Is there any reason to use Apple computers over GNU/Linux or Windows?

Is there any reason to use Apple computers over GNU/Linux or Windows?

No Gentoo is better

If you're a retard

>apple computers

theyre exactly the same as linux and windows computers, they have a processor, they have a hard drive

if youre talking about the os then is just depends what you're like. for example, if you like to play games you should get windows, if you like to be productive and have an operating system that caters to you then get linux, and if youre a babby who likes shiny displays and drinking lattes at starbucks then you should get apple


If you want something more Unix but with some of the programs people complain that GNU/Linux doesn't have.

this, but neckbeards will never understand

It's like having a linux distro with actual supported shit, except it's proprietary. That's it

They're pretty I suppose. And I guess the OS is nice and simple for "creative minds".

But really, why spend upwards of 100USD on a computer with hardware that wasn't even top of the line four years ago?

Only if you have no food, are starving to death, and absolutely need to recycle your excreted nutrients.


Forgot a zero. But I'm sure you all knew that.

OSX wins on usability. You really need to experience it to realise just how many small improvements there are over Linux or Windows.


I've done linux for a bit, and there are some pretty straight forward and easy distros out there but I don't want to spend time trying to support my OS. I don't want to have fix issues with multi monitor support or trying to find a software alternative. OS X "just works" as the saying goes. It gets out of my way so I can focus on other shit. If fine tuning your OS and environment interest you, go linux.

>I don't want to have fix issues with multi monitor support
So why would you use the steaming pile of shit that is OSX?

Yeah I've got to say I tried an XPS for a few days and returned it since productivity wise I prefer OS X. My air was recently destroyed by my cat so I'm holding out for the pro refresh

Yet to have any issues.

Only if you can't afford Gentoo.

>OSX wins on usability. You really need to experience it to realise just how many small improvements there are over GNU or Windows.

>XNU wins on usability. You really need to experience it to realise just how many small improvements there are over Linux or NT.

pick one

>Use OS X
>basic feature costs $10
>you have to find an alternative anyways because any hipster that would charge $10 for something linux/windows already has doesn't deserve to eat

Why are you using a trip?

I haven't had any multimonitor issues either, works out of the box in i3

See you next fall.

>d an alternative anyways because any hipster th
Not sure what you are referring to? Seems you don't want to be specific so you can continue to shit post but if software is good then I'll pay for it, is this some kind of problem?

Actually listing all the non-linux components that make a fully functioning OS would take forever oh wait



that's easy

but still not "GNU"

>how do you list a directory without ls?
>how do you compile C without gcc and glibc?
>how do you edit text without nano or emacs?
>how do you read docs without info?
>how do you draw a GUI without gtk?
>checkmate christians

These. Just install hackintosh and use it for a couple months as your main OS, you'll love it. Window management is shit without and you do need to adjust to Finder, but the OS has so many little conveniences all over it that you just can't go back.
Just don't try to play games on it, gaming is a train wreck on OS X.

>get mac
>try to full screen video on one display
>it completely blacks out the other display
Brand new out of the box mac just 3 years ago in 20-fucking-13.

Apple is a fucking joke, and any moron that claims this trash "just works" is either paid to say it or a complete total retard.

>meanwhile on windows/linux

Why is OSX so fucking beautiful?


haha that was 2013, let it go. I watched that video in full screen without either of my other screens going black. What kind of dumb ass argues a bug from 2013 as to why a tech product in 2016 is so worthless only shills would support it?

> >try to full screen video on one display
> >it completely blacks out the other display

Surely that's some player-related issue, no?

BTW, I've heard that a lot of Apple's top talent left when the stock hit astronomical levels. But I still think that sounds like a dumb application.

>expose in el capitan doesn't know which window is currently under the cursor until you wiggle it a little bit

>mail will randomly show its window whenever it thinks it can not connect to the server, but won't tell you why it's interrupting you unless you notice the connection error icon next to your mailbox for the whole half second it's there


>install gnome on linux
>no problemos

>applel pajeets struggling with shit that windows/linux handled with ease over 2 decades ago


> >install gnome on linux
> >no problemos

I installed Gnome on Linux. It looked lovely. But then it became a pain in the ass.

> Bluetooth stack doesn't work right
> install other Bluetooth stack?
> wtf, how many Bluetooth stacks are there?

> Sound goes out
> check icon
> randomly decided to reassign my active sound output device
> set it again
> sound works correctly
> reboot
> sound doesn't work again

Almost as bad as Windows 10.


I cri evri tiem


How many rupees are you getting paid Pajeet?

>iPajeets will defend this

>install OS X on poorly supported hardware
>same problems

That's what you get for not using a dated chinkpad. Apple also uses dated generic intel platforms for a reason.

Not really. I have an old shitbook just because knowing how to use osx, windows and linux looks good on resumes.

To use an specific computer over an operating system?

If you want a reason to use an apple computer in general, I would say that they have really nice screens and trackpads. But that is it.

If you want a reason to use the OS which you don't need an apple computer for, well, it's pretty locked down, but the UI is at least consistent, it's fairly simple to use, it's more of a system for people who want to get to the point.

Windows 10 is an app-centric OS that is great for playing the latest and greatest video games, as well as consuming all sorts of media. It also supports Adobe software, making it extremely powerful for the power user in all of us.

Why do people who don't use Macs get so angry at people who do? I've used the same Macbook since 2009. I like OS X, I've never had to repair, reinstall the OS or replace parts, I triple boot with Windows 10 and Mint and I still get 5+ hours of battery life while growing this shit hole. It's the most reliable computer I've ever owned.

2 rupees have been deposited in your loo Pajeet!

>he isn't rocking the linux meme

The overly minimalist design looks like shit. Changing the folder icon to that garbage is heresy.

>Have a macbook pro since 12 months
>External GTX 970
>Can play gat V in ultra on my laptop with bootcamp
>Have a stable dev env on OSX
>Glorious screen, battery and keyboard
>Good as fuck eco-system with my iPhone.

Expensive as fuck but to me it's worth every penny.
I didn't have any major issue with my macbook, it still looks and feel brand new compared to every other laptops I had which physically deteriorate after like 6 months of use.
Can chat / call / walk in an apple store for any reason and get my cock sucked by their support team which resolve any issue as if they were your slave.

If you need a work machine and have the $$$ then just do it.
Even for gaymen, just plug in a GPU in thunderbolt and you have a desktop computer fitting in your backpack.

This. If you're actually competent you can build most of Linux programs for mac

Poo in the fucking loo Raj.

>macfags cant even use multiple displays on macshit toddler toys
You can't make this shit up. You'd literally have to be brain dead to pay premium prices for this hackjab shit OS.

Nice try, I'm just a europefag living in Cali though

Poo in the fucking loo Raj.

>If you don't like spending 9000 hours configuring shit and choose something that just work from the start you are retarded

Typical Linuxfag bullshit.

Why would you need more than one screen on a facebook machine?

>mactoddler needs 9000 hours to do simple tasks

No wonder you bought into the toddler toy brand.

Yes, Apple is the best combination of Windows and Linux: It's not free, and if anything fucks up you will have to use the command line

>Apple is the worst combination of Windows and Linux


(Your head)





it was not 2003, 2 0 1 3

fuck off trip faggot fuck

>macintrash cant even properly dual screen in 2016

w/e satisfy the power user in him.


You are lying. Timestamp with external gpu or gtfo.

Most of Apple's hardware lineup is still using hardware from 2013.

It's probably one of the two dozen overheating bugs.

>try to full screen video on one display
>it completely blacks out the other display
That's a setting dumbass, they assume you don't want the other screen on because you're watching the video. Uncheck the box and carry on with your pathetic life
>waah I don't like the defaults


not him, but where is that setting, just looked through system preferences and didn't find anything?

I doubt it's in System Preferences. With the video player open hit Cmd+, and search for a setting in there

Everything works with little / no configuration.

1. Secure cloud password backup.
2. Laptop tracking in case stolen.
3. Photos sync between iPhone and laptop.
4. Actually decent built in Apps (Photos, Apple Mail, Calendar, etc.)

Sure, if you want to tinker with your OS and environment, it may not be the best but I stopped doing that when I was 17.

Most definitely in the video application preferences.

Hey cute tomato, haven't I seen you somewhere before? Drawtread?


>/threading a post that does nothing but prove the poster's retardation

Poo in the fucking loo Pajeet.