Screenfetch thread?

Screenfetch thread, post em.

Other urls found in this thread: dt#AhMM0v8 XHswrKeT6tKtN3ASKh0jjNpMNlGF4dLIrab

>screenfetch thread
>posts a whole desktop

fight me.

well it has the terminal on it, i can fix it if u want me too if your going to get pissy about it

Banhammer incoming

I'm game

You should all kill yourselves.


> using -D to fake your distro for a shit post

You first


you want the original? fine


kernel age tho

>not parabola
Why do you hate freedom?

freetards are cancer

>I hate freedom

your 'freedom' is the opposite of the definition


>I hate freedom

i'd love to use parabola, but my graphics card doesnt work with out proprietary drivers.

i really wanna use FreeBSD

muh stableness tho...

arch has never crashed on me. and i update the kernel religiously.






>Inb4 gentoo shitposting

I-i-is it stolen


Lol is this a subtle desktop thread? XD

T420 with external display.

Install is too fresh

Love the icons and the wallpaper.

That's a nice looking desktop, the only downside is the resolution of your monitor.

literally how lmao it is giving us the freedom to modify, study, redistribute, restribute with modifications and run for any purpose, how is that the opposite of freedom child.

It's an old laptop, not much I can really do about that other than hook up an external display when I'm home. Unfortunately, I can't even do that seeing as the monitor I used to use as a secondary for my desktop went and died a couple weeks ago after years and years of daily use.

you're willingly restricting yourself to a small shitty subsection of software based on the insane ramblings of an old man desperate for attention. you call that free?

>restricting the freedom to redistribute as closed source
Choose one. Also this

Rest in peace

What a shitty reaction image

i dont even really care about that toe cheese old man, I just prefer having the freedom to do what i want and own the software running on my device, I dont like being cucked by a dev or jewish devs micropenis windyz 10. Dont get me wrong im not straight retarded and have libreboot on my fucking thinkpad and refuse to use closed source drivers and shit but i still believe in software liberation and not getting cucked.

youre ok then I guess, but the mindless freetards really need to go
i wish mods would remove stallman from the sticky and add based Terry
or maki :^)

why do you desktop thread kids still keep on doing this?

Amen brother... Amen.

>restricting the freedom of others
>thinking we believe you care about freedom

faggot detected. Maki has a penis faggot. Also Terry's OS is useless, looks like something someone would make if they were stranded on an island for 10 years

>any restrictions

haha tricked u were really a mindless freetard all along
go away

That is one disgustingly high forehead

>tfw i use skype and gets called a freetard by an animefag.


is this the new desktop thread not that they are banned


If they're not banned, why do I never see them anymore?

ok here dt#AhMM0v8 XHswrKeT6tKtN3ASKh0jjNpMNlGF4dLIrab


umi fags still mad because no board likes her

I swear, I've seen the cunt on the Sup Forums waifu threads and he was a lot less annoying there. That is assuming that he's the same Makifag.

literally all of Sup Forums loves maki you newfag

No they don't.

That mushroom makes my skin crawl

your new is showing

6 years is new?

Getting thread back on track
>Shitty VM I made for shits and giggles

>screenfetch thread
>everyone's treating it as a desktop thread

Sup Forums needs and wants a desktop thread, there will always be people making them and trying to ban them is simply foolish

Sup Forums absolutely does not need a desktop thread.

are they taking up too much space, pushing your gpu wars and tech support off the board?

Both are more worthy of a technology board than a rice thread.

sorry but ricing is definitely more tech than video game benchmarks and tech support is explicitly against the rules yet mods never delete that garbage

>sorry but ricing is definitely more tech than video game benchmarks
Ricing is not more tech related than computer hardware discussion
>tech support
It's a containment thread, without it we'd have a board full of stupid questions instead of a thread full of them.

but we still have a board full of them because no one reads the sticky or uses the catalog

And we'd have even more of them if there wasn't a thread to centralize small questions. This isn't that difficult of a concept to grasp.

so a board full of gpu wars, tech support (because no matter how much you argue for /sqt/, it doesn't actually help that much), shilling, and mindless consumerism are better than a single tech-related ricing thread?

Yes. Either way this is not a desktop thread, nothing more than a screencap of a terminal emulator is necessary nor should be posted.

ok, sorry for bothering you
now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to arguing with my fellow video games enthusiasts about which card is gets the best fps and posting my new /fa/ watch in the dedicated /fa/ outpost on Sup Forums



just installed. pls be gentle

fuck. forgot to upload pic.





>tfw fell for the 32gb meme

> tfw master race


sauce on that wallpaper?


Many thanks, senpai

Cosplay > tulip = ghost > dragon = beetle > who? > mudtits

>Still using manjaro

Reminder that this is a thinly veiled desktop thread and should be reported.

desktop threads are cancer

t. pedik

>white terminal background
>running Debian stable on a personal machine that isn't a server

Still 7/10 due to not having autistic levels of ricing.