Post Sup Forums shit

Post Sup Forums shit

Fuck you

Sure thing, son.


How much you wanna bet these ifucks showed more sadness towards their cult leader dying than they will for their own parents?




I think equally.

Afterall, our identity is not based on commercialism but rather the fact that you're human.

i like the one that just says Dale.

>Afterall, our identity is not based on commercialism

Top kek


sure is hivemind in here

kek, russian soundblaster clone



m a l l - w a v e
a e s t h e t i c s

eBay sellers that leave pictures of their product key

Also, why is vista like 50$ and XP 64 bit is 100$+

Anime website

AMD website*



I go to private listing sites and 50% of laptops for sale by old ladies and girls have pictures of the lisence on them

That's some shit for the X-Files right there

How did it get up there?

Aliens put it there

Ok thanks alot


What does the Rexdale Kulaha thing mean?

A classic, better than SICP

That's fucking cool as shit.



what a loser

maybe his keyboard is non functional?



It's more likely they grew up on touchscreens and never learned to use a keyboard effectively.


>laptops with tactile screens
>literally the most useless gimmick of the 201x
>Windows 10 is 8.1 but full of shitty tablet gimmicks
>mfw windows is moving towards shitty tablet interfaces

I don't get it.

Some guy probably thought the Wii U was going to be the next PS2/Wii, and he would be able to sell each one at a $200+ profit

Fun Fact: In the weeks following the launch of google images there was a small issue of people searching for "credit card" and actually getting ones that worked. Kinda similar.

He's one of the greats

-> Coworker shows me a doc in her laptop...
-> point to something in the screen...
-> "carefull, it is touch-screen"
-> inside thought : "why the fuck you need a fucking touch screen in your fucking laptop"

I’m typing on one right now. Obviously not with the OSK, but it doesn’t hurt. Sometimes when I read books I set the screen to portrait, turn the laptop, and use touch to turn the pages.

it did

that reminds me of the BSD clusters before Sony had to shit on everyone's dreams like usual


hab sum fum with miiku

Dumb Maki poster

Is that a fucking monitor?

>black to white crime statistics

On the flipside, spectacular reality posits that these things make society more authentic somehow.


>just incase anyone was planning to bomb AMD

>not my desktop size
looks like I got my work cut out for me

>How much you wanna bet these ifucks showed more sadness towards their cult leader dying than they will for their own parents?
It isn't about legitimate sadness, it's about being part of something. Feeling important for a few minutes etc. People are bored and people do weird shit like that to turn their lives into something seemingly bigger, even though it has no substance. It's a pretty disgusting facet of human behaviour, but then again I'm on Sup Forums and there are way worse kids here.

See death of pretty much every famous person, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Prince etc. Suddenly everybody was this life long secret hardcore fan.

Edgy XD

How do they communicate?

Some weird kind of agp/pci?

>Le racism is bad XD

Get you tetranigger

Reminds me when I was prewiring at a site with and union electricians happened to be there at the same time. They somehow found out we weren't union and they cut all out cat 5 after we left. Unions are cancer.

its ethernet you dumb retard

>They somehow found out we weren't union and they cut all out cat 5 after we left
They got away with it?

I'm black and I know that it's fact that more black people are involved with crime.
Presenting facts doesn't make me edgy, it makes you a sensitive white boy patronising other races.

blacks can't spell, you're lying.

Joyce is my nigga, though.

no, it's your mom's vagina.

as long as you're /lit/-approved, you're good then.

>Presenting facts doesn't make me edgy, it makes you a sensitive white boy patronising other races.

Posting facts that are completely unrelated to the thread for some middle school humor is pretty edgy.

being a fucking faggot is pretty gay


Critiquing posts as if you own the forum is pretty exasperate.

we reddit now?

dat twintail

I'm in love.

Shooped, I can see the pixels


Makes one think, because Steve Jobs face is literally being shown so many times, whereas family member aren't.


nah man, irl is composed of really small pixels that are so densely packed that you normally can't see them, but that's a really good camera that was used

Does someone have the story of rms asking a girl to be her honorary girlfriend ?



Doesn't look real. Windows XP Embedded has a different load screen

mightve been normal xp?

I used to play RTS games way back when touchscreens on laptops where a rarity.

das nice

No, dis isn't smart

Coolest thing I've seen all day, reminds me of a fallout like pc part

This gets my dick hard

Pleb, RJ45 port on the back, never noticed it?

What, Prince is dead? Damn

And? Nothing happened?

Wow, you really must be denying really hard to think that's edgy.

Shut up


Anime living shitposter. Fuck off back to Sup Forums

Idk what you're going on about but touch screens are great and I honestly can't use a laptop without one.

Most Sup Forums neckbeards are just afraid of new tech, or tech they could not afford 10 years ago, when it actually was already a thing.
