Thanks, I've added youtube to my hosts file

Thanks, I've added youtube to my hosts file.

Other urls found in this thread:

Those comments though.

How can I make a new email to shitpost on jewtube that isn't connected to my real account?

What other sites will you use as an alternative?

Probably already was linked to Sup Forums

to do what? watch linuscuck tips? I dont need a 10 minute video of some jew reading specs of component

I'm just glad Sup Forums hates gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trannies equally.

What if I want to listen to a song or watch a music video?

Their comments are really entertaining tho. They spammed a trans channel that it even made a video replying to those hate comments and at the end said "if you want to leave more comments then do it below" only to afterwards disable them. They really got that thing mad.

Watch music video with autotune + happy moments jew brainwash? No thanks? Listen to a song? I got FLAC.

Youtube died in 2010. Now its filled with jew channels let's play and shitty vlogs with clickbait titles

Great! Another thread that has nothing to do with technology!

So this is what it's like to not have friends

What if I want to listen to a song online without downloading FLAC, what site would you recommend using?

friendship is a concept formed by beings that are unable to fix their errors so they find others with same errors to cope/define themselves by their errors together


Soundcloud isn't even close to a youtube replacement.

I know everyone, myself included, is increasingly annoyed by how batshit insane some of the LGBT crowd is, but I'm honestly relieved that this is finally starting to be moved along. Everyone is so stupidly constipated when it comes to their identity that I'm glad a bunch of insane trannies finally took the helm of the movement.

Not even him, but link me a video I could find interesting that isn't rickroll, darude, linsucks or other fancy "professional" USI-ridden "youtuber".
I used to look for old vids on yt, but now it's not good for that too as well. For remixes soundcloud and the like are way better.
I don't remember the last time I watch a yt video for more than 10 seconds. Sometimes I used to grab soundtracks with youtube-dl, now I don't even bother scraping from there

how can people claim to be oppressed when anyone who criticises them will become a social pariah?

I'm way more worried by the murrican "diversity acceptance" than kebabbers and isis refugees

t. yurocuck white nationalist

You ALL have to go back

Sup Forums encourages it with tranny degeneracy.


lol me 2

Don't worry guys, Islam will fix it. The tolerant liberals are importing their doom, and most of us will live to see it!

Friendly reminder that disliking the video puts you on the watchlist.
Stay safe lads.

Spotify, or any other free music streaming service

I will gladly go on that list.

>friendship is a concept formed by beings that are unable to fix their errors so they find others with same errors to cope/define themselves by their errors together
Although you sound like upset right now, you have your points.

>there are people who use spotify free without blocking ads

fix what? people being gay?

It's okay to be gay.
Being a faggot is kind of a dick move, though.

I run a Plex server at home that hosts all my music and pictures. Sync to the phone etc. There are cloud server you can install with their own apps for android ios that are newb friendly too. I'd consider transitioning away from Google if possible since they censor content and are "evil".

How can a single software solution be so good.

Works pretty well if you're a cord cutter as well. Seems to be plenty fine for streaming your content across the country to family/friends too.

Just thumb all the videos down. Most of them are already 50/50

They actually made a full playlist