Have 800 tabs open in firefox

>have 800 tabs open in firefox
>1.5GB of memory used
>have 100 tabs open in chrome
>3GB of memory used
Chromefags will actually defend this

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Never said a botnet would be easy to run.

Is that Windows XP?

I usually have 8 tabs open at most. And I have more than enough ram.
So how's the shitty Firefox performance going for you?

good thing I have 32gb of memory

Why is your XP so bloated?

firefox performs great

not my computer, image is from google image search

Why do people think it's necessary to have over 9001 tabs open?

Unused ram is wasted ram

>have one tab open in firefox
>it hangs even though you have 15gb memory
go away firefag

of my 25~ tabs open, around 20 of them are Sup Forums threads

firefox hitches and slows to shit when I open more than like 50 tabs

I wish it would just use more ram and perform better.

>tabs = memory usage
This myth needs to die

I wished that Firefox was using all my 8 gigs of ram instead of being slow using only 1.5
unused ram is wasted ram

>unused memory

Dumb faggot

1.2k tabs over 3 windows, IDK...

Nice try pajeet. Unused ram is free or cached.

>This is the fault of firefox and not fucktarded web "designers" cramming 30mb of bloat into webpages that barely serve their purpose unless the purpose was to "give an experience" and not to "inform"
Seriously fuck those guys

We need a better central autorhoty over the web kicking faggots like that out and back to cable TV adverts where they belong.

Yes chrome is a combination of the OS and the user and can tell when another program you value more than chrome wants that RAM

Actually you have to kill tabs yourself

Why can't websites be nice and simple like this?

>Unused ram is free
no shit
>or cached
that doesn't make any sense

well, wangding task manager uses the word "cached" for it, which is fucking confusing.
As we here in the sane *nix would say, it's caches. And it basically is all that "free" memory used up to keep frequently/recently used files in memory, so your programs wouldn't need to [slowly] read all that shit from the disk each and every single fucking time.
That said, having extra mamory to spare acts more or less like a fully automatic "ramdisk". Which also implies that having *free* free memory is wasteful and bad.

>guys look, my ____ brand spoon can ram more shit into my mouth than your ____ brand spoon

Congratulations, literally no one cares

chrome didnt expect unorganized faggots to be using their browser, they were hoping firefox and explorer would catch their eye.

100tabs in Chrome would be like 20gb or something.
I rarely have more than 10 and it is like 3gb (youtube, normiebook and so on)

Imagine being a web dev. Now imagine everyone gets convinced that they need to keep it simple. Oh wait you're suddenly not a web dev anymore as there's hardly any demand for your profession now.

TL;DR because web devs want to keep their job positions.

Have you ever thought about your priorities in life user?

I drown that shit out with xanax and video games

I'd rather an app pick up the memory it needs like chrome than pretend it doesn't need as much as it does and hangs constantly

kinda related
does anyone know a way to tell firefox to unload all pages while keeping the tabs open ?
similar to killing and restoring ff, it only reloads contents of tabs you open.

Requesting the improved version.

you mean the terrible hipsterized version

I think chrome just uses what it has access to.

I can run 20 tabs on my Chromebook with 2gb of ram and it uses 1.6gb

20 tabs on my t42 and it uses 1gb of 1.5gb

20 tabs on my shitpost deluxe and it uses 4gb of 8

This IS the better version. No bullshit. The other one is half-assed. Not being consistent and using no styles, but only using so few styles that it still looks almost the same.

i just use firefox for tabGroups extension, there is no such extension on chrome. I tried to find something similar, but everything sucks compared to it.

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it actually is better
but both sites are way better than modern shit

love uMatrix because of that

can chrome do this?

>have 800 tabs open in firefox

this to be honest famalam. memory is cheap, did you honestly fall for the "8gb is enough" meme?

i did fall for that meme
my PC is 4 years old though

>memory is cheap
32GB is $150, 16GB is $90

my physical memory usage in Task Manager is 92%, and CPU usages is 40%. half of that is due to Chrome

hello antony

firefox performs like absolute ass in some cases.

Still lags like fuck on lightweight web pages too.
I wanted to stick with firefox. I tried. But on all of my machines it runs like absolute horseshit.

>800 tabs
>100 tabs

Do most of you really open that many?


if you rarely play video games, and have no hobbies, then all you do is browse the web.

the numbers in the OP were as of last week. today i have 300 tabs in firefox (1GB of memory) and 20 in chrome (1.5GB).

yes, those prices are in Canadian dollars

>using xp
>in the current year
gas yourself.

yea, but firefaux doesnt work


why dont you just use the thread watcher?

If you have more than 10 tabs open at any time you need to reevaluate your life

It's only better because your browser's default styles are shit. Pages shouldn't need to ship with their own CSS, that defeats the purpose of semantic markup.

Fucking how.
Are you a wizard?

>it's not the browser's fault
>It's the webdevs' fault
>sure, other browsers can handle the new internet and Firefox can't
>b-b-but it's not firefox's fault

Can Firefox open images in new tabs

If I get more than 15 I close shit until I have like 3-4. Having more than 20 open is insane.

I can't into 4chanX because I go on other imageboards and it fucks them

4chanx is only supposed to affect Sup Forums.org/* and boards.Sup Forums.org/*

It's all about money these days. If your site isn't glamorous then people won't visit.

those 800 tabs are not actually loaded so you probably have less tabs opened than in chrome

lol, ``images'' are links so almost every browser that uses tab technology can do that.

You still use XP?

here is my chrome tabs from a week ago

been moving everything not mission critical to pale moon though, so i'm down to 600... shit takes a long time to migrate

Hey man you don't just come out and say that to somebody you just met.

>have desktop open
>5.3gb of ram

What are bookmarks?

yea but i found bookmarks never get used, once tabs came around never not use them.

upvoted! XD

i love it that Sup Forums is so insanely hypocritical

>google is a botnet waaaaahhh!!!
>google chrome is really good :D
>especcially on my google android telephone :D