I just bought microsoft lumia 950. It will arrive at my door in a few days

I just bought microsoft lumia 950. It will arrive at my door in a few days.

So, tell me now, what's wrong with it and why was it a bad phone to buy?

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Anything else?

do you enjoy pissing money away?

>I just bought microsoft lumia 950
omg what the fuck is wrong with you? why would you waste so god damn much money on a paper weight?


No, did I though? I don't know anything that's wrong with it.
It's not that expensive desu

>not that expensive
>prices mean how useful it is
how much did YOU pay for it?

The only good thing on that phone, is the camera, but even it becomes unredeemable because you can't use volume button to take a photo with.

>what's wrong with it
Windows phone
No keyboard

This is going to sound insane seeing as we're in thinkpad/gnu land but I use and enjoy the Microsoft Botnet. I have certifications in most of their software and legitimately enjoy using it. Even on an android device, Arrow Launcher, Outlook, Skydrive, etc are nice.

>what's wrong with it
Nothing, it's a god-tier phone with a god-tier OS.

Just wait till it gets continum, You will basically have a desktop computer in your pocket.

Did you at least do the buy one get one free offer? It started up again

You can use the camera button to take the photo

You mean 200 dollars for godly hardware and a functioning OS?

Something you need to pay 600 dollardoos for if it was an android at least in terms of hardware.

I left Windows Phone after using it since literally the day 1 launch of Windows Phone 7. I had an HTC Arrive, a Lumia 920 and a Lumia 1520, but I couldn't take MS' complete apathy toward their own platform anymore, despite having the best UX of any mobile OS in existence by a country mile.

tl;dr you're boned

>but even it becomes unredeemable because you can't use volume button to take a photo with.
Are you literally retarded? It has a dedicated shutter button.

Windows phone user here
Why the hell would you pay so much for an unsupported device?

>buying into a dead OS


If you are fine with buying into an abandoned platform then nothing is wrong with it. It's probably a good deal price/hardware-wise.

show me the OS repos with the source code.
You can't? Then it's not worth my attention.

Last update was 5 days ago

pretty bad considering you could have bought the 950xl and get the 950 for free

you don't know what a dead OS is
enjoy your brick

Enlighten me

I have a desktop computer in my pocket as well.

>lumia 950
>200 dollars

What the fuck are you talking about?

That's how it has been on ebay for the longest while and the phone is very cheap otherwise because they need to get rid of it.


can you install Ubuntu on it?

fuck that steak look gorgeous

App support is garbage.

Microsoft will drop support for your hardware.

> Microsoft will drop support for your hardware.
> implying other companies support their hardware for ages

Windows Phone is best phone... but WP10 isn't as good as WP8.1 yet :-/

>He willingly bought a new Wangblows phone
t. cucked Lumia 830 user

It's brety gud if you don't care about a lot of popular apps and just use your phone for internet/phone/texts or whatsapp

Can't do as much as you can with an android but it kind of keeps you focused on productivity rather than just dickin around on your phone.

>Posted from my Nokia Lumia 925

Don't know about that phone specifically but the platform is basically dead.
The words of the CEO of the company I currently work for summarizes this nicely:
"We support all platforms: Android and iOS."

I kinda feel your pain though, a year ago in January I bought a Firefox Flame because I had high, somewhat optimistic hopes for the OS. We all know how that turned out...

>mfw bought Flame and realized they truly were targeting Latin America.

I was a big fan of Windows Phones for a while. Had a 635 for a couple years and I bought myself the 950xl cuz I wanted a flagship phone. Honestly I was stoked about it for the first couple of days but all in all WP10 and the phone itself is a letdown.
>awkward power button placement
>battery life is abysmal (although countered by the fast charging capabilities
>no apps meme is no joke
>support seems to be declining even more so

Man I loved the look and feel of my 925. Such a beautiful phone.
I really wanted to like wp8.1, but the fact that all the apps were leagues behind in terms of updates and functionality really killed it for me.

If you don't know what you want it for, then you made the wrong choice.

I have a 950 though and its okay. Works well with work instead of a personal device.

The OS is dead, specially when the company that makes it says the platform "isn't our focus right now". It is dead because after fucking the end user and the devs three times at least no one wants to touch it, it is also dead when you go from 3% market share to less than 1%. Face it pajeet, its as dead as a slaughtered cow that gave its life for my delicious steak

>I just bought expensive shitty thing
>please explain to my why it's shitty
Fuck off


A desktop computer without worth-vile applications

I'm looking forward to how this thread plays out. I'd like to see Sup Forums make some actual arguments for once.

I currently use a Lumia 1520 and it's showing it's age now. But I'm waiting for the HP Elite X3.

you deserve it for giving those mozilla SJW cucks money.

>front facing speaker
>fingerprint and iris scanner
>SD820 4GB RAM
>6" QHD AMOLED display
that phone is going to be so based

>bought a Nokia Lumia 710
>hey it's not so bad, sure it has some limitations but these will surely be fixed in a future update
>Sorry guys, we're abandoning WP7.5, but you can have a nice new home screen that sort of looks like WP 8.1!
>dump phone and switch to Note 2

Why anyone would buy into a dead platform is beyond me, unless you're a pajeet.

A windows phone to believe in.


That was the first fuck you to the users.
Nevermind the fact that the apps didn't work on 8/8.1. Now the 8 apps don't work well on 10.

> yeah guys all x20 will be upgraded... oh no wait, no they're not. fuck you.

> That was the first fuck you to the users.
No it wasn't.
The first fuck you to the users was broken compatibilitty between WM6 and WP7.

>>The first fuck you to the users was broken compatibilitty between WM6 and WP7.
This. I will never forgive them this. And many devs think the same and now develop for android.

HP is on track to become based again with their Zbook like and this.

Now if windows OS wasn't shit the Elite X3 would be the best phone around.

Is this the latest episode