Smh fam

I got this guy for 20 bux at Goodwill. (Yamaha RX-V465[U]).
Everything is working except for the outputs (great find, rite?)
ITT: Watch me struggle fixing it

Shit das a lotta boards
Also the manual says to use a discharge resistor lol
I ain't got onnedem

nice blog

ITT we blog about shit no one cares about

>20 bux
Fucking lucky


Well, it's a steal for a functioning unit. HDMI throughput is still pretty new so I'm hoping I can pull this off.
Chances are high I'll be bricking it shortly

Also bare wire connectors? The fuck is this, I'm used to being literally babied by circle-can't-fit-square connections
Feeling worse about this

Progress is slow. Apologies.

How the hell do I get this ribbon cable out?? Can't see any releases

pull up

O hey

This has made my life much easier. Employing advanced technique on everything else

Front panel is off!
Nothing's broken!
More than I can say about myself

Digital PCB D E S T R O Y E D
On to the amp unit.


holy s...

you can fix that?

A screwdriver across the leads will short a cap and kill the charge, the resistor will only make the main power caps not weld the screwdriver to the leads.
Find anything that will form a resistive load for the big ones or just go for it.
>Mom on speed dial

>1.59MB photo & 2604x1934 res

Come on OP just downsize them and get them down to like 500kb or so

Try not having ISDN.

nobody cares, you want to go ahead and fuck off to /vr/ or when one of our ironic retro tech threads pop up. you'll fit right in, either one is basically plastic container with dead electronics inside fanclub, just two different editions, /vr/ is dead electronics in plastic hipster edition, Sup Forumsretrofaggot is dead electronics in plastic pretending to be old edition

Either way make sure to say how good it would be if it would just work but make sure it never does.


Cooking tendies brb B)

Is this copypasta

My mom works at a nursing home and told me a story when I was a kid about an old man taking an assisted shower. He had a massive erection and with tears running down his cheeks he cried out "IF ONLY I COULD JUST RELEASE!!"

It does have a distinctly stale taste.

>enforcing Sup Forums as a consumerist board
Go back to your guts thread faggot

Mmmmm tendies

>replacing the suffix of a word with "ies"
Why is this a thing?

This sucks. You suck. Stop posting

Sup Forums is the only, let me repeat, THE ONLY, board that defends owning or "working" on non-working items of the board

>this car is completely dead and I have no wrench skills
>Kill yourself

>this gun doesn't fire and I have no means or know how to repair it
>Kill yourself

>I don't know anything about how to do this topic but am somehow here, wat do
>Kill yourself

>Sup Forums
>Here I have a non-working piece of tech from 15+ years ago that is completely dead, no electronics experience
>starts entire threads and internet clubs on owning plastic that happens to have dead electronics inside

THE ONLY board that does this.

Tendies is an older meme than you, kiddo

Nice try edgelord.

Well I have some electronics experience. Not on AV receivers but I'm doin ok :D

Acktually, this Yamaha RX-V465 is from 2009, thus making it only seven years old

>your move


Jk it was general General Tsao chicken the whole time

I play the following trap card:
>It's fucking dead

by the way you can't activate a trap card unless it's already been set on the field

Holy shit I'm supposed to do this????


do you have a wife?

Girlfriend. Yes.

ugh this reminds me I got a flaky LFE channel on the spare AVR I want to sell.. have to take off so much to get to the back of the mainboard where it's at to try and reflow solder.

No dude, you'll start a fire like that!! You need a special 900 watt flameproof ul listed discharge resistor! I usually pick a few up when I'm buying my anti-static protective gear!

>Implying a fire wouldn't be beneficial to humanity if this retard went up in it

I have one of these in my living room. Bought it new. Decent enough unit.

Problem I've found is that they don't pull audio streams out of HDMI.

I have an RX-V463.

someone sold it to me after a divorce for 30 dollars.

Sounds good with my Marantz speakers.