Everyone hates Alienware

>everyone hates Alienware
>everyone hates gaming laptops

You know, it just makes me want to buy one even more when it makes people mad. I do light gaming and need a laptop for portability reasons, it's as cheap or cheaper than other gaming laptops and I've wanted an Alienware since the late 90s. With the graphics amplifier I can use any GPU on the market with it while I'm at my desk. Why shouldn't I just get one?

Just buy one if you want one so much

You know, you can just do whatever the hell you like, imagine that. All people here are saying that they are shitty deals, look like shit and may have really shitty other specs (battery life, noise, heat). If that still doesn't convince you not to buy one, then go ahead, nobody cares.

>i want a product
>i am aware that Sup Forums will laugh at me for buying this product
>instead of making a decision between my desire for the product and my desire to avoid the scorn of internet strangers, i will make a passive aggressive thread on Sup Forums attempting to justify the purchase both to Sup Forums and myself
>unwittingly i will only attract more disdain this way than if i'd just bought the product
>i will leave myself even more paralyzed by indecision than i was before

I bought one. And I still regret it.

Get it if you want one. They're actually decent laptops.

Personally though, I wouldn't get one because the cooling solution makes them too bulky.

story of nearly everyone on Sup Forums


>You know, it just makes me want to buy one even more when it makes people mad
Won't make anyone mad. We'll just make fun of you for buying it, and you'll think we're mad.

Just buy one faggot, you don't need Sup Forums's permission.

Buy a laptop with an A10 APU
Shit can handle everything you throw at it, plus its not overpriced unlike gaymmuur garbage. Doesn't even heat much either

I own one

What do you not like about it?

I'm used to a thinkpad so I'm no stranger to bulky.

Sup Forums is not going to retain you from spending your bucks.
Also no one will know what hardware you use to shitpost
You'll get laugh at when asking for tech support but you already know that and don't seem t mind.

also :

>You know, it just makes me want to buy one even more when it makes people mad
wowow OP no need to get drastic
think about the children

>light gaming
Are you playing old games? Get a normal laptop. You can play Planescape Torment, Age of Empires, FTL, and Star Wars Republic Commando on fucking anything modern these days.

If you're trying to play AAA gaymes you can fuck right off back to .

I play big world builders like City Skylines along with SWGEMU and my thinkpad can't handle them quite the way I like. I could care less about AAA trash.

Over heats. Bulky enough to not use outside of house.

Then go for it.
I'm currently using a netbook because of the fantastic battery life and portability, not sure how I'd handle that extra bulk all of a sudden.

Beautiful post

Sup Forums is not the real world

but.. no offense their laptops looks like toys for 12 y/o

Asus g series 17" ones are good. Heavy but most inaudible and cool temps wise.

you must buy one as long as you make some people mad, this is the most important thing in gayming lagtops

People hate Alienware because they can't afford one
People hate gaming laptops because they can't afford one

>the real world
The real world isn't tech literate.

Of course you're allowed to buy an alienware laptop. However, it's a bad choice, a dumb thing to do. Don't say you weren't warned.

>You know, it just makes me want to buy one even more when it makes people mad.
I'm not angry, I'm sad. I find it awful that these companies continue to find unwitting customers. I find it depressing that I fell for this, not having listened to Sup Forums. I find it sad that things have actually gotten worse since then, with both AMD and Nvidia moving the top end card into the 120 watt TDP bracket instead of the already ridiculous 100 watt TDP bracket they previously occupied.

Gaming laptops can be compared to having an incontinent dog. It'll piss on the carpet and chew up your sofa but you'll still love it. You won't ever want another one though.

Listening to Sup Forums is one of the worst things a person can possibly do. However person should always do their own research outside Sup Forums and then decide because most of people fall into fanboyism or blatant fucking poorfaggotry here.

For laptops:
1) See what people (who own it) have said about said product from multiple sources.

2) Notebookcheck.net

3) Google it

you're retarded. desktop + cheap laptop is the only acceptable solution to your woes.

yes all the drawbacks are true

however I bought the 800usd dell inspiron with a 960m and an extra ram stick. I move around a lot and having very portable power has been extremely helpful, I can LAN with friends and work wherever I go. the tradeoff is portability and it's worth whatever you make of it

quit asking Internet strangers to justify your decisions

>People hate gaming laptops because they can't afford one
Or you know because of the shit ergonomics and compromised thermal performance and the weight and the aesthetic choices made by the manufacturers and the crippled battery life...

Video Games are technology you stupid autist.

summed it up

if you like gay men, go and take as many cocks a you can fit in your butt

do you speak truth?