I'm a fucking retard please tell me the difference between solid state hard drives and whatever the other kind is. My tits for your time.
I'm a fucking retard please tell me the difference between solid state hard drives and whatever the other kind is...
keep up the good work my man
solid state drives are faster
>faggot doesn't use sqt
>gets meme replies
let's do this
Inside a hard drive there is a round thing spinning. Inside SSD there is no spinning thing, only micro chips, so it is faster.
u no how usb dongle have no movin part? ssd just like dat
hard drive have spinnin cds inside an it reed the daters from it
SSDs look cooler.
How long you been on HRT faggot?
remember to clean the dust from the hdd once in a while the spin pushes it to the outside of the case until it completly is full with dust
Who is this kid
SSDs are shit. They're slower than HDDs
HDD is like planet earth, it spins. SSD however is like a star, you cant put your dick in it.
This is a work safe board faggot
How is it different from RAM then?
top zozzle
Solid State Drives read and write much faster, so programs and video games are going to open (and load maps in video games) much faster. They will not, however, boost peformance.
it´s nonvolatile unlike ram
oh shit tfw it already got posted
It's slower than RAM and it doesn't lose it's contents when you shut the power off. SSD is essentially a bunch of USB flash drives in RAID 0 with a built-in RAID controller.
Shut the fuck up.
he's right though.
An SSD functions nothing like that.
He's not.
You're an idiot. OP doesn't know what an SSD is nor what an HDD is. I presented a more accessible explanation of SSD tech, and you haven't contributed to this thread at all.
HDD have moving parts so they inevitably fail. SSDs are a lot less likely to do that because they don't have any moving parts.
SSHDs or solid state hard drives are a HDD with a tiny SSD in it.
They're retarded.
Sure thing OP, you see its just that solid state hard drives are meant to be used in conjunction with other solid hardware.
Not sure what that means? That means your computer can't have any moving parts - so only little nettop pcs and usb stick computers have solid state hard drives in them, because they don't have fans, spinning hard drive discs, etc.
Glad we could help OP
SSD's are non mechanical flash storage, like USB sticks but much faster and larger
HDD's are mechanical, spinning magnetic disks
Tape drives are neat, magnetic tape, cant be read like a disk or SSD though, can only be read in 2 directions, kind of like a cassette
>get /fit/
>Have gyno
>Can not afford a good plastic surgeon
>Even if I did there is still a chance of noticeable scars
Kill me.
I still don;t understand gyno. Like, just lose more weight. You think your tits are magical energy storage? DId anyone at Auschwitz have gyno?
Gyno is breast tissue, it's probably not all going to go away unless you're Auschwitz-skinny.
It's not fat it's breast tissue.
Do we have any Auschwitz women photos? They probably still have breasts huh.
Does it not go away in time?
is puffy nipples the same as gyno cuz I think I have that. When it's cold there's no issue. I'm overweight too so obviously first step is get slimmer
how does that even happen? Is American fast food full of estrogen or something?
Eat lots, gain fat, fat has to be deposited somewhere on the body. There is also a limit to how much the skin can stretch, then get back in shape.
HDDs are susceptible to the rotational velocidensity affect, though. Enjoy you're bit rot in less than 5 years, fegt.
>what are xenoestrogens
Massaging your breasts also encourages the tissue to grow, and it's permanent.
OP is a fag.