/cyb/ - The Cyberpunk General
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/cyb/ - The Cyberpunk General
>IRC: #Sup Forumspunk on irc.rizon.net
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Other urls found in this thread:
cyberpunk is dead
grow the fuck up manchildren
>VR is here and getting better
>all sorts of track control over the regular citizen is reality
>internet everywhere
>cheap micro controllers and small computers everywhere
>global agenda
wake up sheeple !!!
I'm currently waiting for the parts for my cyberdeck to arrive. I don't really have a good solution for the interface though as the current VR googles all require 1 or more power outlets and I'd like it to be portable but not have a screen.
Any suggestions?
It's been a long time since I last saw one of these threads. A shame people are more interested in memes and muh wevdeb
The sticky told me to post it
>mfw a cyberpunk-style city existed before the Chinese bulldozed it down
Im afraid this is true. We surpassed cyber punk 10 years ago.
Cyber punk is like victorian era was back in 1990's. Old and dead.
This was posted by me tbqh
I guess the most cyberpunk-ish thing I am doing right now is figuring out how to a real time 3D mapping of an area using lidar. I don't even know if thats possible
>back in 1990's
There wasn't even a massive secret government surveillance program in the 90's. In what way was it more cyberpunk than now?
Is it just because websites used black backgrounds and green text more often then?
Can you english?
I think I was pretty fucking clear.
I guess try reading it again?
I love these threads
Well the whole things needs a revamp, while we seem to be in and heading towards a fairly cyberpunk future, the original vocab and ideas are seriously dated. I mean the first two books in the sprawl trilogy were written on a typewriter!!
>TOX: #Sup Forumspunk TOX groupchat
Why do you trust TOX not to mine and track your data? Because the promised?
Have you considered an AR headset of some sort? I've seen ones with myvu video glasses and some weird gutted VR headset from the mid 2000s. You wouldn't be totally submersed, but it'd work.
cyberpunk = luddite. The whole this needs to catch up with current tech.
>Have you considered an AR headset
I have and they're all in the $700-3000 range. The myvu glasses seem like the best bet. It would be nice to have VR with head tracking and stuff but I'd take an SD display in each eye in a pinch. That's probably usable...ish.
you still here OP?
You may want to consider browsing Zack Freedman's blog. He's an avid google glass user, but dabbles in other wearable/vr/ar tech.
What is this?
cyberpunk isnt dead, it just isnt born yet, though we probably will never live to see the full cyberpunk age.
Looks like an Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7
>Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7
thanks, I dont know what it does, but it looks neato
What kind of cyberpunk do you guys prefer?
dirty and weird? or very clean and more futuristic?
it's basically just a laptop with the screen torn off
Dirty and weird. Cyberbioaugementopunk tho.
dirty and weird.
cyberpunk is by its very nature high tech but low life.
everyone but megacorps and goverments are treated like shit. then again megacorps are the governments.
I gotcha, I think I prefer dirty and weird because I really like the TTG
clean is also cool
>tfw no cybergf with nipplebulbs
Would the alternative be something like Mirror's Edge?
Mirror's Edge seems more dystopian
Maybe I'm wrong but cyberpunk and dystopia go pretty much hand-in-hand right?
not inherently, but they are associated often, yeah
underrated /10
>tfw no qt virtual intelligence to bring me my e-mails in the morning
Go to lainchan or something kylax kalyx or whatever his name may be will be there he is the person you will like cyberpunks are dead
>I am the best netrunner on this side of neoNewYork. Megacorp hired me to infiltrate a system. I live in a piece of shit bar where all kinds of characters with checkered pasts are and all of them have augmentations
>I have an robot assistant, I have a flying car and everything looks like ghost in the shell
Do you guys actually hang out in the IRC? What do you talk about?
Most cyberpunk I've seen shows both. Crowded slums with shiny flying police cars overhead. That's kinda what I identify with the genre the most.
yeah I didnt bother to convey the clean version as detailed because I would assume everyone already know what I meant
like pic related
dirty more reminds me of the classic ttg
Wow holy shit I havent posted that image in a loong time. Funny seing it here.
Well, relatively long. Its from last year, and everything pictured was free to me. Can confirm cyberpunk exists.
That Maas sticker is sweet.
It is unfortunately in a box now, After I moved out to live in a one room sleeper I had nowhere to put it. My current settup under my loft bed.
what do you do for work?
Night janitor. It pays well, but fuck Manhattan.
Previous greeting sign. Also sorrh for rotation, metadata on my phone got corrupted.
>being a literal skid
Please fuck off with your high level autism cyberpunk bs you obese manchild
Can confirm autism exists*
Kek. Governmentfags such as yourself have no place here.
>fuck manhattan
Amen brother
what projects are you working on at the moment?
Making electronic music to reinforce the lifestyle
>tfw can't find small transparent OLED displays
Technology isn't moving fast enough.
link me yo
Oh, wow. Well okay
More on the clean/futuristic side. But some of both. The style in Akira is very nice if you've seen it
>tfw no qt cyper punk friends
That is amazing
May 15
: (
>cyberpunk thread
>haven't seen Akira
How many people you think that gonna be
That's my birthday
I haven't seen it
There are some weirdos
I know, happy late birthday you wonderful bastard.
I'm so confused. Do you know me? Is my birthday on souncloud?
source on this?
why you no run Linux?
This is my first day on Sup Forums and you're creeping me out
>implying all cyberpunks like animes
nope user, more surprising should be people not reading the book that started it all.
What is the best Tox client nowadays? Is it still qTox or have the uTox devs woken up since?
at least you're not rockin an iphone.
I got nothing but love for ya in this cyberpunk thread though and wish you the best with your music. Just keep in mind technology is a double-edged sword.
cyberpunk: a genre of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology.
If your goal was to piss me off, you've done it.
I have an old sharp car radio cassette player that I use in my room to listen to radio stations when all my other shit is off.
There's something to be said about powering down all your shit and not having the buzz of the net constantly surrounding you .
That's probably the most cyb thing I do. Looks ghetto as fuck, but its a beautiful piece of fully working tech and I couldn't bare to throw it out. It was my father's.
Pic is similar model.
not my goal, just wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday is all.
didn't intend to fuck your mood up.
For me birthdays are not so much about celebrating someone getting a year older but celebrating someone's existence.
You can do great things in your life, and change the course of the world with your existence if you so choose to do it. You can do it, I truly believe in you user.
there really is something to it.
thanks for sharing that user, much appreciated.
Define real time.
As someone who studied cartography, and laser-based measurement systems...
It is kinda possible.
There are cars equipped with laser scanner, which basically scan everything around them in real time.
Problem is that what you get is a very high resolution point cloud of terrain. That takes shitload of space.
Even moving it from point based geometry to polygon based takes quite some time( i7 3770k 10x10m area using delone Triangulation took one hour).
You could write an algorithm to simplify the point cloud and work on the simplified chunks but... That too requires Damn much computing power, and also bandwidth - you need to transmit data from car to some designated workstation.
The only thing that could be considered real time is a very low resolution point cloud, then simplified by algorithm, then apply delone Triangulation to the leftover points.
Upside? Fast
Downside? Accuracy will be so fucking low that it won't be a map anymore - more akin to visualization.
You also could use a photos - but they require extra step - converting photo-pairs to point cloud. And you need to know some dimensions on each photographed object.
To scale the cloud properly.
Better Idea would be to generate a lidar map of a city, then apply some kind of differential algorithm.
Get your position via phase GPS and glonass, create virtual point cloud from your position, align them by some common, static objects - Street signs?
Then compare them both, and work only on new data.
i think that mirrors edge is very cyberpunk, it is not really dirty, but people can either obeying the system, or are lowlife outcasts
what is FPGA data processing
holy fuck
No Bloody idea, quick Google returned nothing of value related to the lidar.
learn computer architecture. x86 processors not very good in task like this.
How the fuck do you guys actually use these things? Seriously?
Even if it wasn't just some fucking cosplay from your bullshit shadowrun shit they're three times the size they need to be, and on top of that uncomfortable as fuck to use.
I tried typing on a watchphone, the hardest part wasn't the screen size, it's how fucking awkward it is to try and crisscross your arms and type, especially if you have to push the nontyping elbow away from you to get space.
You shits are so uncreative with the design, you try to make the shit look like you're all leet hacksaws but none of you even seem to know the most basic diy electronics.
How is that shit cyberpunk?
Handwire a keyboard out of mx blues hooked up to a 32u4 pumping shit into a stripped down dev board and plaster the base of the unit with lipol batteries. There, something the size of a mini tenkeyless with enough power to run a vr headset for two hours.
>transparent OLED
I assume we're going with either transparent quantum dot or LFE as a future display tech.
Well. Go make one in your cuck shed then
I fucking will and it'll be the best fucking cyberdeck you shits have ever fucking seen.
Not previous guys but do it.
I like idea of deck, but they seem so cumbersome.