wow such a thick phone. how large is the battery? camera must be 1" sensor with f/2 aperture lens

Shouldn't they all have PCI covers/protectors?
Also, does the source comes with any other benchmarks?

lol, too late

>South Africa
how can that fallen civilization afford that shit?

for the drug traders

>$500 and $800

Wew lad

Remember, white people used to live in South Africa.

Get out of your cave

Aren't these going for like $200-300 over MSRP or some shit?

Yes, Nvidia had practically no stock at launch so merchants are jewing customers hard

nvidia is the merchants you dumb fuck


"Fallen Civilization"

If only their software suite wasn't ass :/

those were probably empty boxes they couldn't fill and just had lying around

>muh shadowplay for twitch cancer

nvidia merchants??

found the american...

Decent streamers don't even use it.

But gvr is a cancer

They did this exact same thing 2 years ago.

They will do this exact same thing 2 years from now with the next Novidya.

pictured: Every 1080 ever made to date.


That picture is the entirety of 1080 GPU's shipped to South Africa.

>south africa

Top kek, lad. I wonder how long will it be until Obongo-Munga Kobo Kobo learns that you bought that thing. Selling that shit would get Obongo enough money to live for 3 fucking months and all he has to do is brake into your home, murder you in your sleep and make sweet love to your still warm corpse. It's literally the best deal for him.