Good pc build for gaming at 1080p 60fps and editing youtube videos? First build so need some help

Good pc build for gaming at 1080p 60fps and editing youtube videos? First build so need some help.

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>gtx 970

1. Don't get a z170 motherboard if you're not getting a "K" CPU
2. Don't get an aftermarket cooler if you're not getting a "K" CPU
3. Don't get a 970 now, wait 1 week and get an RX 480, it is cheaper and performs like a 980
4. Don't buy Windows, pirate it
5. Get an SSD
The GTX 960 is a placeholder, that's what the RX 480 is gonna cost

This, and you should always spend the ~$30 extra and get anything other than msi

MSI has generally been good to me, until now. Fuckers didn't attach the support piece on my 750ti.

Fixed. Pirate Windows 7 and activate with DAZ then update to legit Windows 10. You can overclock the new CPU to 4.4ghz safely. You got an ssd to boot from, and buy an aftermark RX480 which will cost the same as that 970 but will be better, or pay the extra for a GTX 1080.

Yeah don't do this. Skylake scales with ram speed so you'll be paying extra for 3000mhz and getting 2133mhz. Also core speed is more important than number of cores for gaming. Like the other user said you can OC an i5 6600k, I have mine at 4.6ghz stable, 75 degrees under load.

Going mATX will mean having to have better cooling. Not worth it for a budget build.

The EVGA GS series of PSU are shit and have power surges.

Also you're going to want an 8gb with aftermarket cooling which will be nearer to $300.

8gb RX 480 with aftermarket cooling*

Avoid amd, Premiere Pro has better support for video editing using Nvidia CUDA cores

Ok so can you help out

>Premiere Pro
Oy vey.

In order to get 1080p's you need a 1080fps card from nvidia
It can edit youtube videos and watch movies, its expensive but you're not poor right? It's worth the price.

Not OP, but what're we expecting the video card market to look like when the 480 hits? Will something else drop in price and become a bargain or will it just be 480 erryday?

I didn't see storage prices included in your build, so I left mine blank and you can add in whatever you had. I suggest a 2TB Hitachi HDD and a ~240GB SSD.

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K 3.3GHz 6-Core Processor ($369.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.49 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-X99P-SLI ATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard ($185.74 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill NT Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($52.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Fractal Design Core 2500 ATX Mid Tower Case ($55.99 @ Directron)
Power Supply: SeaSonic S12II 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($58.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($85.95 @ Amazon)
Other: AMD RX 480 8GB ($230.00)
Total: $1069.14

If you're actually doing video editing/rendering, then the i7-5820k is definitely what you want. The RX 480 is much cheaper, and better performing than the GTX 970. It also consumes less power, so you can safely get the Seasonic 520W unit, even if you overclock both the CPU and GPU. The 212 Evo isn't really good enough to get a high overclock on the 5820k, but it should be enough for your purposes. I couldn't fit a better option without increasing the budget.

Basically, this build is better and cheaper than yours.

Unknown. In the past, AMD dropped prices of the 200 series to move them off the shelves, but NVidia held fairly firmly on 700 series prices after the 900 launch.

Anons, any way I can improve this?
I would like to keep the mini red/black build on a

Here you go. Play all your games maxed out and with good peripherals. Don't waste your money on bullshit like fans.

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($197.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B150M-D3H Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($67.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: PNY Anarchy 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($27.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: A-Data Premier SP550 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($54.99 @ NCIX US)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($47.49 @ OutletPC)
Case: Fractal Design Core 1500 MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($55.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($39.99 @ NCIX US)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($85.95 @ Amazon)
Keyboard: Logitech K120 Wired Standard Keyboard ($9.95 @ Amazon)
Mouse: Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex Wired Optical Mouse ($24.99 @ Best Buy)
Headphones: Kingston HyperX Cloud Core Headset ($55.97 @ Amazon)
Other: AMD RX 480 8GB ($230.00)
Total: $899.28

Whoops, didn't realize you wanted to fit a monitor in there too. Here.

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($197.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($45.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($26.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Storage: A-Data Premier SP550 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($54.99 @ NCIX US)
Case: Fractal Design Core 1500 MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($55.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($39.99 @ NCIX US)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($85.95 @ Amazon)
Monitor: Acer G247HYL bmidx 23.8" 60Hz Monitor ($120.98 @ Newegg)
Keyboard: Logitech K120 Wired Standard Keyboard ($9.95 @ Amazon)
Mouse: Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex Wired Optical Mouse ($24.99 @ Best Buy)
Headphones: Kingston HyperX Cloud Core Headset ($55.97 @ Amazon)
Other: AMD RX 480 4GB ($200.00)
Total: $919.78
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-06-22 00:19 EDT-0400

Fuck color schemes. Just get a case with no window and it won't matter. Focus on price/performance. You spent way too much on secondary bullshit. For instance, why bother with an aftermarket fan on a locked CPU?

Thanks, user. Will do.

Don't spread this bs, we already know that the 480 is still out preformed by the 970

>3. Don't get a 970 now, wait 1 week and get an RX 480, it is cheaper and performs like a 980
When will AMD shills stop spreading misinformation?


Black /red everything. Substitute in the 380 for the 480 in two weeks.

>so far, the seemingly legitimate leaked synthetic benchmarks put the 480 at 980 tier performance (also the Ashes of the Singularity benchmark is roughly on par with where the 980 is as well)
>yet the 480 doesn't perform nearly as well as the 980 in VR
How? The 980 doesn't even have the simultaneous multi projection or whatever else Nvidia called their VR optimizations for Pascal, yet its raw performance translates better into VR than a card that's 18 months newer and marketed as optimized for VR? Assuming this is all legitimate, that seems like an enormous fuck up on AMD's part.

there's apparently notes explaining why its either showing up as bad, or why its that good.

also, anyone tell me what the nvidia thing is?

i think its them rendering the scene once, then baking the visuals and moving the camera angle, less intense then rendering it twice... anyone able to confirm?

anything that uses opencl? im locked into amd and not getting nvidia, would be nice to know?

What's wrong with MSI? Is it just a meme?

I want to run most games at high detail. how is this?

This and get an EVGA one instead of MSI

posting a pic from a heavly OC'ed version of 970 to prove that barely can pass a refrence 480


so I just ordered a 144hz 1080p G sync monitor and I'm trying to decide on whether a gtx 1070 or 1080 would be better suited for it.

I'm obviously aware that the 1070 would do fine at maintaining 144fps if I lower some settings like SMAA and such, but I'd really like to not make any sacrifices in quality because my autism.

and obviously g-sync going to be massively necessary for a 144hz display if I'm going to be pushing every game as hard as I can setting wise.

I'm aware that g-sync is some overhyped bullshit and is completely unnecessary as long as you just configure your refresh rate correctly for each game if you're unable to maintain 144fps, but g-sync just makes the whole thing generally hassle free.

Source: your ass. Go die in a fire.

Adaptive sync is only useful if you can't maintain constant fps, as it synchronizes the screen refresh rate to the GPU, if your GPU outputs 144 frames per second and your monitor refreshes at 144hz there's no synching going on. Since you already bought a gsync monitor I would recommend getting the 1070, or cancelling your order and getting a regular 144hz monitor and a 1080.

P.S. gsync isn't bullshit because it's overhyped, it's bullshit because you have to pay 100$+ for a module while FREEsync doesn't need a module and is free.

its usefull on everything

especially on games that a card can reach 500-1000-9000000000 fps for no reason wasting the gpu resources on literally nothing
people dont understand the strain such a move gives to a gpu and why its always good to set a max fps limit since there is no difference what so ever since it surpasses your monitor capabilities

well look their version of a 390.. literally it draws 30 watts more for no reason WHAT SO EVER

msi has long gone to the drunk side some time now

Doesn't freesync have more input lag compared to gsync?

It's pretty much neck and neck except for a few specific scenarios you're not likely to run into.