So i had a tempered glass desk, for like 4 years it has been fine...

So i had a tempered glass desk, for like 4 years it has been fine. About 2 hours ago it fucking exploded while i was using my computer like i do every day. Rest in peace all of my equipment.

Don't fall for glass desk meme, pic related.


all cleaned up now though so thats nice :)

You should stick to all natural remedies.

>Faggot rages at vidya
>Breaks all his shit
>Blames the desk
Nice try senpai. My sperglord room mate broke my wii u tablet the other day cause his friend beat him in mario party. You faggots deserve to burn, works for me tho cause he had to buy a whole new console to replace it. topkek.

but i was just watching the news....

Did anything actually break? One of my monitor arms broke last year, panel dropped a good 3 1/2 ft and still works fine. As for the desktop, unless the GPU broke out of the PCI-E slot you should be fine?

I was going to make a shitpost, but when I opened your original post image I couldn't help but feel bad too

I'm sorry this happened OP, we all know what its like to have shit break on us. Does your pc and other shit still work fine though?

tempered glass does this. Its full of potential energy

All it takes is a tiny imperfection to make the whole tabletop dangerously unstable, and a bump in the right spot, or uneven heating from a sunny window or say a cold drink, and the whole thing can explode. usually it happens when nobody is around to even witness it

>computer on top of desk
You deserved this, TBQH.

You see user this is why you make your own desk. Wood is cheap and it can be customized exactly how you want it.

Haven't checked on the PC itself yet, i need to go to sleep soon because work in the morning...Just finished cleaning up. I'm hoping most of the hardware will be ok though. There was definitely glass shards inside when i picked it up so im kinda concerned about that, ill have blow it out.

Did you throw a tantrum because you were you angry that Trump's chances of becoming president are spiraling out of the realm of possibility?

lol get fucked alex

selfmade wooden desks are unlimited freetard equipment.

This. /diy/ is lyfe.
You wouldn't buy a prebuilt PC, why should you buy a prebuilt desk?

100% getting a hard wooden desk next. I'm super done with meme desks.

How long have you had your sub beat down on that glass?

Oh god don't scare me like this. I'm currently using a glass desk, I worry too much about this.

>tempered glass desk
Resonant frequency, glass doesn't bend as well as other materials.

Get your tower, as well as any heat producing equipment off the glass you fucking sperg. Did any of you even graduate high school?

Don't let you're are waifu die in a tragic tabling accident.
Replace it NOW!

Speakers have actually been unplugged, but on the desk, for about a year, so it wasn't the sub.

Your mechanical harddrives are for sure fucked, but the monitor might be fine still if it didn't land face down. And the other components of that PC are probably still good.

>thinks it's heat
It's resonance.

>we all know what its like to have shit break on us.

Speak for yourself, dipshit. Some of us are content to not wallow in ignorance.

Glass is non conductive and as long as it isn't up in any fans you're alright.


>Thinks fluctuations in temperature doesn't affect glass

Resonance can, hot then cold are far more likely a suspect as they're the #1 killer of glass desks. Fucktard probably never heard of a coaster either.

do yourself a favor and get a sheet of plywood, cut it down to exactly the dimensions of the glass top, and put the wood under the glass.

I absolutely would not trust tempered glass with all that stuff. are both of those tables glass? Its not a matter of being heavy, its simply a question of quality of glass. even top quality tempered glass can explode unexpectedly if it has sustained even a tiny amount of damaged

budget tempered glass likely already has the damage internalized in the form of manufacturing defects that are just waiting for the glass to take stress the wrong way and BOOM goes the tabletop

Front panel bit on the case is gonna need some duct tape. The part that connects it to the rest of the case is broken in half. :(((

why do people do this?
it's only acceptable if you're a faggot that just uses a laptop


>all that unnecessary heavy shit on your desk
>1/2 a cm thin tempered glass

You sure are a fuckin' idiot! Your desk has to be a MINIMUM of 2 inches thick to support all that weight dumbass.

>Not getting a nerf case

I guess I could see it if it was a glass with ice and his computer were venting downward. Even then, though, it's a bit of a stretch.

Get it off the desk now before you shatter it.

>all that heavy shit
>a fucking rackserver
>fragile as fuck CRT
>watercooling on your desktop
>all on a material as stable as TNT

get that shit off now.

I do not have enough money to justify buying a new desk right now. I only have to put up with it for another few months.

Most things are placed overtop of supports, only concerned about the server.

I never understood why people would want a desk/table made out of glass.
After seeing that they spontaneously explode I'm even more confused.

>Note he has Beyerdynamic DT 880s
>Likely has a fairly powerful headphone amp sitting on desk
>Those things get hot.

Constantly putting your icy cold beverage on the glass that has been heating up for hours on end, sooner or later, is going to end very poorly. Get a piece of tempered glass, this is almost sure to happen if you repeat the process over 100 days or so as it causes tiny, near impossible spider web cracking in the glass.

I had a glass topped coffee table that exploded one day while I was firing up a dab on top of it. blowtorch was at least 8 inches from the table but I guess I should have been less of a deadbeat and considered the consequences

that is a beautiful setup.

All the air was venting in from below, and the front, out the rear. You can see my coaster next to the mouse pad in pic 1, the white thing with a red stripe.

I think the desk must have just had a small imperfection somewhere like people have been saying.

take the shortcut and kill yourself

jesus how do you even sleep at night
get that shit off there right now
buy a fucking real desk

BUILD BUILD BUILD! Why the fuck do people buy desks just make one!

It's not weight but instability in the glass guys. Don't matter how fat his gear was. It was defective glass.

you obviously dont understand the physical properties of glass.

its not a matter of thickness or weight. all the explosive energy is already in the glass, holding itself together. thin glass can hold an amazing amount of weight, its just far too rigid to allow for vibrations to propagate or uneven heating

>onahole masquerading as artpiece

>8 years same glass desk
>No high heat electronics directly on glass
>Use coasters
>No speakers on glass surface
>Don't put more than 30-40lbs on any leaf of the desk, maximum of 50-60lbs on entire desk

Sorry for your bad luck OP, but it's kind of common sense man..

Nah I think it will be ok. I will build a new one eventually.

>popcorn ceiling

Made me vomit in my mouth a little bit tbqhf

sorry bud but my drugs are safer than just about anything else I could enjoy doing

except for the exploding desk part, that was probably somewhat dangerous

>I need a table to put heavy stuff on, including the pressure of my elbows

You guys need to stop smoking weed

the glass is visibly bending slightly...

dear lord

>$99 for 2 Costco glass desk
>5 non-trivial scratches counting right now, bunch of little scratches all over
>Both monitors, mechanical kb, headphones and mouse sitting on top; tower under
It'll be okay, right?

Jesus it's already buckling under the weight.

Oh I know. Had to move quickly with no time to get an ideal place. Moving in a month.

Fuck, this is an accident waiting to happen.

No it won't.

>spend hundreds on speakers
>fuck it, just put them anywhere


All you can do is watch and wait for the destruction to happen on its own.

Had them prior to this setup, they will be properly placed soon.

Is that a saber lily figure in the back?

Naw I doubt that would happen. He should really clean of that desk though, I don't know how people can be so filthy.

yeah lol I just opened it up in an image editor to compare it to a straight line and that shit looks like an accident waiting to happen

Home made desk reporting in. Shits not cheap.

But glass is all natural, your point is moot.

>The glass it warping from stress

Holy fucking shit dude

Im beginning to see where i went wrong...

Yes, yes it is. There's a racing miku 2015 sitting on the other one. My friends keep buying me animu figures as gifts, I've never owned one prior. I'm not sure how this started but I guess it's alright lol

Beautiful finish, though the legs have that ``apartment building under construction'' thing going on.

Those are some top tier friends you got there.

Its ok guys trust me.

Kinda. But I guess that it has to go through a process that isn't natural right? Wood comes straight from nature.

Maybe that's just the aesthetic.

Yes it's the juxtaposition of the raw metal against the warm wood.


I've been hitting mine out of rage at times. Had it for 3 years so far but definitely hope that doesn't happen to me. Fucking wish I wasn't broke. Been wanting to make a desk for a while.

I happen to really like the hardware. looks like you could get some standard pipe clamps and mount some sweet hardware directly to the legs of your desk. If it were me I'd have a mic on a boom arm, rack clamped to your table leg.


Unless you chop a tree and use it like that, wood, especially engineered wood goes through processing as well though.

>Four already heavy computers



Just look at it! Will ya? I can't even sleep thinking about that desk wherever you are and that its about to break.

Yes it is. It would depend on the wood you use and how much detail you want in it. Around $200 for a desk that will last your entire lifetime.

i for one think you will own that desk for many years to come and it will never fail you

you should still be fucking terrified though, that shit looks like a major problem waiting to happen

holy shit that it going to be an absolute clusterfuck when that desk goes

And I do mean when.

Any thoughts on having a desk made of concrete? Or some sort of polished stone?

You must be retarded to think shaping wood changes it from wood to something else.

Your reply shows how fucking stupid you are. Until you can replace the desk, FUCKING REMOVE MOST OF THAT SHIT.

I mean are you that stupid? Take most of that off the desk for now. The old system, take it off, the server rack, take it off...all the crap you have piled on those desks, take it off for now. Box/bin it up. Put your case on a fucking box/piece of wood under the desk for now.

I mean really. Are you this fucking stupid? I mean looking at that pile of crap you sit in kinda says so, but do you realize it?

you wont want to be under it when it collapses if it wasn't built right

Lol ya right. The 2" galvanized steel pipe and kee clamps holding it together are
~$350 and the wood unfinished is a 2.5'x5' piece of white maple that will run you $300 plus the cost of stain and polyurethane.

Maybe if you made it out of plywood and cardboard you could build one for $200

It would be heavy as fuck and would not be good placed just anywhere in a house. Like a counter top? That would be fine I guess but would not look very good.

Too heavy to be practical.

Just get a mac you retard.

Stop! Pls no more... I just looked at that pic for like 2 min and a bead of sweat broke out on my forehead.


That is not entirely self made user. You get the wood and cut it and bond it together yourself like the pic shows not buy it already done. Holy shit you really overpaid.

You obviously have no idea how to handle money if you use over 650$ to make a crappy looking desk like that

you didnt even round off the corners your arms are on
the legs looks hilariously ugly too

what the fuck man, just get a mac.