/hpg/ - Headphone General


>Headphone purchase advice

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Headset requests are frowned upon.
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>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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asking again
sansa cliip+, occassionally laptop
>Preferred type of headphone
>Comfort level
I have big ear holes
>Preferred tonal balance
neutral to v-shaped
>Preferred music
opera, triphop, ambient
>Past headphones
soundmagic e10s

i need to replace the e10s soonish because the little grill bit on the tube is falling off too much lately, though I like their sound and feel, considering just getting another pair since i spent enough time getting them to be perfect.

someone recommended
>Xiaomi pistons
from the reviews they seem to lack good isolation and are more bass-y than i'd want
>etymotic mk5
cant find a good review, someone point me to one?

also looking at the Brainwavz M1, any experience with those?

also mc5 vs mk5?

If you like the e10 sound then you probably won't like the MK5 sound.

hf5 or hifiman re-400 for a neutral iem?

dumb makifags

Couldn't even recognize her with that deviantart-tier art.

are the etymotic mk5's still a good buy? or is there a better model out?
also what's a good "analytic sound" IEM < 60$?

lcdx or stax sr-l500 with woo wee

Budget - $150 max
Location - meriku
Source - desktop computer
Preferred type of headphone - not sure
Open or closed - open
Comfort - comfy af, ill be wearing these for hours at a time
Preferred tonal balance - bassy~
Past headphones - none lol, the $50 dollar external dell seakers

pls aid

wont find better than the etys at that price range for neutral sound

I met some dude on Head-Fi with an anime avatar to sell him my used headphones today.

Told him I jerked off to hentai while wearing these headphones as a joke. He looked like he was seriously offended by my comment.

Silly anime fags.

MK5 is god tier but I think it's a bit inefficient.

MK5 is better.


You won't find anything more neutral than Etymotic earphones.

>inb4 shill

Location : Germany
Budget : $200 (sound card + headphones)
>Please no fucking wireless gaming LED glowing shit

>but I think it's a bit inefficient

Can /hpg/ tell me what kind of headphones are included with the Vive? Are they any good?

Only thing that worries me is that people describe the hf5 as bright. Are they actually bright, or are people just so used to bassy headphones that they think they sound bright in comparison? I sort of like the sound being very slightly on the warm side, but the re-400 are probably too much.

what are these "shure olives" i keep reading about? any links or model names?


Guys I have a Lenovo Vibe K5 phone and I'm looking to buy earphones with a mic because the built in one is shit, you have to yell to pick up sound which is not good for skypecalls if you do it as regularly as I do. Any help?

Any IEM with an inline microphone. If you want specific suggestions fill out the form.

It's harder to drive than most IEMs.
HF5 isn't bright, it's far from bright. If you insert them improperly it will sound tinny. HF5 actually has recessed treble when inserted correctly.

I tried hifiman IEMs, didn't like them

hf5 all the way

i have a pair of ve zen 2.0's on the way, can someone recommend a portable amp for them?

I'd like some headphones and a microphone I can more or less glue to them. I'll be damned if I pay some kike 50 dollars for one though (looking at you, modmic).

Budget: No more than 100 dollars for both. Seems ridiculous, I know, but there's a reason here.

Location: Land of the free and the home of the whopper

Preferred type: on ear, unless you can suggest a breatheable over ear

Preferred tonal balance: I don't even know what that means. I am looking for as entry level as you can get, so I guess balanced?

Preferred music: this isn't specifically for music. I listen to mostly rock music, but this is primarily for video games and the skype calls involved.

Past headphones: some decent enough sony earbuds that I can't possibly identify because there's so goddamn many variants over the years. Panasonic RP-HTF600-S with which I am entirely satisfied with the exception of the earpieces getting my ears hot and sweaty.

I wish to stress: entry level. I am accustomed to the highest tier logitech headset that isn't gaymur crap. I don't need anything better than that.

Just get a hyperx cloud 1

I didn't sort through literally hundreds of ">headset" replies to be told that now.

How difficult is it to insert correctly? Would they sound just as good with comply foam tips if I don't like the deep insertion of the triple flange.

How difficult is it to insert correctly? Would they sound just as good with comply foam tips if I don't like the deep insertion of the triple flange.

Go to bed. When you forget your picture twice, that's a wrap on the night.

Porta-pros and a Zalman Zm-mic1? Wouldn't be a bad place to start for entry level, cheap and great quality for both.

I didn't forget a pic, I just forgot to quote him

Headphones are not real technology.

are just Shill Threads. that's all they are. Doesn't everyone realize?


how is the fostex x massdrop TH-X00

no u

Pretty nice. They are a direct upgrade from Beyer DT770's if you know what those sound like.

Up to $250
PC with Schiit Fulla DAC or my Note 5
>Preferred type of headphones
Full sized, over the ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
I want them to be comfy, but sound good
>Preferred tonal balance
>Preferred music
Anything really, Daft Punk to Weebshit
>Past headphones
Sennheiser 558's

Honestly I'm not too certain on quality products at this range, I saw some K7XX's and K553's on massdrop, but I hear K7XX has unnecessary bass boost.

just got ath-50x and they are way too good

K553 Pros are pretty good and neutral to my ears. I picked mine up for $120 (prior to the massdrop), and it's the best pair of cans I've ever owned in that price range. The only possible complaint I have is that long-term comfort isn't that great, but I'm sure I could mod to make it manageable if I had to.

Might end up picking up HP50's as an upgrade at some point, but I am very satisfied with the K553 at the moment.

I do a lot of video editing these days and have my eyes on a pair of Superlux because I get some money off them. Is there any model of Superlux that is best for monitoring audio while recording and accuracy when podcasting?

What would be a good upgrade for vsonic vsd1s? I am willing to spend $100

Agreed. This is a shill thread.
Everyone here knows that JDS Labs O2, HD600 is endgame. And that the best in-earphones under $20 is Piston 3.

Are these gud Sup Forums?


from far away that looks like a funky colored onahole/fleshlight device


Thank you frand

Anyone here who owns the Q701's? How are they?

How to get rid of light scratches?

$700 for two
fii0 e10k
>Preferred type of headphone
one in ear head phone for travel and then overhead for home
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Preferred tonal balance
>Preferred music
Vapourwave, rap, hiphop, 80s jpop
>Past headphones
apple headphones.

beyerdynamic mmx2

Depends how much you want to spend on one vs the other. Also depends on whether you want the over ears to be closed or the closed is just for the IEM's because you didn't know what to call them.

Audio Technica MSR7

Etymotic ER4 or Shure SE535.

Talk about your "gamer" tax.

Ok, i just ordered these for 120€. What should i expect?
I can still cancel the order.

Left or right. Which one is it?

Sorry, i bought the Q701, black.
I wanted the k701 (white), with detachable cable.

I read some reviews, they were good. But how good are these for audiophiles in there, idk.

No idea. I only have K702 without the bumps on the headband.

It depends on whether you wanted fun or accuracy. k701 for accuracy, q701 for fun.

AKGs are really damn good. I got a pair of 612s.

Before I purchased them, I saw a lot of comments about people complaining that the bass on them is really bad, to the point where they sound just really "electric" and like treble machines, therefore bad for DnB or whatever the fuck you listen to that has a lot of bass.

Now, after using them, I can tell you that the bass on these is just perfect. Never have I felt that it was too weak or anything like that.

I really wonder what these kind of people expect from headphones. So much bass that you can't even hear the song's tune anymore?

Just make sure you have a decent DAC/AMP combo for these.

Anyone know of a headphone similar to the 598se, but with a closed back?

X00 are v-shaped?

There's a mod on the k701/2 where you remove a pad for more bass/v shape.
It seems for the q701 that Quincy Jones himself removed each pad.

But i won't be able to compare anything, as i don't have a reference.
I just have my beyer custom one pros, and thoe portapros.

Yeah, about that...
I have trouble to find a good amp. I think i lack the exact keywords to do a proper research.

Is there a place that accurately shows what good combos there are? A buyer guide?

I found this: lifehacker.com/5903575/unleash-your-headphones-full-potential-with-a-usb-dac-and-amplifier

I guess i'll try to find some of these on aliexpress, if i can get a nice price.

Beyerdynamic dt 990 pro 250ohm

>Subjectively comfortable (nice big foam pads that don't get warm)
>great sound quality

If you've never heard open headphones then I highly recommend you try them out at a store if you have an opportunity to do so. I will say however that I didn't try them first, bought on a whim, and they are fantastic.

I'm using a fiio e10k, a lot of people on here are as well. It's really good, small and fairly cheap.

Just get a cheap fiio amp. I've gone through a couple of fiio things in the past and the least I can say is that they are well built and have clean audio quality.

Mid-tier, and above, audio components shouldn't be gambled on generic chink shit.

These are nice. Little trebly though.

While I do agree with you on that, there have only been a small handful of times where I needed to EQ them to get rid of the hard "s" sounds.

I personally really like the treble bump.

>Then I will correct what I wrote earlier. Only the treble will be affected by repositioning not the entire spectrum as you claimed.
the entire spectrum is affected. only the treble is affected by a significant amount.
>Nor, as the papers pointed distinction lays bare, is it caused by the "seal" on the HD800.
the goal of the article is to show the effects of driver repositioning. if the measurements for the experiment had been containing the leakage effects shown in the HD 800S measurements i posted earlier, it would show up in the data sets. they eliminated this variable for the purpose of measuring the driver repositioning.


According to Reddit, I need to buy a $3000 amplifier in order to use my Sony MDR-7506.

>According to Reddit

Found your problem

has anyone compiled a large list of frequency response graphs with different amplifiers? Or any sort of measurement?

Anyway, the lack of clearly documented A/B tests and measurements as above is all you need to know about expensive amps...

hello hpg-chan, looking to replace my hd 439s

~$50 USD, quite flexible
New zealand
>Preferred type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
Open preferred
>Comfort level
Comfiness is very important
>Preferred music
Dance and death metal
>Past headphones
Have all been garbage because I have no idea what I'm doing

>Dance and death metal
your poor ears are dead m8

why is there no buyfag infograph??

they made one for mice and it had objectively good opinions.

see the wiki above, there are a few

Headphones are highly subjective of what is "good." There are two main camps between "neutral/analytical" and "v-shaped/fun." Then you've got objectivists and subjectivists. This can culminate into a disagreement in regards to the big three.


glorious, thanks!

lots of variation in noise floor; o2 seems very good there. of course, they're all below -120db, so whatevers.

Can you tell me how dance, kawaii anime picture and death metal mix?

I occasionally see these types of people around but I never understood the pseudo-edginess

If you want open and neutral, look for either of an used HD600 or the k702 or the DT880 600ohms

These are a little v-shaped, anyway they sound great

The 702's don't look bad, but I'm on the fence about the DT880's.
I'll be abroad for about a year and I don't plan on bringing an amp with me (Just the Fulla DAC). Would the 600ohm be worth it if I'm not going to have an amp to drive them, for a while atleast?

Can someone give me the graph comparisons of DT880 600 ohm and DT880 250 ohm. I forgot the reason why it's better over the other. Right now I only recall that the distortion is lower on the 600 ohm I think and it's for people who own studio amps or OTL tube amps.

Actually nvm found those graphs.

Okay so Tyll says that the damping factor is better on the 600 ohm DT880. Do I really have to sell my 250 ohm DT880 and get 600 ohm to be a part of /hpg/? I now have buyers remorse. Or is 600 ohms for OTL tube amps because of the low distortion.

No idea. /hpg/ mindset is all about the 600 ohms I recall.

Goldenears graphs are usually more reliable. DT880 600 Ohm is the best version and it's the only version that it should be considered. 250 Ohm is the same shit as 32 Ohm: if you don't have a powerful amp and if you don't mean to invest money on the 600 Ohm, you'd rather get the 32 Ohm version, which is cheaper and not worse than 250 Ohm. Don't listen to Tyll, his measurements suck, as do his personal reviews.

Someone said that Goldenears graphs can be new or old measurement equipment. Is the DT880 measurements from Goldenears the new measurements?

You did very well.

Q701/K701/K702 are the same headphones from the point of view of sonic performancr, they just have different aesthetical features.

90% of audio products consumers nowadays are underaged children that just look for "muh ear-violating bass", then it's not amazing that AKG open models are looked upon by most people even here. It's their loss, they'll probably never experience how a good headphone is supposed to sound.

The Beyerdynamic T1 have worse positional audio in games than Beyerdynamic DT 880 600 ohm

Feels kind of bad...

What headphones have the best positional audio in FPS games?

the more accurate the frequency response, the more accurate the distance perception is going to be

ad700 if you are on a budget

Just go for the k702, you can get it as low as 150 on ebay

just got these.
trying them out atm with my fiio e10k.

how fucked am I? should I have gotten something better/different?

I only like inears and already have a pair of good overears, before that comes up.

It really isn't any better sound wise. There's barely a difference between the impedance models aside from sensitivity.

Is there something like a guide, chart of website for pairing headphones with fitting amps/dacs?
How do you anons go about picking your source for your favorite headphones?

>he fell for the synergy meme

Buy a schiit tower 2 Uber and call it a day.

There isn't such a thing as pairing amplifiers and headphones. You want to consider basic stuff like amplifier output power, frequency response, noise levels, distortion and output impedance. Here the product quality scales with performance and headphones aren't part of this equation. Extra features like multiple I/O options, gain adjustment or portability might be worth considering. Same applies to build quality(e.g. volume pot, cable terminals) or aesthetics.

Delivering current to a pair of headphones is not rocket science nor is it costly. For many headphones a good on-board is all you need and something like O2/Magni achieves performance above what you'll be able to hear with plenty power to spare. Only a few special case headphones come to mind where you might want something more than those: Hifiman HE-6 as well as the discontinued HE-4 and AKG K1000. The reason for this is the low sensitivity of these models. Electrostatic headphones need an amplifier designed for such loads but beyond that the criteria isn't any different.

I'm on mobile and too lazy to search the archive but we have an amplifier/DAC checklist which gets posted here occasionally and applies to most questions regarding those products. Imo it should be in the OP with none of the "frowned upon" -crap.

>I'm on mobile and too lazy to search the archive but we have an amplifier/DAC checklist which gets posted here occasionally and applies to most questions regarding those products. Imo it should be in the OP with none of the "frowned upon" -crap.
there is already one on the wiki

Fuck me, hadn't checked the wiki, Thank you master PPPPPPP for basically re-writing the entire thing.

You might want a V-shaped (boosted bass and treble) tonal balance headphone. The high bass would made the guitar riff sound great. And V shaped always fits well with dance music

It is not that uncommon mates. Just like that user, I love watching anime and browse Sup Forums daily and I enjoy dance music (most preferably D&B but I love other stuffs too), went to clubs and raves when I was younger, and I love metal music (Doom metal is my favorite).

And I also love jazz, swing, beabop, alt-rock, etc...