Daily reminder that Sup Forums worships the wrong autist

Daily reminder that Sup Forums worships the wrong autist

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Daily reminder that this is the one true Sup Forumsod

Eric "I'm your worst nightmare" Raymond



Daily reminder that RMS is a successfull meme


hahahaha holly shit you guys are so funny!!! bet you've been here for like 10 years or something


He looks like a pedophile

He is, he admitted it.
>unironic freetards will defend this

mfw I spot a freetard

Your move, faceposter.

*tips budenovka*

Reminder there are no "freetards" on 4chin, as you can't post here without nonfree javascript. i really doubt anybody here uses a fsf recommended distro, no proprietary software, no cellphones, no anything else, and has configured a browser like EWW or some text browser to solve captchas without JS. you're either free or you're not.

I need that shirt.

>can't post without javascript
do you even have a jew account?

tek syndicate builds a rig for ESR

hi there, your post didn't make any sense.


Of course he uses a fucking trackball. What a sleezeball
