Pic related was posted on reddit recently

Pic related was posted on reddit recently.

For anyone unaware, reddit recently allowed users of some communities to host images directly on reddit. They're now expanding it to the entire SFW part of the site.

You read that right, 20mb image limit and 100mb gif limit.

When is Sup Forums going to catch up to the rest of the Internet? What's the limit here? Still a pitiful 3mb?

What's wrong with that limit?

Sup Forums has always been a few steps behind. There hasn't been a major UX change on this site since it began.

Why do you need such high resolution when all you do is shitpost?

if you like reddit so much, the solution is obvious

If Sup Forums caught up to the entire internet you'd have google analytics, 16 trackers for mouse movement and clicks to collect data used to design new features, catalog bulit as a single page application in half-stable Angular 2, a 2000 line minified script calculating the right banner based on user preferences collected in cookiesand 15 CSS keyframe animations for every single action.

fuck off

Wew, I'd be able to shitpost at over 3MB/p !

Sup Forums is trash and that is what makes Sup Forums, Sup Forums.

Are we getting raided or something?

Sup Forums will catch up when it gets that same amount of traffic.

>allow hosting of images
>on a site that actively sensors wrong-think
>shadow bans users for wrong-speak

Who gives a flying titty-fuck? Reddit must die a horrible death. The fucking text in the image speaks like some retarded woman to a child. FUCK

>20 MB worth of CP embedded into images

/wsg/, /gif/, Sup Forums and /hr/ could use a larger file size limit

I think you might just have the mind of a child.

Fantastic burn there m8. Got any more?

You are seething with rage right now. I suggest turning off the screen for 10 minutes.

I think the limits should be stricter here, especially PNG files should have their own limit.

They just waste everyones bandwidth.

Keep going bro. More

Why are you posting this here? We don't give a fuck.

You cared enough to respond.

In particular the mobile site is fucking horrendous.

Gee maybe when Sup Forums is owned by Conde Nast.

If Reddit is so good why don't you stay there

>imgur will finally die


What's wrong with imgur?

sjw cancer

I don't give a shit. If you haven't noticed, this site is a crude image board, I don't give a fuck about the image caps. Fuck off reddit.

so is reddit

>100mb gifs

You cared enough to make an emotion filled post.

Why can't you all admit that Reddit is just so much better than Sup Forums?

Good. If the images are too big to post on Sup Forums, maybe the redditors will finally stop posting here.

It's tumblr junior

Heavy censorship and hug boxing

They steal content and claim it as their own

They got based fat people hate (the only decent subreddit) banned

Why change for the sake of change?

So they're basically stabbing the imgur founder in the back?

as long as they have usernames and a votingsystem reddit will always be shit

Sup Forums's anonymity is the single reason it'll be always better than Reddit.


i hope those memeing niggers go bankrupt

And the stupid tree structure for posts

imgur has its own discussion boards too. The two sites have been mostly independent for years aside from imgur acting as reddit's imageshack/bitch

Reddit generates money, Sup Forums doesn't (ad revenue on here is pitiful because who wants to advertise on Sup Forums and be associated with the degeneracy here?)

That's why Reddit can afford to do things like that and Sup Forums can't

>100mb gifs
What the actual fuck?

Man I can't see any justifiable reason for that limit. The only way you can use that much is if you're basically posting video clips and why the fuck would you do that and not use youtube? Why doesn't reddit just allow video uploads?

reddit has one image per thread
Sup Forums can have one image per post

so one 20MB image vs 500 20MB images.

get it?


god I wish reddit fucked off.

Fucking good.
I love Futaba. If japmoot changes the UI, I'd have nowhere else to go, every other website UI gives my baby duck syndrome.

>make image upload limit ridiculously high, even though you can barely afford to host the website as is
>stifle minimalist creativity and image optimization
No thanks.

>ree normies
this isn't your safe space anymore, go to tor if you want to be a bigot

Found the nigger.

Okay so now what?

>welcome to pleb town
>we offer dedicated poo streets where you can dumb your shit
>please feel free not to use the toilet in your home or toilet paper

gg redit literly making people more stupid with allowing unoptimised images of retarded sizes

i think i should spam that shit

>100mb gif
>1mb swf
>99mb nsfw

Go for it based retard. Show them the folly of their ways.


Problem is not reddit itself. Its it's users are retarded as fuck

>Replying to obvious bait

> only Sup Forums Pass users will be able to vote.


b8 is starting to get blurred nowadays. I honestly can't tell if Poe's law is taking hold or there are genuine lump wristed, spoonfeed me tier newfags these days.
No matter what, I feel that the best thing to do is to respond in hostility, cause if I go with the joke I'll end up encouraging people who actually think it's true.

can Sup Forums just not strip shit like embedded ICCs first?

boards like /hr/ are a complete joke until they stop doing that, even.

The voting system does encourage dumb users, though

So what? Let them be retards in their little contained cancer space


>will literally be able to count the number of votes for any given banner on your hands

It's pointless and inconvenient

>not embedding 100MB of CP into a gif

If only they stayed there

Other imageboards have had similar limits for years

eh i dont really mind the UX, and im usually quite critical of stuff like that
you can improve a lot of the usability with script extensions and get/make a custom css so it looks good
making major changes would just add unnecessary bloat

Will this remove retards from here? That would be great.

>nobody mentions that they only host the single image the OP posts

>different size limits for different formats
exactly how retarded are they

did rebbit change its look to look like WhatsApp?

Sup Forums doesn't, and everywhere else mentioned has a higher file size. /w/ and /wg/ also have a higher file size too.

>nobody mentions that they only host the single image the OP posts

>20 mb image
>100 mb gif

explain where you think it is ok to do such stupid shit?

if you got a video there are websites for that without limit which you can link to that are easy to integrate like youtube

if you got a 20mb image thats normaly archive quality for normy users

and nobody needs a 2400x2160 600DPI image of your anus

It is better. Maybe you should go back to redfit and never come here again, maybe?

Those fuckers are converting gifs to mp4 instead of webm.

they'll be converting them to gif now lmao

thats a good thing tho...

>If Sup Forums caught up to the entire internet you'd have google analytics
user, pls

>There hasn't been a major UX change on this site since it began.
Why fix what isn't broken?


Fuck you I don't want Sup Forums to become a bloated javascript site that hogs all of my memory like every other site on the fucking planet.

If you do want to rice it just use .css

high-res porn subreddits?

>reddit gets a feature Sup Forums has had since day 1
>"how come reddit gets updates and not us!"

All this really does is tell me reddit wants the Sup Forums audience. Also having filesize limits that high is going to be hell on their bandwidth.
Sup Forums's filesize limits date back to moot's decisions on it, mostly having a healthy mix of having the filesize limit just high enough for proper images to be uploaded, while not wasting too much bandwidth and storage space.
Lastly, we don't care, take your reddit cancer and fuck off.

Sometimes google points me at imgur. They literally use GIF for video instead of webm. As a side effect you're looking at GIFs in the 10, 15, 20 meg file size range. I don't know if imgur is it's own entity or still a part of reddit, but they've gone full retard on a tech level.

Get clover. Problem solved. Pleb.

Putting v at the end of gif converts them to something like webm. Most "gifs" you see on imgur these days are that.

>100mb gifs
Faggotry from the middle ages.

>100MB for a fucking GIF
>enough for a 10 minute sub DVD quality webm with audio

And here we are on 4chin where the webm limit gets reduced from 4 to 3.

Are you suggesting merely a webm with a different extension or just a hack job media container that's compatible?

The branching comments aren't bad without the points. It's the point system that kills diversity of expression

What is it 150 images per thread? Fucking kill yourself.

Also imgur users who don't realize that reddit exists lmao. They're honestly lretty cucked with their 140 character limit, almost like Twitter.

Imagine if this were the other way around and someone on Reddit said "a larger image file size limit would stifle minimalism and image optimization". Those are the words of a brainwashed cuck.

Large filesizes are retarded from an economic perspective, but you also have to think about how users use those file sizes creatively.
No matter who says it, it's still fucking true. If our filesizes suddenly jumped to 100 MB, I'd be fucking scared. It'd mean that there would be less original content than there is nowadays, and more derivative content- ie stuff that comes straight from other sources.

>calling someone a cuck cause they have different opinions of file limits
No one's telling you not to upload your shit to a file-sharing website and then post the links, you nigger.

Go to other board then.

You're forgetting that one day g00k made Sup Forums look like Google+ for April fools. That counts as a redesign

100 MB gif? One hundred MEGS?

5 meg webm or less will beat this and it's 60+ FPS video. video compression was invented in what, late 90s? time to drop the 80s standards

u mad nigger

Why is this thread still up? Mods pls.

Who cares?

>Supporting Germany

Fucking faggots

why are you trying to make Sup Forums more like reddit?
why are you going to reddit in the first place?