silo'ing yourselves, you fucking cancerous faggots.

>5. The better type is to have an operation to insert contact lenses under the front of the eye. At least it is reversible.
Does it need to cut your eye too? Like the other user I can't get over the idea of a cut right on my fucking eye.

lasik still is scary as fuck to me
cutting a piece of you eye open and lasering that shit sounds terrifying
shit i couldnt even use contacts
plus my mom and uncle got it and they still need glasses for like reading and night driving and they have halos or ghosting or whatever its called

>lasik still is scary as fuck to me
that's what steve jobs said about surgery. are you a faggot?
>cutting a piece of you eye open and lasering that shit sounds terrifying
that's literally all surgery. it's all high-skill. stop freaking out
>shit i couldnt even use contacts
that's literally the point, retard.
>plus my mom and uncle got it and they still need glasses for like reading and night driving and they have halos or ghosting or whatever its called
she probably got it in the 90s or something.

My dad did it. No laser but actual cuts with a scalpel back in the 80s. He's now got perfect distance vision but bad near vision. Like reading books or newspapers so.

I have 20/20 vision. Fuck getting shot in the eyes with lasers.

>why has the lasik industry seem to slow down in the last few years
the appearance of hmos

All older people need reading glasses. What happens is that you need to focus when you look at things close and you lose that focusing power gradually as you age.

What your eyes do to focus is that it needs to bend your lens into a different shape to focus at near objects.

As you grow older the lens of the eye constantly becomes a little bit thicker as it is continuously adding layers to itself. This is ultimately why people ~40 or older need reading glasses (for modt people anyways)

Glasses became cool again when nerds started getting all the money and power. I feel like there's got to be a major backlash to that coming real soon.

I've never needed glasses to see my computer screen.

They'd have to pay me for the chance to fuck up my vision just so I can go outside without glasses. Also getting super farsighted in old age to boot.

Ive had a little black bit of gunk floating in the jelly of my left eye for like 6 years now, I can see it whenever im in daylight, most annoying shit ever

My biggest problem with Lasik/PRK is that I already have dry eyes and pretty bad halos/starbursts at night. I'd go insane if they were made any worse.

What's the latest eyesight improving tech? Are they working on anything interesting?

It was the best decision of my life. If you're eligible you should totally invest in it instead of buying gaming shit and placebo "audiophile" toys.

I see ads for motor oil all the fucking god damn time

kek, i just skipped over that post. like i understood what he meant.


It isn't.

...but then, if you're willing to shell out the life improvement money for Lasik, you should probably not look at a screen all the time. Reading and obeying the /fit/ sticky and starting SS is much cheaper and more beneficial, and will take you away from the screen if you're worried

LASIK is great! If you wait to do it at 45 and then again at 60, provided your eyes can handle two operations.

The problem is that if your eyesight is naturally degrading continually and you choose to do it young you can only do it so many times, and for most the limit is 2-3 times before the operated on parts of the eye get below the safe threshold. With this in mind your eyesight is generally "fixed" for 10-15 years, and so doing it at any age below 40 is a complete waste.

I'll deal with my slowly worsening left eye at 20/25 until it hits 20/60 at about 45 like my parents. My father is 53, never having LASIK or other corrective surgeries is 20/100, mother had LASIK at 38 (14 years ago) and her close-distance vision is getting to be more than half as bad as it was before. Granted my vision was stellar, although a bit less than 20/20 but not measurable by those typical eye tests, up until last year and I'm 27 now while both my parents needed glasses in their teens.

Also the at-a-distance clarity difference between 20/25 and 20/20 is ridiculous, how can people handle running around without corrective eyewear when they are much worse than 20/25???

Did lasik and I'm on the computer for at least 6 hours a day.

3 months after the procedure I had perfect 20-10 vision, which is basically twice as clear as 20-20. Super fun at the time but eyesight slowly degraded over the next 2 years back to 20-20, stabilizing after that.

Currently at T+5 years since operation and can see perfectly during the day. At night time street lights tend to make it hard to see details but I have more or less adapted to it and doctor cleared me to drive no problems. Vision is still 20-20 in good lighting.

Didn't experience any disruption to my life aside from the first month after surgery. Also my eyesight was -7.25, -6.75 so the added benefit of not being literally useless without glasses has made this entirely worth it for me. It isn't sunshine and rainbows and side effects must be accepted and prepared for before the surgery takes place but if you decide it is for you definitely do it.