This is what the average freetard eats

>this is what the average freetard eats

looks good

>tried to make cheese pizza joke
>sausage on pizza


lol fuck my life



What? As a freetard myself this is accurate, except pepperoni fagot

Nobody who cares about freedom would dare to consume products which involve the unnecessary suffering and/or death of cows or any other animal.

I have the freedom to eat it though

>tfw nonfree javascript blocking my way to some delicious pizza
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve

Tumblr pls



Maybe it's the poor picture quality, but that looks like a fairly standard sausage pizza. Why Mr. Gordon Ramsay is disgusted by it, I'm not sure... was the sausage raw?

>Why Mr. Gordon Ramsay is disgusted by it, I'm not sure
Because he wants to make their place look shit to justify the premise of the show.

I wouldn't mind a doughy pizza right about now

>Implying that's a bad thing
That pizza looks fucking delicious!

Nah man we usually eat taco bell.

>Baja blast master race.


wheres the technology



I think he's upset because he ordered a small pizza.

You know, he samples a lot of different meals when he goes to one of the restaurants at first, so he doesn't eat much of any one of them.



thanks user