I started out last year as a programmer in a pretty big corporation and now a year and a half later I no longer code...

I started out last year as a programmer in a pretty big corporation and now a year and a half later I no longer code. I only sit in meetings and am considering killing myself on a daily basis.

Just wanted to let you know that there is no hope. Everyone can learn to program but the vast majority are retards like Pajeet or some feminist affirmative action cunts who have no passion in engineering and are just trying to survive by fucking everything up as little as possible to not get fired before the next pay check. Everyone gets a chance but there are too few really good developers.

Also, Microsoft, Apple, etc and all open source software projects suck ass. Everything ever made. The worst offenders are probably Microsoft with: Metro design, Windows 10 lockdown, Active Directory, IIS & TFS. All of it is awful, follows no standards or guidelines, is uncustomizable and pandering to retards who still manage to fuck up their systems because they read somewhere about ILSpy and fuck it all up.

And Agile and Scrum only work when there are no managers which means never. Go ahead and find random blog posts about Scrum being shit and you will see only managers defending scrum in the comment sections.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Agile and Scrum only work when there are no managers
I have good experience with SCRUM though. (not a proffesional yet though, but I've seen the guys at PopCap do it pretty good)

>None of them has dicks

I want to cuddle with those girls.

It makes me angry that I can't cuddle with my bros without being called gay.

Leak the source code for the lulz

As far as i know that last person to leak source code was from a Tesla car and they downgraded his car to an earlier firmware. So he just rooted the car

Mate, have you considered starting your own business? Make some cash from your love of programming and stop being depressed from slowly dying in a corp world. I bet you can find some people thinking the same way, even on this board. Sure, it's risky, but hey, a couple of clever guys can find their niche. Simply avoid pajeet riddled saturated market, like mobile apps.

Me on the right with the nice ass

Please user give source for the love of Stallman.


not OP but found this with reverse image search

>I only sit in meetings and am considering killing myself on a daily basis.

So you got promoted to a systems analyst.

Who's this semen demons?


d to let you know that there is no hope. Everyone can learn to program but the vast majority are retards like Pajeet or some feminist affirmative action cunts who have no passion in engineering and are just trying to survive by fucking everything up as little as possible to not get fired before the next pay check. Everyone gets a chance but there are too few really good developers.

This is why I havent wanted to be a dev yet. I'm passionate about computer science, but I know in a mediocre programmer. I know I'm getting better and better but I don't want to come in and not be able to deliver the quality of work tbat would meet my personal standards. So I'm just in cocoon mode, upping my skills, mastering the application of paradigms and algorithms and basically honing my craft. I sense that there are others like me out there. I just wanna come in and pull my weight but also work with colleagues who are a source of inspiration and wisdom, not a ball and chain

The entire IT industry is in fact a joke
Learned that the same way as OP it seems

Shop that to say git gud

>no nudes

wow that's a nice quality meme you have right there if I do so say so myself frienderino

Why was this deleted?

Give them up then :^)

>I can't into writing code so I'm now a corporate cuck
If you're a good developer you'll always have work. And that work will be interesting as you can pick whatever you want. Big corporations are awful from developer standpoint in most cases. I'm currently in a major financial institute as a dev and it's one of the exceptions I've encountered. Obviously there are loads of managers but they know their shit and instead of micromanaging us they keep shit rolling so the devs don't have to worry about mundane stuff. And there's quite a bit of rigidity due to compliance reasons but you just can't get away from that when you're in the finance sector. But the work is really interesting and I get to work on awesome systems.

Technically we do scrum, and most teams follow it closely, but what our team does is more closer to kanban/scrumban.

If you're a mediocre developer it's gonna be hard finding an interesting dev job and you'll have to take whatever you can get.

enjoy being left behind. by the time you'll "master your skills", you'll be too old for any dev position and pajeet will be a manager

First off, I've been in this game for a pretty long time. Ive always been self motivated, requiring little to no supervision. I'm currently at an employer who has no real software development process. Management is completely hands off but unfortunately my coworkers abuse the situation. Sitting on tasks for weeks on end, patching/band aiding crap daily rather than finding permanent fixes.
I hate micro management. Hell, I've quit over it before. But I've actually suggested that we adopt scrum just to find out what the fuck people are doing on a daily basis.

and get hit in the face by production

>tfw work in academia
>no more coding, doing mostly UX dev now

It won't work. I learned how clients think. It's all over.

System Analyst did not have any changes yet. It's the "senior" adjective that fucked me up.

Just stay away or do hard drugs. Or go into the medical segment. Nobody there is outsourcing to Pajeets or hiring students. Possibly very little nepotism occurring there too.


>>I can't into writing code so I'm now a corporate cuck
Nobody will hire you for coding (only consulting) once your LinkedIn mentions a certain level of experience. But that's okay I see that you're just a graduate.

Nothing is interesting. There's only so much to learn about programming until you know most concepts without losing interest.

I noticed that there are no more UX developers (only designers) in our company. Watch out. Or not. What do I know?

*changes in job description

I love working in the small company I do right now. The pay isn't as high as working at big corps but it's fun and my boss understands technology.

thank you

>is uncustomizable
>pandering to retards
You have clearly never had to actually utilize or manage a TFS system.

Sure you can add a field to a view, but can you make merges between branches populate associations with work items to that merge checkin?

You can't adjust the changeset during its creation and you can't associate the work items to a changeset that is being created.

>inb4 create a timed task to associate them
Nice Pajeet solution there.
>inb4 ILSpy
No Microsoft partner will allow undocumented or unsupported changes.

Thanks anyway

Found the manager bois

Or a Scrum Master in denial.

Paying 1500$ for a certificate in "common sense" makes you the opposite of hire-able.

I work for the government.

I work from home at least 1 day a week

I do less than 1 hour of real work per day

I oversee a fiscal spending budget of over $5M USD for our department. I pretty much just buy cool and interesting technology stuff for me peers all day.

Everyone I work with is excellent.

I don't have a degree. I'm 26. I make $70k. It's not the best but it's not bad. The benefits are incredible.

I also sit in meetings much of my time. Work is what you make it. Stop living to work.

You seem to be okay with that for some reason...

Subconsciously implies cronyism and slacking in every future employer reviewing your CV.
>I oversee a fiscal spending budget of over $5M USD for our department. I pretty much just buy cool and interesting technology stuff for me peers all day.
Confirmed slacking and wasting of the budget.

>I don't have a degree. I'm 26. I make $70k. It's not the best but it's not bad. The benefits are incredible.
Like every person ever to work in IT.

I believe you just sold this wrong. Maybe you're not used to be the presenter in meetings. Can you maybe explain how that "I pretty much just buy cool and interesting technology stuff for me peers all day." sentence does not imply wasting of government money?

Being sceptical is fun.

>you will never become an agile scrum ninja and master multi level 3d matrix synergetic development teams

Why even live?

I know you're kidding but if the Scrum.org guys find your post they will really implement that phrase as a real title.

But is it mobile? How does it scale?


gladly, if i had them

>tfw you'd have no problems being in meetings all the time

Fuck, why are you complaining? You're objectively doing less work than if you were slaving away coding.

>all open source software projects suck ass. Everything ever made.

This ncmpcpp window wants to cuddle you

Please share your config

That attitude makes you gay

mpd as a server, ncmpcpp as a client, I run it in urxvt.

I set it up using this guide: crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=182574

Follow it, and remember to not run it as a system service but as a user service: create ~/.config/autostart/mpd.desktop with the following inside:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Music Player Daemon
Comment=Server for playing audio files

urxvt conf (Solarized theme) found on Github: gist.github.com/yevgenko/1167205

plastik theme for KDE 5

I think I said everything, hope you're fine with that.

chan4chan.com, it's written on the image

To avoid confusion, don't run mpd with an init manager such as OpenRC or systemd but as a command, just like ncmpcpp.

"$ mpd" is probably ok, the desktop entry is just here to automate the process for what I recall. Just kill the system service/daemon before.

>doing the MIT challenge while neet
>doing games because I like them
>soon I'll become like Pixel and ZUN
living the dream.

>>soon I'll become like Pixel and ZUN