What's with this?

Anybody use BSD? Why? What do you think of it? Why is it so unpopular?

Other urls found in this thread:


Linux effectively got the first to market advantage and milked it for all it was worth.

It's shit peddled by try-hards. Literally the angriest community around, too.

good for real security (not all distros) and network stuff (again not all distros).
That's not the core target of this board
Here people already have difficulty to use Ubuntu so...


replying to yourself is not good form

Better alternatives to Ports like Portage

Because it's shit.
It's hipster trash tier.

Are that delusional that you can't imagine that two different people can both hate BSD?

>It's hipster trash tier
it has been there a long time before the "hipster" hype and will be there long time after.
It's not because you discovered it months ago that you can decide it's shit.
Free BSD network stack is clearly the absolute best for instance

I'm sure it didn't help that BSD chose a literal cuckold license, screwing themselves out of contribution and progress.

>this guy

maybe you forgot to add an argument

Mods can see IP addresses (all boards have IDs).

I'm pretty sure Sup Forums has been forsaken by moderators.

>le cuck license
and you're telling me you don't constantly post here

Are you implying you're a mod? Because no mod would ever do that.

1.He's not a mod
2.I wasn't same fagging

I'm not telling you anything other than that it was a hilariously myopic/naive licensing decision.

Go ahead and deny it.

i deny it

wow that wasn't hard

I was slapped with a 24 hour ban this week for saying nigger, so in a way I suppose you're right.

My quote and reactionpic was literally answering without having to say it out loud, hipster fag.
There, you wanted it, i hope you are embarrased as you should be.

maybe you forgot to add an argument

You can believe whatever you want, friend. But if people like the OP are wondering why nobody uses BSD, you can point to this as a major contributing factor.

This is you


I think this picture of him is better

Tried it. I'm convinced BSD stands for Black Screen of Death. Gentoo aspies aspire to be as autistic as BSD users.


ok, enough for me, the subject was BSD.

BSD family provides good OSs for several reasons, you don't seem to be ready to discuss about that.

Security of OpenBSD is extremely secure compared to many Linux distros, for example

>claims OpenBSD is more secure than
>provides no sources
Some things never change.

even if we did you'd just go "LE INNOVASHUN" and "MUH MACs" so who cares

you don't seem to be very opened to the discussion you know...

I'm curious to see your sources, so please post.
You know that if you don't it will only strengthen the arguments against you.

And no, they don't claim to have invented all of them, but you're probably gonna ignore that and go "le innovashun"

You realize you're the only one in hipster mode ITT spouting about "innovation", right?

Reading now.
I'm not who you seem to think I am, by the way, so you can quit moping. You're not representing BSD very well right now.

Face the facts, you are delusional faggots.

Sources from the developers do not count. You're basically saying "it's more secure because they say so".

You can do better than this, come on son.

I never claimed I represented them.

This. There's nothing substantive in the link.

Well here's IBM. Go read the source code if you know C.

But you must realize that you do, by advocating for BSD here.

Wikipedia also describes some of the security features more in detail.

people who use openbsd because it's so secure always crack me up, considering any grsecurity kernel distro like hardened gentoo or alpine makes quick work of openbsd

How does a happy-slappy install guide prove it's more secure?

it's not fully free anymore

Talks about the audit process.

BSDs have great security. It has a good trick for it, notihing works on BSD. Greatly reduced the malware attack surface.

so unfree

Yes it does, but again doesn't prove it's more secure than any other OS. Where's the comparison?

It's okay. This is exactly what happens every time OpenBSD advocates get called out on their dubious claims. They apparently Google "OpenBSD" and grab links to random articles.

also, enjoy your shellshock.

Amongst all the CVEs publicated last year, less than 5% had an impact on BSD systems

(could be because less people tried, but still)


FreeBSD and GNU/Linux literally don't have most of these.

But hey, thanks for proving me right, you were never looking for an actual discussion.

or for that matter, the PaX patches as separate here: grsecurity.net/~paxguy1/

>they literally fucking BAN people for telling them about a dumb mistake they made


and of all linux kernel CVEs last year, none worked on a properly configured grsecurity kernel

are u stupid ?

a random patch out of your ass...srlsly

>actual discussion
What qualifies? Because I don't agree with you suddenly we're not discussing, is that it?

you realize you're telling me this in comparison to fucking openbsd right

spender is a manchild, as is theo, but his patches are good
paxteam is a lot more level-headed anyway

Just because all of your claims have been shot down doesn't mean people aren't willing to discuss.

Quit being so broody, you're beginning to look like an adolescent.

>none worked on a properly configured grsecurity kernel
that's aboslutely untrue, you don't know what you're talking about.
You make me lose my time

literally doesn't say anything fampai
>out of my ass
yeah because it was linked on the main page
their "test" patches are as stable as any other
for that matter, the "stable" patch is still GPL, so nothing less free about it

What claims were shot down? I gave you the source and you just went "OpenBSD advocates are all children!".

Point me to the time Theo banned someone for reporting a very real bug.

please, prove me wrong then

>yeah because it was linked on the main page
are you fucking serious
> (customer only)

you have litterally no credibility

>posts are literally two seconds apart
>thinks we're samefagging

>grsecurity - test kernel patch
are you fucking blind

also credibility as user, lol

Where in that post did I say that?

BSD is inherently more secure than Linux, because none of your software or devices will function. This eliminates security vulnerabilities.

Checkmate, lincucks

I use OpenBSD because it had better hardware support for my laptop. Now I've just come to like the OS and use it on practically everything.

Well you didn't, but you implied it. I'm not him, but I am the other him.

Oh hey, it's you again. Now we just need everyone in the world to use the same model laptop as you and we'll be set

test patch, great -_____________-

Remember the last time you said that and someone was really angry about it?

U mad, or do u need moar tinfoil beneath fedora?

What? Are you pretending to be retarded?

see >their "test" patches are as stable as any other
please be less blind

What? I'm on your side here

Dammit, i'm drunk.
-1 interwebz today for me.

>can't follow basic logic
>calls others retarded
Mmmkay. I'm not sure I can continue this discussion without my head exploding.

Please print this thread out, roll it into a tube, and insert it slowly into your rectum. Sans lube.

>Please print this thread out, roll it into a tube, and insert it slowly into your rectum. Sans lube.
literal poetry

get some professional creative software on it and people would switch

Leave BSDguy alone!

you kids have a lot of nerve to be shitting on based BSD

current linux is a redhat/canonical frakenstein-esque abomination that needs to be put out of its misery

I bet you faggots are using GNOME 3 too, eww

There are two BSD cucks on Sup Forums actually

Two already?

Yeah, they basically said "my laptops exactly the same except it doesn't contain any of the hardware you were having issues with and I didn't have any issues"

Which BSD should I choose as a laptop user? I'm finally getting my wireless card replaced with a compatible one, so I'm going to give it a try.

Yeah, and one of them is a closet macfag

>mfw I actually am using GNOME 3 and fucking love it

OpenBSD is developed mostly on laptops. I don't own one personally, but it's worth checking out.

Make sure to read the FAQ so you can set up networking properly.


That was the word that I was searching to describe systemd.


OpenBSD devs dogfoood it on their laptops, if you have one that's supported it'll more than likely be very well supported

Multiple retards are about to suggest OpenBSD. The correct answer is "none of them".

Oh, and read up on the apm daemon. It has some power management features which might come in handy for a laptop.


OpenBSD it is. Thanks all.