This is slower than fucking Tor. I couldn't even get any peers or anything, let anyone visit a site in the network. And...

This is slower than fucking Tor. I couldn't even get any peers or anything, let anyone visit a site in the network. And, yes, I did configure Firefox correctly.

Other urls found in this thread:






nice blog post you pedophile faggot

>Tor and i2p are only used by pedophiles LMAO!
Getting really tired of this meme.

>he think is a meme

It's for CP

Nah, I like to go on the Forum and shitpost

yeah ok, you just went trough the trouble of installing i2p for the heck of it

and you're still a faggot for blogging about it, pal

But it was no trouble at all.

figure of speech

Don't use this shit, retard.
If someone wants, they could compromise this shit with just 10 (ten) clients.
Devs know about this, but they cannot do shit because attack is based on major flaw in the core concept.

Pretty thin on detail there famalamadingdong. You wouldn't be spreading lies on the internet now, would ya?

Why you use i2p? Do you live in Putin land or North Korea...

>i2p is merely intolerably slow rather than actually impossible to use

Wow, I guess you got lucky.

Over 80% of hidden service traffic is associated with child porn, i2p is 100% pedo. Shut the fuck up. Tor and i2p never saved proud journalists working hard for human rights in some third world shithole country

>citation needed

>normal shit

Fuck off delusional degenerate

T-they have a shitty forum though...

There's an official tracker fuck lord

What's i2p and will it get me pussy?

Here's your citation

Said like a true member of the Stasi.


is there a good imageboard on i2p?

It's never a gimmick, silly. Posted from i2p routed from inside a Tails VM.

it can get you a gang bang in a pound-me-in-the-ass prison for a few years

W H Y ?

Because Stasi totally exist nowadays and it's because of Stasi that there's no country in the world where your particular flavour of porn can be hosted, right? So you really need to hide it in some darweb.. right, child fucker?

"Putin land" is unironically more free than the country of the free
Literally no fucks given for literally anything


It's all the same to you faggots.

And the government there literally gives no fucks either. Which is why the mob controlled the fucking country for decades (probably still does)

>post cp, drug etc (of course i never)

>post anti putin shit
>your internet always upload
>your ui is at 100% in the middle of the morning
>you don't have the same ip/ISP and you don't know why
Welcome in Russia

>I've never been in Russia
Nice memes, anyway, really nice.

IT's common knowledge

We still wait, why you use i2p router?

No, it's memes. Travel to Russia sometimes or watch something that ain't Fox News.

I thought Sup Forums blocked all tor nodes or whatever, how do you?

Picture this: You're a Swedish politician in Europoor land that wants to organize an anti-immigrant movement, but you can't without being fined and punished for wrongthink. Or how about someone that wants to write literature that would strongly violate local anti-blasphemy laws?

Basically, in your opinion, how does one circumvent unjust, illiberal laws without taking advantage of something like a darknet? If you can come up with a good solution, I'll concede.

Do you mean that child fuckers are unjustly persecuted?

What do you think happened when the USSR collapsed and the free market in Russia was introduced.

>Log on to i2p
>Go to identiguy.i2p
>See all the links

That's when I uninstalled i2p, no thanks

All pedophiles need to be tracked down to face justice. Anyone who posts pictures of children on this site is a pedophile. The only reason they post cartoons or "softcore" pictures is because they can't get away with posting the hardcore stuff they have stored on their hard drives.

Pedophiles are a very small percentage of the population, and the rest of us are DISGUSTED with you and aren't going to put up with your mental disorder.

I might be Heaven, but I'm bringing you Hell.

why? what did you see?

It's a crawler for lack of a better word that indexes sites and pings them to see if they're online. There are some sketchy links I didn't click.

Do you mean terrorists are? kek
I'm merely pointing out that some people will always find demons to justify applying limits to personal liberties. It doesn't matter what it is.

Take yourself back to prohibition for example. No good man takes to the drink, right? You can be the nicest, and most morally right person on the planet, but if you have a drink, you're CLEARLY a degenerate.

I order my drugs off of there.

Find me one (1) hidden service that served or serves the purpose of helping the human right freedom to the self-determination of nations, or shut up.
If SwedishCucks have illiberal laws, they should fight the laws, not circumventing them.
No one goes through the hidden service gimmick if not for the purpose of circumventing rules applied in any country (on drugs, terror, human trafficking, porn and so on).

Yeah but where do you have them sent to? An abandoned house?


We r leegin

>Do you mean terrorist are?
Are you brain damaged?
>I'm merely pointing out that some people will always find demons to justify applying limits to personal liberties
>fallacious prohibitionist era parallelism
So, you really, really believe that child fuckers are unjustly persecuted?
Tell me more, I'm so interested in learning your story.

My home

>I live in an abandoned house

Have you considered that not every human right activist or persecuted person relies on a darknet website alone? Perhaps maybe they use the network for OTR chat? By using the hidden services, it doesn't require they visit a darknet webpage that "serves the purpose of helping the human right freedom to the self-determination of nations".

You're asking for one very particular use case which likely doesn't exist whereas others do.

It's safer than you'd think

thanks for confirm my point, it's for pedos and druged, all the other things are meme

That sounds pretty sketchy actually, I wouldn't feel comfortable giving a stranger my home address

>Over 80% of hidden service traffic is associated with child porn

No, it isn't. Have a citation or are you talking out your ass? If you hate Anonymity so much, why are you here?

have any north korean ever posted on this page?

Fuck off

>human right activist
Name one. That's the favourite motto of the torproject ("it helps muh human right activists!") and then they are just a bunch of sexually confused SJWs fighting muh rape culture (inside their own movement!)

Nice argument XD, pedo...

A citation has been provided.

Yea there is always a risk of the vendor using your address in a mal-intended way; however, most markets have review systems, and you can look at these reviews to be certain the vendor is legit.

>Name one

Why should that matter? I don't keep up with my human rights activists brosef and if I did I wouldn't share them here.

Just admit you're quite narrow-minded and go back to mlp.

>le journalist meme in north korea
100% percent of the time is conspiranoic shit I see on youtube.

>muh federal reserve
>muh second admentmend being taken down

What else is there that isn't assasination forums, cp imageboards, drug markets?

I was looking for ayy lmao secret shit, but is the same garbage I find on Sup Forums and the new age pages.

I see worse shit uploaded to youtube if you're buying the journalist meme.

>You're either totally anonymous or you don't care about anonymity AT ALL
Oh, that fallacy.
I don't care about being anonymous to LEAs and to chink moot - and chink moot doesn't care to host a hidden service.
You don't care too.

Since when do feminists use TOR you fucking idiot. Stop thinking that screaming feminazi's is the answer to everything you fucking monger.

>tinfoil retards think using linoox make them safe
>meanwhile ISIS members use windows and post on facebook and twitter

>Why should that matter?
Because hidden services are the last thing muh human right activist would use in an allegedly "terror" country with heavy censorship and the like.
There's no PRACTICAL "human right activist" protection involved in these darknets, it's all CP and drugs. It never served these purposes. The "defence of free speech" is a strawman.

How can I post fully anonymously on Sup Forums?

>Since when do feminist use TOR you fucking idiot.
Educate yourself about the Applebaum's affair, you fucking kid, and learn to read.

And get fucking destroyed in drone strikes.

Based Obama

>and they aren't caught

makes you think, huh... what's the nsa good for besides corporate espionage

You can't.
Why would you?

>Why would you?
Why wouldn't I?

So you are saying, without question, that there are absolutely 0% of people that use tor that would class themselves as human rights activists?

What "PRACTICAL protection" isn't offered? It was enough to give Edward Snowden practical protection from the most powerful intelligence agency in the world.

>It never served these purposes. The "defence of free speech" is a strawman.

You speak in absolutes. All or nothing. Just one example wrecks your position. Just because there may be more of one use taking place, doesn't make other uses redundant.

Fine they are also used by druggies and edgelords who heard the shitty creepypastas

Because law applies to anyone, and abuse is too easy when there's no trail at all. That's why proxies (not just open proxies, any kind of proxy), VPN and Tor are banned.
Why would you feel the need to be entirely anonymous to LEAs and chink moot in a site hosted in a country where freedom of speech is granted to anyone, aliens and not?

>there are absolutely 0% of people using Tor for noteworthy causes and that would get unjustly in trouble otherwise
Yes, prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
>Just one example wrecks your position.
I'm waiting.

Burguerland is nÂș1 in NSA surveillance.

ISIS is funded by the USA you retard

Because I wouldn't want one of the mods to leak my IP

>there are absolutely 0% of people using Tor for noteworthy causes and that would get unjustly in trouble otherwise
>Yes, prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

You have reworded what you yourself said. You initially said there were no human rights activists using tor, which I disputed and you now deny by: moving the goalposts by changing it to "noteworthy causes" that "would get unjustly in trouble otherwise". This is dishonest shitposting.

>I'm waiting

I have already given it to you. You're just too dumb to comprehend it.

Since you make the claim, you provide the proof. It's not up to others to disprove, faggot.

>Just one example wrecks your position.
>I'm waiting.

>What "PRACTICAL protection" isn't offered? It was enough to give Edward Snowden practical protection from the most powerful intelligence agency in the world.
>Edward Snowden practical protection from the most powerful intelligence agency in the world.
>Edward Snowden

Getting it yet?

Your IP means absolutely nothing to anyone but the police.
>you goalshifted
Absolutely not. Are you saying that "human right activists" are not fighting for "noteworthy causes"? Conceding not just "human right activists" but "noteworthy causes activists" as a possible range of operators and users (alternative to the classic pedo/druggie dichotomy) was actually conceding for a wider audience. Such audience doesn't exist anyway
>You're too dumb to comprehend it
Stop staring at the mirror.

not him but what about Edward Snowden?

Someone could get their hands on my IP and dox/harass me

So, again, you are claiming, without question, that there are absolutely 0% of people that use tor that would class themselves as human rights activists? Yes or no please.

Also, like says, you made a claim, you provide proof. Not the other way around.

>I can't get a SINGLE fucking example that isn't drug and CP
>the burden of proof is on you
k, pedo

>makes a claim based out his ass
>doesn't provide proof
>ad hominem

wew, sure is amateur hour in here.

Let's say 10% (in reality only ~5 people ever used it that way) of all tor traffic is legitimate, that would still leave you with a network that is 90% junkies and pedos.

She is a qt.

she don't like beta, she is only 18.


and an article from the same source.

The website contradicts itself, and Wired isn't very reputable as a decent source. But it fits your agenda and your feelings so you posted it. It could have been Sun Tabloid Magazine and you would have posted it.


Department of Justice flack said Caldwell was citing a University of Portsmouth study WIRED covered in December. He included a link to our story. But I made clear at the time that the study claimed 80 percent of traffic to Tor hidden services related to child pornography, /// not 80 percent of all Tor traffic. ///