What reasons are there to use Debian over Ubuntu for a server?

What reasons are there to use Debian over Ubuntu for a server?

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There are no legitimate reasons.


Debian is the suit&tie gentleman who works hard to provide for the family
Ubuntu is the spoiled boy who ran away from home because his parents wouldn't let him get a tattoo and identify as a female named Brenda


Personally, I like to keep the software down to minimum and so BSD or Gentoo are my favorite but Debian is a good choice to minimize down time.

If you want less support, shoddy backport patches and - from a developers view - maintainers that have no clue about your software and the appropriate packaging method, Debian is a good choice.




It literally is though.

ubuntu is probably more bleeding edge, i always prefer debian installs for vps'

You don't need bleeding edge on a server though.

None, use CoreOS and docker containers for everything.

There is no reason to use Linux unless you have autism and enjoy no games.

cant you remove them? i thought ganu loonix was free software as in freedom.

Debian is a pain to install "newer" versions of software on. Example: matplotlib.

That's what you get for being a lincuck

They both come with NSA/systemd, so it won't matter.

inb4 open source. You don't compile from source and you know it.

Well... most of these issues are resolved by using a more up-to-date server distro like Ubuntu.

>Ubuntu more bleeding edge
are you literally stupid, like sub-80 iq?

Actually if you want stability and security, don't want to pay and have some knowledge, Debian is one of the best choice.
Plus, u can use a BSD kernel

So how does one not systemd?

Particularly without gentoo

I thought you could run systemd-less debian. Why did I think that?

I'm confus

>You don't compile from source and you know it.
See this is where I don't understand most of you guys. For instance, do you trust the very guys maintaining software repositories? I mean, the source is there, but what's stopping anyone from putting in malicious code inside the package? Is this where you move to gentoo or where you just embrace the entire botnet?

>I thought you could run systemd-less debian.
Devuan, but fuck picking up any derivative distro.

>You don't compile from source and you know it.
Every serious company working in the security field does

I had a Debian upgrade fail on me. I switched to Ubuntu Server and never had a problem upgrading since.

Because you enjoy having almost no drivers in your installation image unless you rummage around on their website for the image with "non-free" (LIKE IT FUCKING MATTERS) firmware

Or, this. So you can eclipse archfags in irrational smugness.

ah yes debian so stable

just patch my openssl up senpai

Which ones?

>just patch my openssl up senpai
I said you need some knowledge. If you don't know how your machine works, not my problem.

you would know if you weren't just a student.

>I will lie on the internet to support my inflated ego

As someone with the "non-free" parameter in their sources.list, go fuck yourself.

So you are saying you were too dumb to use Debian and preferred to use a kiddy version.

The King of Distros

It's easier to install what you want than removing shit for hours.
Archlinux is easy to install, a few commands in a terminal and it's done. Start some services, reboot and you're good to go.
You can do the same on ubuntu with the mini.iso.

bump for this.
Is he right ?

>Le dumb noobuntu user meme

Yup. It's good enough for the international space station:

>5. It runs Linux.
>Last year, the ISS dumped Windows and Scientific Linux in favor of Debian 6 for its network of laptops. According to Keith Chuvala, who manages Space Operations Computing for NASA, "We migrated key functions from Windows to Linux because we needed an operating system that was stable and reliable—one that would give us in-house control. So if we needed to patch, adjust, or adapt, we could." To ensure stability, they plan to run one version behind whatever is the latest version of the operating system.


>I fell for the bait

what is a server
what is a router
what is an embedded system

but that's true.
Ubuntu=Debian+shit ton of useless stuff
better buy a mac if you're interested in a good looking OS.

>good looking OS.
>running X
>on a server

>hahaha you have to spend 5minutes to put unsupported software on your operating system!
>can't even install majority of software on windows, no matter the time you spend

hahaah what a fucking retard
I don't think I've ever seen my servers apart from looks apart from SSH

>mfw we still run Debian 4 and Debian 5 systems at work.
>mfw those are rock-solid, aside from hardware failing
>mfw we successfully moved those systems to glorious Proxmox-based QEMU/KVM VMs only with a few rsyncs and some conf files editing.
Debian literally best distro.

It depends what you're application is.

Are you running a critical application that is tested billions of times before a production launch and "bugs" are simply just ironed out using hacks? Debian is for you.

If you designing a web app where you need the latest libraries and downtime means someone can't comment for 5 minutes, debian is probably NOT for you.

Sure, but the ISS basically needs a distro that is never updated (features not bugs). This is a different use case than say your average application deployed on AWS who actually need to risk those bug fixes even if it might break their app.

Are u stupid ?
the point was that Ubuntu is never needed.
server -> Debian
kikoo pc -> MacOS or jeebah linux who cares

>If you designing a web app where you need the latest libraries and downtime means someone can't comment for 5 minutes, debian is probably NOT for you.
Well, you could choose to stay on the Debian testing channel. At some point, it always gets newer binaries and libs.

Point well received but why don't you just use Ubuntu then?

>If you designing a web ap
my gawd no, I have a sense of honour

I rolled my kernel back in Arch, it's just as stable. Whooptie shit.

Ubuntu is basically a frozen Debian/sid with useless tools and proprietary drivers added by default.
Debian/testing is rolling release which means an apt-get dist-upgrade will always get you the newest shit when most of the bugs have been cleared out.
When using Ubuntu, you'll have to update to the newest release each 6 months to stay up-to-date.

arch supports very few archs
debian also has more packages, if you don't want to lose your time recompiling everything
also, stability is a real concern. maybe you don't stress a lot your computer, but real world stats are in favour of Debian

but arch is fun to play with, yeah

Don't act like Arch Linux isn't fucking bloated because it is... Immature Systemd and software anarchy. God, I can't fucking stand the Arch Linux community.

but... can you convince management to let you use Debian "testing" though...

You don't proofread each line of code before compilation and you know it.

After the embracement of systemd, none.

Tbqh, my production systems stick to Debian stable.
Debian testing is fine for a dev machine or a desktop.

Depending on what you are doing, it might work fine on a production server, but you need to make sure you'll be able to rollback if something goes wrong.

you don't have to
nobody has the balls to openly waste a vulnerability on you like that
at least with a binary distro they can keep it hidden

Please stop with that.
The war on this is way too passionate.
Switch to the fork if it is that much of a concern.

systemd in itself is fine

The fuckery that happens with some services (tftp-hpa, openssh-server for example) is not.
Debian literally starts tftpd before autofs and i'm forced to restart the TFTP server after each reboot.
Same thing happens with openssh-server, when systemd deactivates network interfaces before killing sshd.

Systemd will be the reason of Linux death. Normies will always use windows and mac, while Linux suffocates in monstrosity of systemd spaghetti code.

but that's just plain non-sense.
at worst it will slow down the development of distributions that made it the default.

Nothing to do with Linux itslef
tcp/ip stack has been for a long time a monstrusoity of spaghetti code, linux didn't die

>Systemd will be the reason of Linux death.
That's absurd.

systemd speeds up boot times and that's good on desktop machines.
Meanwhile, Linux maket share shits on Windows/MacOS on the server and mobile devices markets.

Systemd is the another X window system, X11. As it is the standard it stays the standard for decades.

If you and the other Linux users believe that X11 could be easily replaced, then Linux is lost.

>If you and the other Linux users believe that X11 could be easily replaced, then Linux is lost.
What is Wayland ?
What is XWayland ?

It took only 30 years to replace it. Yay! Is it even commonly used?

>If you and the other Linux users believe that X11 could be easily replace
actually, it can be easily removed.
Isn't that sufficient ?

I don't think X had any impact on server or super-calculators

Why are you even in this thread faggot?

Landuke, plz leaf.

With debian it's an army of angry women hating autists that proof read all the approved patches.
With Ubuntu it's a few debian guys/women that got kicked out and now don't have a say because Cananical approves everything.

NSA doesn't make an account and just load up the botnet.

A better question is what reasons there are for using Ubuntu over Debian as a server. All Ubuntu adds on top of Debian is some retarded so-called "user-friendly" GUI server tools and stuff like ConsoleKit that makes security more complex and less transparent.

I've never understood what the reasons ever were for creating the Server variant of Ubuntu to begin with. It just seems completely superfluous.

finally a good answer

already summed up in

Quads of truth

Ubuntu is Debian + Bloat, literally.
Pic related, both servers have fresh installs of each. Check the RAM usage.


bash 4.3.30
-> you need a patch bro...
dunno about CVEs ?

It's already patched pham

Debian Stable = secure but old packages

Ubuntu Stable = Debian Stretch/testing with bloat.

ubuntu is literally Debian repackage with a botnet. and if you dont believe me about the botnet, go ask Microsoft about Ubuntu.

try again.

Seems like a version of ubuntu server especially made for the OrangePi. I installed the regular ubuntu server that's available on the website.

its headless on bootup, i have mate installed.

yame for my ubuntu server, but it doesn't have a DE installed. To be honest the RAM usage is strangely high, going to check why that is.

>for a server

Right Now

k, seems like there were multiple database connections still running. rebooted it and it's considerably less RAM used now. But still almost double the Debian server.

>graphical install

and what


git gud

>Packages: 1200


as I said, fresh install
Do you know what he does with his Computer? Are you one of these "le many packages are bloat XDDDDDD" faggots who are 100% clueless?

The release version of Debian is a stable choice for a computer that is about 3 to 5 years old. Any newer and you may have to do the LOLBACKPORT abomination.

I have had Debian in my server since like 4 years ago. Needless to say, it has never given me any problem.

I just checked this out, and it looks interesting but I can't tell what the fuck it is. Pls explain.

The reply was to the guy asking if Debian being stable and secure was true. He made no mention of using AWS or apps and is thus irrelevant in this context. Debian still remains stable, secure and flexible with the appropriate knowledge.

>Systemd will be the reason of Linux death.
Nigga please. Linux will be eternal. It's everywhere, it's literally everywhere except most people's desktop.


Is this even a problem? I navigate it using the keyboard. The default installer is practically the same.