Every day until murder indictment

Every day until murder indictment.



Hashtag justice. It'll be forgotten in a week or two.

Though, and I understand this thought might be someone revelatory to you, you could stop shit posting and actually DO something about it.

But it might require leaving your parents basement...




Police did nothing wrong. Fag got what he deserved.

You forgot to add in the word 'traitor' burger king.

Funny how people who cry about "police brutality" always act like niggers.

Yeah, getting beaten and raped by the police sure is justice. I bet you even justify Guantanamo Bay.

>beaten and raped
He killed himself alone you faggot

Terrorist scum get what they deserve cuck.

Here's an advice for people scared of being beaten up or shot by police:
Don't pretend to pull a gun on them, don't run at them, stay still.
Stay still and comply with their demands, since as an innocent man you will suffer nothing more than inconvenience.

Or are you suggesting that no nigger is innocent?

Innocent nigger is an oxymoron.

I'm not glad hes' dead, but I'm glad he's gone

Are you suggesting an innocent man had never suffered more than ``inconvenience'' ?

The reason niggers get fucked by police so much is because they panic. Since niggers have always done SOMETHING illegal in their recent history, when they get stopped by a policeman they panic, since they assume they're being stopped because of the shit they did.
They panic, and this panic translates to aggression or aggressive moves, and the policeman defends himself, like how he's trained to- with overwhelming force. For a nigger coming in contact with a policeman there's a high chance he'll get shot, but he only sees a policeman now and then. A policeman sees dozens of niggers a day so he can't take any chances. Realising this increases your safety as a nigger.

I coulda sword I was around when this was all going down and he had posted to twitter before all this that the cops were after him and that if he died that day it was a cop that killed him. Am I thinking of some other incident with a different person? Because I couldn't find the tweet later.

Of course not.
But your chances are much better in a courtroom than at the end of a scared policeman's handgun.

it was him. He got beaten up by police like two times or something in the same day for knocking on his neighbor's door. Was afraid they were going to kill him or something.

Yeah he went on a tweeting spree. Mentioned being sexually assaulted by a cop. It was deleted for privacy reasons or something.

I could've sworn* Damn I need some sleep.

Of course there are instances where the police are abusing their positions and acting like brutal thugs, but turning every instance of justified self-defense into some civil rights issue and chimping out over it is hurting any chance of actually helping get rid of the really nasty policemen.

Please move to China, bootlicking scum.

That's the thing though, I was able to track down the tweets about sexual assault, but I couldn't find the specific tweet where he said outright something along the lines of:

>Cops are outside my door. If I die today know that I didn't kill myself and the cops killed me

I can't remember the exact verbiage, but it was something to that effect.

Please move to Sweden, libcuck

Yeah you think tank-man went home to his family?

What was hilarious was that he said people would care about police brutality because he wasn't a nigger. People actually care less about police brutality against non-niggers. Whole thing was ignored kek.

You don't fight the police you fight their bosses

Fuck off statist

Well he did escape with the help of the student protesters, and has never been identified, so probably.

Because the police did nothing wrong.

Nah. You don't belong in America, statist.

End your life.

If you believe that, that's sweet.

>Unironically saying statist
You have to be 18 to post here.

>being a statist
You must be American to post here.

>If you believe reality, that's sweet.
Uhh, yeah.

Reminder that posting racist posts is against the global rules.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums bootlicker

I am american.

That is usually the case with a lot of outrage of police brutality.

>Muh Sup Forums boogeyman

No, you're statist scum. You belong in China.

Sup Forumsshitter detected

Sup Forums shits up every other board
I don't give a shit about your global Zionist conspiracies or your racially stratified iq graphs on a fucking technology thread

Sup Forums is sure here...

Go the fuck back to Sup Forums, A Cancerous Place Where You Should Stay™

You're cucks who want to make brave officers lives more difficult for some dindus

What is with the alt-right's infatuation with cuckolding?

Terrorists deserve no rights

>brave officers
2/10 I see through this troll.

It's their le ebin meme. Just wait for it to die, it can't go on much longer.

You're an idiot. Cops have to deal with niggers every day and can die at any time. I consider them to be very brave.

1) No one mentioned either of those things
2) This is a politically motivated shitpost thread in the first place

Why are ledditors so incapable of basic logic? Is this why they all voted for Bernie "King Cuckold" Sanders?

It's a word that particularly stings numale white liberals. I love it, because you can tell how deeply it affects them because of how much they keep trying to complain about it lmao

0/10, you're getting even worse at this.

Tripfag says something intelligent for once.

>Weaboo says something dumb as usual

>living in such a libcuck echo chamber that anyone who dare disagrees is le epik trole

You're like those losers who were so shocked Sanders lost after living on leddit in the weeks leading to the election!

>w-what do you mean we lost with women, minorities, and working class whites ;_;
>b-but my upbotes

Isn't that how you idiots will react when Trump loses.



I was wrong about you tomatoe. You're pretty based.

Thanks senpai, blowing libshits out is me of my fav hobbies

remember when fatty bankrupt was popular and he narrowly defeated the rat king? those were fun times way back when now hes just another fat cuckold alt right idiot.

Desu tomatu-kun, no
Stop licking big gobberment ass


Like four businesses out of 100

If Google Glass failed is Google as a whole bankrupt?

If Walmart closes down four stores, is Walmart as a whole bankrupt?

Look at the big picture

It's the lefties who want big government my man

If it looks like the libertarians have a decent shot, I'll vote for them this time

You really should kill yourself, little boy.

Republicans and Democrats alike want bigger government for certain aspects
How many Republicans don't support mass surveillance?
Trump is one of those nothing to fear guys
Hillary will just fuck over everyone from behind the scenes
I hate muzzies but I hate politicians who use them to further infringe upon our rights
Either way we are fucked

I'm voting for Trump for the wall

0/10, the 'you must like Bernie Sanders' angle is really tired at this point.

>Cops have to deal with niggers every day and can die at any time.
No they don't have to deal with them. They choose to.
They choose to to work a job that involves risks like getting killed.
Cops are literally the only people that deserve to be shot, they chose their way.

If the choice was consciously or unconsciously being done doesn't matter.

It's not wrong to kill cops.

Stupid nerd.

He is now saying that is just a suggestion

He only said that to calm the liberals down. Wall is still happening.

Who is paying for that?

The wall is disgusting, btw.

You keep saying liberal like you know what it means.

It would be nice to see less illegals. How about removing the 14th amendment and mass deportation

Mexico said they'll shut down the border for free


Nigga is you serious?

Wait.. this isn't Sup Forums?
Who is this guy and what is the story?

He deserved it.

That fat pig is just flip flopping to show willingness to do anything for the koch brothers. He needs their money.

the Loch Brothers said they'd support Hillary over Trump

Along with Soros and most of the billionaire corporation leaders

Nigga u serious
Start page that motha fucka

the koch brothers have 1000 times more money in a single PAC than soros has in is entire net worth keep shilling talk radio nonsense

Mexicans are self deporting at a rate of 1 million per year ever since baby bush tanked the economy and you want a gibsmewall

>denying Soros role

He's funding violent rioters to assault and disrupt Trump supporters at their rallies and poison the narrative.

He has spent millions on leftists identity politic groups such as femen and Black Lives Matter to carry out riots and attacks.

Keep drinking that kook aide tho, the old argument that republicans are financed by billionaires and corporations is weaker than ever now looking at Hillarys campaign finances vs anyone elses

I thought you support capitalism.

You're the only good tripfag tomato

Oh ho! Here we go with the leftist slippery slope!

>capitalism exists so you can't criticize how anyone spends money ever!

Thanks famalam

>this entire thread

Terrorists should be raped and then beheaded on public television. Show them that the FREEDOM dick will rip all assholes wide open.

But I support 0 restrictions on firearms and also don't trust cops, where's my meme?

You and I are alike then

>Nor trusting police officers


We're not talking about Muhamed and Ayesha here.

Beheading is good enough

There we go

Not many neoliberals on Sup Forums