Fedora 24 is out!

Fedora 24 discussion thread here plox


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Don't upgrade yet, let the repos and shit upgrade, takes a bit to happen.


Here, I've made a list of people who care: .

>mfw I just installed Fedora 23 a month ago
I am not upgrading yet. I doubt I'll be missing out on much. I really love this distro. It just werks and it's bleeding edge.

im on Fedora 23 and i REALLY need an upgrade. should i wait?

Mmyes, indeed, good sir.



Does it have default Wayland yet?

23 or bust

I want the hacker mr.Sup Forums to review fedora 24.

Still on 22. Might be time to upgrade to 23

just upgraded, two things broke

dropbox (not in rpmfusion yet although dropbox-nemo is in testing)

have a vertical white strip along the right side of my desktop

Ayyy have they even fixed the grub problem with dual booting. The "out of memory " one

protip: use the GNOME firefox theme, it looks amazing


what flavor/spin should i go for?
notebook 4GiB ram Intel i5 ivybride with radeon 7650m.


and a shitty tn 1366x768 panel


dont bother. i dropped fedora after upgrading to the beta crashed my whole fucking system. fuck gahnoo slash linoxx

dnf install windows

Haven't used Fedora since I moved to OS X. What's new, and why should I nuke my Ubuntu VM and install this?

everything is better than ubuntu since unity came out.

Just go with GNOME, the Fedora integration is fantastic

mfw gnome (workstation) iso is broke
mfw plasma spin just weks
mfw no face.

You better watch your mouth, annon. There are dozens of us fedora tippers. If you don't stop trashin on muh fedora I'll have to tell my parents.

I'm literally upgrading right now

I'll try the KDE spin after using Gnome for a while. I kinda like Gnome, but my laptop still has a shitty 1366x768 screen and everything on GNOME looks SO HUGE MOTHAFUCKA.

Windows user here. Using it on live cd mode atm
It's interesting. I'll probably wait for AMDGPU support for my R9 280. GPU sharing with Vmware Workstation will probably not work so may have to rely on GPU passthrough with KVM and LXC for VMs. That and there aren't some things I'd like the software to control my DNA 200 mod, MS flight simulator, banking/online company record updating software, better integration with Windows Phone, better dependency management for outdated apps(Flatpak and Snap should solve this). Only if Proxmox worked with Fedora, I'd switch in an instant. Also the fonts are horrible. Hopefully infinality should fix them.
I love how much Gnome has improved since the 3.12/3.14 cycle. The UI feels much more consistent and is more smoother.
Overall I'll give it a 7/10.
Screenshot: a.cocaine.ninja/uidihb.png
(Too big to attach here)
Thanks for reading my blog post.

what's different from 23?

newer packages

*tips distro*




it runs just fine on mine notebook 1366x768

Can anyone explain me about SElinux?

Its a Discretionary Action Control so think Mandatory Access Control (e.g. Linux file permissions) on steroids.

It can assign roles and such to certain programs on your computer, effectively restricting them from touching things they should not.

What that means is it can protect your computer against certain forms of exploits by restricting program and file access.

>netinstalling Fedora 24 on virtual machine
>eventually got stuck on downloading a package

never again

It was made by the NSA, therefore literal bonnet


What Qt version does the KDE spin use?

I'm back after a while, I've had to revert to stock fontconfig from fontconfig-ultimate-infinality - and then move again to infinality patches after the upgrade.
Other than that, the laptop didn't explode. I've been through the standard post-upgrade operations (`rpmconf -a 'and the like) and the only think I miss right now are the CERT forensic upgades (there's no F24 repo for that yet)
$ qmake -v
Qmake version: 1.07a (Qt 3.3.8b)
Qmake is free software from Trolltech ASA.
$ qmake-qt5 -v
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.6.0 in /usr/lib64
KDE obviusly uses qt5

Cool. 5.6 apparently fixed a multi-monitor problem I was having so glad to see it standard.

There's a couple of new avc denied while listening on sockets for systemd-journald-dev-log.socket and systemd-journald-audit.socket - no unholy side effects for a workstation, just some noise in the journal. I guess the SELinux policies will need some refining

25 is going to have it

$ uname -r
but I've custom-rebuilt a kernel from rawhide immediately after the upgrade; the last official kernel for F24 is 4.5.7

instant garbage

Really? From the bugtracker, it seems like the mulit-monitor issue I have, needs 5.7

It was another one, related to segfaulting if no monitor was found. I believe it was fixed in 5.6 unless it's been pushed back.

There have been various issues introduced by Qt5
It's even fancier if you have an optional multi-monitor setup, with screens appearing and disappearing. In such scenario you had to restart plasmashell, plus killing pulseaudio before doing that or goodbye sounds.
It was a Qt5 "feature"; "they" assumed that screen would or should never disappear (or rather, they assumed that client apps would gracefully handle the case)
That happened in LXQt too

qt-5.6 was expected to improve it and I can confirm that some of those issues do not occur any more ( plasmashell 5.6.5 )

no thanks

I've heard that if you buy a Mac you instantly become hip and cool
Maybe you won't have filed a dozen patents and five peer-reviewed publications like the engineer you depicted, but hey you'll be the Chad/Stacey you always wanted to be

summer + millennials is a deadly combination

how stable is rawhide these days?

I'm just gonna assume that 21:9 is still broken.
I don't know what it is with Linux but they seem to really hate ultrawides.
The only "just werks™" I've had for this so far was with a Openbox and Antergos pairing weirdly enough.

Does MATE or KDE5 have super+p screen switching?

pls halp

I already upgraded

>25 is going to have it
Didn't they say that about 23 ?

Main question is:
When will Cinnamon go Wayland?
>inb4 you should kill yourself for using Cinnamon on Fedora

DESU not sure, but I am sure that you can make it work, since both have modifiable keyboard shortcuts and you can assign custom command to them

and they do have an easy switch screen option like Unity, OSX, Winders?

Don't know, why don't you ask Clem in Mint forum about that?

can't you just force the res you want with xrandr?
Like back in the days of CRTs (and still currently, if you still have a CRT hanging around), where you had to decide which resolution you wanted, instead of getting the correct one from the monitor.

How do I make Fedora have sexy font rendering like my Ubuntu GNOME setup? I would love to give it a try but everything looks like shit.

You can't. After trying absolutely everything everyone says, at the end of the day, no other distro's fonts will ever render as nicely as they do on Ubuntu.

Some come close, though. Fedora is the worst out of the box next to openSUSE

Yeah I have tried in the past to make other distros look nice but they all end up looking like poor OS X implementations which isn't what I want. I think Ubuntu fonts look fucking gorgeous.

literally one of the big features of this release was that they were improving font rendering

also download Gnome Tweak Tool and change font hinting to slight and antialiasing to RGBA. for my machine at least that is identical to Ubuntu's font stack

This might help


cheers. bookmarked for when it is updated with builds for 24 final

Is the TLP repo already available?

Literally just installed 23 a few weeks ago (should've looked closer at the release schedule) ... would I have to back up all data / settings before updgrading?

>shit fonts
>shit gnome
>shit interface
>shit package manager
>slow as fuck to install and check the updates

Go into to trash! Fedora is a meme!

>>shit fonts
You can fix it
>>shit gnome
>>shit interface
>>shit package manager
Funny I had less problems with DNF, if I compare to apt
>>slow as fuck to install and check the updates
Works fine in my machine

arigatou senpai.

They will only switch to Wayland as default after a version with Wayland working flawlessly as non-default.


ayyy someone made one other than me.

installing now, been running it since the beta, really great performance.

as far as general usability, this is the distro I can confidently put on a windows user's computer without inhibiting their workflow.

Finally? Who was waiting for this?

fucking me, waited weeks, go away

you too goy, commenting on threads to say "x is not worthy of my time or discussion"

Fair enough about the fonts, although they'll never be as good as Ubuntu.

dnf is better than apt in some ways but it's dog shit slow and mentally retarded.

I upgraded and it fucked up my GTK (might have been my 10 third party repos). Other than that, it still just werks.

Wow so fucking original asshat



So, never. There's always going to be a small group of autistic fucks who will scream bloody murder that Wayland broke their retarded setup and the pushover maintainers will just delay it further.

Until they come out and say "Wayland is shipping as default in 25 whether you're ready for it or not", it's never happening.

What's good about fedora?

Last time I checked there was no too much software on the repos, even if enabling third party ones.

You shouldn't use third party repos on Fedora any more, they are all outdated, poorly packaged and ship broken packages.

Installed Fedora for the first time a week ago. Rolling for cinnamon, really liking it. I wanted something that just werk'd and it's actually working. Should I upgrade to 24? My repos are just the rpm and non free stuff.
Also, any tips for a new Fedora user?

Aaaaaand the thread is ded.

>Should I upgrade to 24?
Also bumping

i tried fedora for shits and giggles

why is GNOME 3 still so fucking bad, why doesn't it come with gnome-tweak-tool, why is it so much work to set different icon sizes

You either love it or hate it desu

No tweak tool is weird though, I thought all distros just had that by default now?

nope, fedora doesn't even package it

it's still unacceptable to me that you have to use dconf to set icon sizes in nautilus

hell, i can't even figure out how to create a launcher when i enable desktop icons

oh and by packaging it i mean that it doesn't ship with it, of course