You're installing FreeBSD on your thinkpad when Pajeet here grabs your GF's ass so hard the vibrations give her an...

You're installing FreeBSD on your thinkpad when Pajeet here grabs your GF's ass so hard the vibrations give her an orgasm like you never could. Wat do?

This would never happen because I'm single

Ok fine, pajeet grabs your ass then.

no matter how jacked pajeet is, he will always be a beta

Uninstall FreeBSD and get an FSF approved distro instead.


>shaking hands can give you an orgasm

I poo on his chest as a sign of gratitude

>installing FreeBSD
Would never happen then. Only Linuxbetas can actually be cucked. BSD is the patrician's OS

Teach poojeet just who the fuck I am.

Try to figure out if i should install from ports or packages. Mixing the two is usually a recipe for disaster.

Tell him that no matter how hard he trains, or how jacked he gets, he'll never be able to compensate.

Their penises are too small for me to feel threatened.

What does GF mean?

Gainz fedora


>Armed with knowledge about their crude personal hygiene I instantly notice that Pajeet slapped my GFs ass with his left hand, the dirty hand.
>I ask my gf if she shat herself
>Still visibly shaken she takes a long time to figure out what I asked
>Pajeet starts sweating audibly
>The gf suddenly realises the chain of events and looks at every single Pajeet, noticing their shitstained left hands
>Manages to add one and one together
>Pajeet is sweating so much at this point that the air is starting to smell like shitty curry
>As a final nail in the coffin I ask them if they can invert a binary tree
>The entire group starts sweating, they begin to mumble something about being a superpower by 2020 and having a space program
>The smell of shitty curry has now spread so far that a group of people have come together to see what could possibly eminate such a foul smell
>One after the other, the group, which keeps on gathering people starts chanting "Poo in loo!" over and over again
>The police show up to see what the ruckus is all about, but when they smell the group of indians they too start chanting
>The Pajeets have now lost so much water (not that they had a lot to begin with) from sweating that they start to shrink
>Meanwhile the group keeps on chanting the mantra, over and over again
>The chanting is so loud that it can be heard clear as day in the neighbour village
>Suddenly the Toilet Witch appears and casts a spell on the Indians, turning them all into rolls of toilet paper, the likes of which their fellow countrymen had never seen
>The chanting comes to a sudden halt as everyone in the area continues on with their daily life




No matter how beta he is, prajeet always gets the arranged marriage/pussy