Are there any reasonably powerful laptops that don't look absolutely retarded?

Are there any reasonably powerful laptops that don't look absolutely retarded?

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Define reasonable.
XPS13 is reasonably powerful for a laptop unless youre a gaymer.

The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display.



How is it not


No him but 0.8 GHz.

If you don't need a discrete gpu anything with a skylake i7 will be plenty powerful.


Way to prove that you know absolutely nothing about Macs outside of the dumb Sup Forums memes you blindly regurgitate.

They had no new models or refresh this year. Everything is at least one year old. Don't buy outdated laptops at full price.

you'd have to be retarded to miss them

Razer Blade after you turn the tacky keyboard backlight off.

Eurocom and Sager are also options, but the Razer is honestly a better deal.

Now this, I can get behind. I agree, don't buy a MacBook right now. Wait until fall-ish, there are credible rumors of the first significant redesign since 2012.

mobile workstations

Way to prove that you know absolutely nothing about Macs outside of the dumb Sup Forums memes you blindly regurgitate.

MSI, Asus.

The burden of proof rests on you.

Absolutely retarded

You've got two separate people there. And I still haven't heard anything resembling a credible argument from you, only

>hurr durr le 0.8GHz MacBook maymay LMAO XD


Are you on some controlled substance?

Who said anything about games? OS X has more games in its steam library than Linux, anyway.

Who said anything about gaming?

Really, though, if you wanna play games on your MacBook, you can sometimes. There are some Steam games. Not a lot, but some. Personally, I just stream from my living room PC when I'm at home. When I'm not at home, I find other things to do. Read. Browse. Learn. You know, grown-up stuff.

Thinkpad W530.

Who said I was only discussing gaming I only started gaming because it was revolving Around it

>0.8 GHz is a memè

His laptop cooling is broken, how can he not realize this? That's not normal at all.

Now, see, this is a respectable way to back up the shit you're saying. Actually posting some kind of supporting evidence. However, I would like to point out that the rMBP in question is from four years ago. That's a pretty fucking long time. Also, if memory serves, wasn't 2012 the debut year for the rMBP? It kind of stands to reason there'd be some unusual fuckups on an ambitious, brand new design.

Nice goatse laptop


>this is a respectable way to back up the shit you're saying.
But it isn't. It's the only thread they ever bring up mentioning this and the laptop is obviously not functioning normally.

You know, upon further thought, I think you're exactly right. I'd like to see evidence that this is a common occurrence, and isn't a rare defect covered by warranty.

The inspiron 7559 has pretty good specs all while not looking like a fucking spaceship.

Brb kms

Specs are pretty good for what you're paying for.

Windows laptops are the king of "awesome on paper, piece of shit in real life". Every Windows laptop I've ever owned has turned out that way. Forgive me if I don't fall all over myself from seeing a spec sheet.

P series Thinkpads

One of the p70 variants has a Xeon and a 4gb dedicated desktop gpu (forgot which specific gpu)

Not him but had a razer blade in the past and returned it.
Throttled like crazy, over my desk with the AC on.
Got an Acer nitro now, less powerfull but enough for my needs. Works like a charm

>single channel

>5400rpm HDD

