Good evening Sup Forums. I'm thinking about getting pic related (or maybe a 2DS). Any reason I shouldn't...

Good evening Sup Forums. I'm thinking about getting pic related (or maybe a 2DS). Any reason I shouldn't? And where's the cheapest place to get games and memory cards?


unless you're a weeb, then there really are no games for it.

Quite frankly, fancy paperweight

3DS has homebrew/hacks and is therefore much more Sup Forums tier

I dunno, mate. The Vita is a marketing failure on Sony's part, but literally everyone I know who owns one loves the fucking thing to death. Your call, mate.

Vita barely has any games and all the good weeb vita games are digital only while the PS3/PS4 iterations have physical releases (and they're quite cheap).

Just get the 3DS, you'll actually play it.
I've played nothing but animal crossing for the last year and a half and couldn't be happier.

don't get a 3ds they are a joke. this is 2016 and the graphics on it look like shit and their game titles are boring.

The Vita is super comfy, it's pretty much worth it for being able to play PS1/PSP/and the few good Vita games in bed.

Do you know Japanese?
Do you like weeb games?

If you answered yes to both of those questions, go for it. I've enjoyed the heck out of mine. Otherwise, I don't see much point.

Not really Sup Forums though.

This is what I use mine for. Especially worth it for me since I never owned a PS1 or PSP,.

OP here. I can get a Vita, 32GB memory card, and 4 games for $300. While I can get a 2DS, 64GB SD card, and 5 games for the same cost. Decisions, decisions.

If you get a 3DS you can pirate all the games.

No games, second mortgage for a memory card.

Saying inb4 doesn't make either of those any less true. It's so dead that no one even cares enough to hack the thing.

OP here. Where exactly would I get the pirated games? Are the new games available? And how would I put homebrew on in the first place. Thanks.

Doesn't the 3ds have a 32gb limit unless you get the n3ds?

Guess I'll stick with 32. Honestly, there's no reason to get the new 3DS unless you want the extra nub or the handful of exclusives.

load times are significantly faster tho
also, the touch screen feels nicer

the price difference is negligible, just get the new one

> game titles are boring
> rhythm heaven megamix just released

Sorry lad, but $80 vs $200 isint negligible, especially for a college student like me.

Maybe you should be studying instead of playing vidya?

you need to know a few things first:

1. Get the PS Vita 2000, or the slim, because it's lighter and actually has a built-in 300 something megabyte of memories for game storage.

2. Prepare for the lack of games localized in foreign languages. Thanks, sony.

3. Expensive SD jew cards. 100 for 64 GB

Buy all your shite online via playasia or something.

Good to know that I am not the only one that has been playing Rhythm Heaven Megamix obsessively since it came out.


16GB internal storage, compact form factor, better LCD

I'm still playing WipEout 2048.

get the PS tv

Get an Nvidia K1 Shield.

Hardware wise it's a beast, and all around good tablet. (Great audio, good graphics performance, good screen, great battery.) Root and debloat it, though or battery life is lol.

Can also recommend JXD s7800b or Singularity 192 with similar hardware but worse QA etc for about the same price but the added bonus of hardware controls built into the actual device's case.

You can also pirate games on psvita.

but how

OP this is my opinion of course, but:

PS Vita: No. Because even though it's the best portable out there in terms of specs and has a really nice screen, it does lack games. I used to shit on the PSP in terms of games but it has a much bigger library. As an emulation device, there are still better alternatives.

2DS: No. It might be comfier or cheaper, but the New 3DS currently is pretty hackable (with some risk involved of course) and it's still pretty good for emulation, has quite a few games worth checking out and considering that it's still a DS and you can make any old blocked DS flashcart work on it now, it's much more of a better investment.

I have an original 3DS and I still love it but a hacked new 3DS is much more worthy with shit like retroarch and official SNES virtual console.

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