Reddit's top technology posts of all time

Reddit's top technology posts of all time.

Sup Forums's top threads:
>muh minimalistic weeb desktop
>xyz is a meme
>xyz is a botnet
>gentoo vs arch
>wincucks vs macfags vs freetards

All those technology posts on reddit originally came from Sup Forums faggot

Don't forget MAKI

I'm glad to see people are standing up to Comcast. Nice job Reddit!

Your point?


>he thinks Sup Forums breaks news stories


also dont forget

Nice. Still I had to ask Sup Forums for the show due to shitposting. And I loved it.
>mfw I like a girly show about dancing and shit

This site sucks for reasons and the other site sucks for other reasons. What else is new?

If you want it to change then start working towards making it not suck as much and encourage others to follow.

Sup Forums on suicide watch

Sup Forums has always been a shitty board. Most people here don't know how to program and it's more of a consumer technology/gaymer board than anything.

>What is the best way to start learning programming?
>xyz BTFO
>xyz on suicide watch
>redpill me on xyz
>should I install xyz?

t. redditard who's been there all summer.

>Wanting Sup Forums to be an autistic Linux board and not installing windows like a normal person

Normal people are clueless about technology.

I know a lot about technology, I'm always teaching my girlfriend something new.


new facebook apps technology

Advertising reddit on Sup Forums. Nice one!

> It's over. xyz is FINISHED

I like the xyz on Suicide Watch threads tho

Sup Forums-chan, daisuki = technology

don't forget
>tfw I fell for the x meme

>rate my build
>AMD vs Intel vs NVIDIA
>pop sci technology
>"battlestation" blog
>specs blog

You're right, we should go back to advertising Dell, AMD and NVIDIA for free instead.