Found a job a month ago

>found a job a month ago
>within weeks i'm known as the tech wizard, everyone comes to me with their problems
>cute girl whom I really like one day brings me a laptop
>apparently she bought it from a schizophreniac who was convinced ayy lmaos wanted to get inside his brain through the PC
>as a result Windows is completely fucked up, I assume he must've made a few "changes"
>tell her I can put a free Linux on it, no viruses, user friendly
>she literally can't believe it
>gee, haha user that'd be great
>we're chatting as I'm installing Mint
>she mentions offhandedly that she's preggo
>whew this is awkward, oversharing much
>feel obliged to share something of similar magnitude so I admit that I'm gay
>we're now best friends
>she's been using Mint for over a week now happily

Everything went better than expected I guess? I feel like a prophet, sharing the Word with the people.

>1080p laptop
I dont believe you

>pic unrelated.png

There are plenty of 1080p laptops

Are you really gay?

I've literally never seen a normal person use a 1080p laptop with windows pre-installed. It's always 768p

>she mentions offhandedly that she's preggo
>whew this is awkward, oversharing much

Most people have sex, and have kids. It's not that strange.

Nice blog faggot

its strange for faggots as their degeneracy usually doesn't result in offspring.

Yep. I just found the situation really funny, because most anons would've spilled spaghetti in that situation.

Now if she were a hot guy on the other hand...


Why does it matter? But yes he probably is, OP is always a fag.

2009 dell xps with 1080p, blu-ray, windows 10, chrome, vlc, spotify, skype, dropbox and steam here

>my gf's laptop is a 2010 Asus with pirated windows xp
>she and her previous bf pirated a lot of stuff because we're in Eastern Europe and noone gives a shit
>it's in a miserable condition, full of viruses, adware and toolbars, terribly slow
>it's literally painful to watch, not to mention using it
>finally it crashes
>she asks me if I can fix it
>I offer her linux mint
>nah user, couldn't you download windows?
>tell her I'm not really comfortable with that, not even because I'm not paying Microsoft money but rather because no updates = viruses again and free antiviruses are garbage
>she agrees to use Linux Mint
>fast forward a couple of months
>she loves Mint, her laptop runs faster than ever and slightly riced Cinnamon looks better than any Windows which pleases her female aesthetics-oriented brain

well, today OP was a faggot and everything is alright. This ia rare thread. Good for you OP. Congrats on being comfy at your new job.

I told you, Sup Forums stands for gayness.

I'd be worried if any of my male friends admitted they were pregnant to me. Save for one, but he's trans, so..



Doing gods love gay brotah.

I got my little sister into Linux Ubuntu MATE because her hard drive took a shit and she had school work to do. She didn't want to wait the 5 hours for windows 7 to install/update. Hate Ubuntu 15.10 up, updated, and running with skype, Minecraft, and libre office in 10 minutes.

>It's been 6 months since this happened. even now that she has time for me to install windows, she doesnt want it.

Her reasoning is because "I can't make windows look like this and takes forever to load"

She uses it as a netflix/skype/minecraft machine.

Fucking kek


What happens when she wants to play dark souls 3?

Sorry I am actually ashamed of myself now.

so did mods just abandon the SFW boards? I mean I'm far from innocent so porn is not that big a deal but I thought the whole point of blue board is no pornz.

>Sup Forums poster

she learns how to dual boot. She's a pleb though. She plays SPORTS and BAND in highschool like a fucking loser. So She won't play Das3.

but user, this is no porn, this is technlology


well technically you're not wrong. But even so there is a penor and bergina involved in said technology.

Otherwise Sup Forums would have heavily detailed threads about dragon dildos.

>being friends with degenerates

tells us a lot about your character.

Lol, OP is a fag

Enjoy your backdoors. Oh, wait...

>cute girl whom I really like one day brings me a laptop

>feel obliged to share something of similar magnitude so I admit that I'm gay

There's a bit of a discrepancy in your story, or you're bi

OP is a fag

>GTX 970
You left out half a wheel, son.

Cute girls don't look cute to homosexuals why? Puppies are cute too. Or do you think you can't like a person unless you want to put your penis inside the person? Do you like your father, brother, male cousins, male friends?

Muh discrepancy.

>whom I really like
that implies attraction, does it not?

Not necessarily. Anyway, I think he just wanted to write the story in a way Sup Forumsoobers would read it from a hetero perspective.

My Inspiron 17r se is 1080p

Same, but normies are fucking horrible.
I had an autist ask me why I have so shitty screen. He told me his screen looked better.
I was like fine, he does maybe have even better IPS panel or something.
Turns out he has 768p shit and called my screen shitty because web pages and text were smaller than on his...
No wonder that companies still make and ship shitty 768p TN panels. It's dirt cheap and normies love it.

Yup normies are so fucking easy to dupe out if money

>thinking this is an insult

shiggy diggy

Great bait gay mate

What if I told you my laptop was 2560x1600p?

Grandma got one. She uses it at 175% scaling, and still increases tab sizes in Firefox with Ctrf+C.

I don't know how she's actually able to still use it. If you try to write a mail in gmail, the text body starts scrolling after you wrote TWO FUCKING LINES.
I know she doesn't have perfect sight any more, but if she's able to read newspapers or magazines at regular reading distance, she should be able to use a computer without zooming 10p text up to 30-40p. I don't understand old people.

Well I consider my wife to be a normal person and she has a Lenovo laptop with 1080p. Forgot what model it is but it's a cheap one with i5, 8GB RAM, SSHD and random nvidia graphics.

Even one of my tech illiterate friend that works as a nurse has 1080p on her laptop because she plays skyrim from time to time.

Actually now that I really think about it my grandmother has 1080p on her Sony laptop and she is 82 years old.

>cute girl whom I really like one day brings me a laptop
That's not something a gay guy would say

My Dell Studio 1555 that I got in 2009 has a 1920x1080 screen....

OP you are the biggest faggot of the summer. please kill yourself and take your shit debian distro to hell with you.