Is it any good Sup Forums ?

Is it any good Sup Forums ?

Yes its one of the only things I miss on Linux

I use it all the time at work to automate work through shitty fucking enterprise software that requires 20 clicks to do a single task.

At home I have no need for it.

I use it to easily great executibles for my friends who play games. Now I only need to add a keylogger

god forbid management finding out though

>not using Autokey

Give me some ideas lads

>he keylogs his own friends
Wow, you absolute demon.

Automate deleting system32

Who else would you keylog?

all i know how to do with it is continually press one button for automating processes in games

what else am i supposed to do with it

I rather use AutoIt, I find it more stable professional and overall better.

I used it to bot runescape.
then I got banned for no reason

I used it for a basic Bhop script for my half-life 2 speedruns. Works fine.

>Gets banned for botting
>Hurr durr I dunno what I did wrong

I automated logins, so i can switch between accounts fast.

For Botting AutoIt is definitively better

It's good, I use it for runescape.

AutoIt3 is significantly better.

Autoit is better but I'd rather have some key-mouse automator in WSH or PowerShell. I think, that'd be very interesting.

It’s very powerful. It'd be 11/10 if it was a library for another language like JavaScript or Lua with its features or something but its own is fucking garbage. Like a mix of shell script and something shitty like PHP or something with weird behaviors out the ass and debugging is awful.

it's amazing.

AutoIt is also a good choice.

This. AutoIT is a little harder but it's way more powerful and it doesn't crash constantly

>I used it to bot runescape.
>then I got banned for no reason

gee, I wonder why


is there something like this for osx?

It's great but the language is fucking shit.

I love AHK. I use it for text expansion and doing ghetto tiling window management when I can't have muh Linux.

obviously not your friends you fucking snake
keylog people who don't matter like kids who are dumb enough to download club penguin coin generator.exe

It's pretty crazy but useful. The fact that there's like variable argument counts that change how a call works, 2 different ways to call some of the functions, implicit variables and shit. The language is crazy but fine once you get used to it as long as you're not doing anything too big. I decided to write my first GUI program using AHKs GUI toolkit as a fronted, it may not have been the best idea but probably not the worst.

It's open sourced isn't it? I'm actually kind of curious why people haven't ported it, I know it would be a big task but it might be worth doing.

A lot of it is easily replicable though. I know jack shit about Linux but using Openbox I can put my custom key combos right into rc.xml. Not as powerful off the bat but it's a start, especially if chained together with shell scripts.

Anyone who isn't your friend you piece of shit