Why can't japs into Web Design?

Why can't japs into Web Design?

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>implying this isnt great web design

Japs don't adopt tech very quickly, so they design sites in a way that would run on hardware from 15 years ago.


That's what makes it great web design

>website is not in the shitty meme material design
>thinks that is bad

watchu talkin bout, homie


More information instead of more css3 flexbox and transforms

>doesnt have 20MB of proprietary javascript
>doesnt have a loading spinner
>page isnt filled with scrollto events
>doesnt autoplay any videos

must be a shit website

Well, hopefully. The issue with 15 year old design is that it might miss some genuinely clever things. For example there are an awful lot of plain hyperlinks there which are hopefully hyperlinked divs, simply for ease of use (particularly on mobile).

I wasn't necessarily agreeing with OP, even if I do have some potential reservations about this kind of design. Even so my concerns aren't rooted in the absence of bloat.


I'm super jelly of jap webdesigners, I would love to be allowed to do some vertical typography too.

>scroll down to load more content

Ease of use over pretentious bullshit

with how absolutely pervasive smartphone use is over there, it's amazing just how little their sites are optimized for mobile viewing

Yeah but do they use those smartphones primarily via apps? If so, the design of a website isn't as important if the vast majority of your users employ a different point of access.

Mobile websites are pure cancer, second only to those that require a bullshit botnet app.

>the vast majority of websites that have a app have a mobile site that works just the same as the app

japanese people are impatient. if page takes too long to load completely they move on to the next site.

The way it looks doesnt matter yhey just need faster servers goddamn I feel slow on japanese sites

>being this retarded

you presumably live clear on the other side of the globe

now you know why Australians are such salty sons of bitches

It's fucking sexy, unironically. 2ch is a good example, all that text is sexy to me. I want Sup Forums to look like this. (Keeping pictures of course)

I think it's an extreme example of form following function.

Just a different taste to yours. Cultural differences and that.

Even you have a different taste now compared to you from 10 years back.

>just need faster servers goddamn I feel slow on japanese sites
It takes a little bit for that website to go though the series of tubes and travel halfway across the globe to reach you.

>Click link in Jap site
>Hit left mouse button
>Link opens in new tab

programming is in english but they speak japanese

>tfw you will never be a 3dpd kawaii uguu nipponese grill

Why even live?

You live for the sole purpose to whet my blade..!

That's not supposed to be a threat, right? Because it would make no sense. Using a blade on a person would dull it, or at best have no significant effect. The only way anyone is whetting your blade is if you're paying them to work it on a stone.

If you're unintelligent you can't assimilate visual information as efficiently and need lots of obvious cues and sparse, simple designs to get around without becoming frustrated.

If you're more intelligent, OP's pic is like reading a billboard that says "burger" in terms of cognitive ease.

America, shitty web design central, is full of niggers, rednecks, and mexicans. Nothing else.

japan is not.

Just looking at the color scheme...
It's disgusting

This is a good design. This is all we ever needed.

It has that really A E S T H E T I C default IDE look to it.

>he's never been to pixiv

>he hasnt been to pixiv
no because im not a wapanese faggot

Two types of red, two types of green, four types of blue, orange, yellow and gray only in the navigation. Is it Christmas yet?
Also the last 3 button can be pushed to the far right.

Was meant for

>Sup Forumsays defending this shit

Just shows how tasteless you retards. There's no practicality in this either.

have you ever been to japan? everything looks like this, the tv shows, the stores and also (unsurprisingly) the websites

>no kissu

They haven't gotten into third party services as much as the west has.

As such you can block ads on their sites effectively without breaking the site or having to unblock a bunch of domains for the rest of the site to work.

Basically, their Web Design may be shit, but it is actually functional.

I think it depends on the location of the store, but I'd believe it.
But I've never actually been so what the hell do i know.

> never seen Ideapocket's site

OP is not really looking at good samples

Yodobashi Camera is awesome.

tfw still remember the theme song

I really want to go to all of them, but Yodobashi and Lemon are ones that really stand out to me.
It's a damn shame that Yodobashi's legendary film selection is apparently shrinking by the year, and it'll probably be down to a single fridge by the time I could get the time and money to take a vacation there.

Well, if you go to Akihabara there are other choices for films that will probably cover you.

15 years ago it would have been an obnoxious shithole too.

This is actually a pretty valid theory. A lot of high schools outside of major cities like Tokyo and Osaka didn't have more than a couple of computers until this decade.

Better than fagbook and whatever cancer that new YouTube shit is.

All American companies want to do is make everything look like you're on a fucking smartphone, I didn't build a 2000 dollar pc to pretend I'm on a chink phone goddammit.

There are ways to make sites with that design which aren't shitholes. It just comes through in the organization and function rather than the aesthetics. Of Dieter Rams' ten principles of good design, only three are directly concerned with looks--aesthetics, understandability and unobtrusiveness. The rest are about function and thoughtfulness.

I think the worst you could say about that Japanese site design is that it's ugly and somewhat obtrusively busy. Meanwhile it ticks off almost all of the practical principles.

That's crazy, there's 4, or even 5 fixed content columns, the site will be a huge pain to read on any small computer, tablet or mobile device. The public has shifted to smaller screens, if the site's design isn't compatible and doesn't adapt, then the site crap and they're to blame.