>Sup Forums is frequently worried about botnets and companies spying on them
>willingly installs chrome, wants Google Fiber
>willingly installs random programs to root their phone, custom ROMs, pirated software
You can't make this shit up
Sup Forums is frequently worried about botnets and companies spying on them
I've learned to stop worrying and love the botnet
>Google Fiber
>implying your ISP doesn't already spy on you
At least I'll have great upload speeds.
Fuck the police
Huh, it's almost like Sup Forums isn't a single person, or something.
Don't forget
>willingly uses Sup Forums, which has google javascript embedded with every captcha and is currently run by a guy who is known for selling user data
This. It's common knowledge that both AT&T and Verizon actively datamine their customers.
Most of Sup Forums uses Firefox. But there are also many retards that use Chrome. But those are mostly technologically inept. Many of them are only here because it's the default board on clover. Others because they want tech support.
dead meme
Nobody cares virgin.
Is this high school?
>Most of Sup Forums uses Firefox
Yeah in 2007.
>At least I'll have great upload speeds.
I'd love to seed all 400GB of sadpanda mango at high speeds. I have a pathetic 5mbps upload, but it's seeding all the time.
I've been using Chrome since its inception and just recently, several months ago, switched to FireFox. I miss it, FireFox is noticeably slower. I'd switch to Chromium but it's the same botnet.
>Sup Forums is one person
I love this meme
W-what do you all use right now?
Chromium forks
lol i browse /r/Sup Forums too bro xdddd
Safari. I'm not even joking. it's actually good in El Capitan.
>connecting to web sites from your own machine.
>not connecting to just a few sites you have some special relationship with
>not usually fetching web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program that fetches them, much like wget, and then mailing them back to yourself.
firefox for general stuff
chrome for js development
Enjoy your sjw infested botnet
Google-based browser are even worse though
That vote was done not even a month ago.