Nvidia wins again, RX 480 can't even beat the gimped LAST GEN 970

Nvidia wins again, RX 480 can't even beat the gimped LAST GEN 970.

This is why I buy Nvidia.

I want to support the company with the best engineers, creating the best hardware and software that just seamlessly works together.

Other urls found in this thread:


>TFW earned a lot gbp
>Mom buys a brand new 1080 from MSI


>tfw dad bans me from overwatch and puts all the sweet foods in the garage

poor Louis

>mum buys me a rx 480 instead of a gtx 1080


Help me out Sup Forums. Should a buy a GTX 980 for £250 ($335.96)?

dump frogposter

fuck off nigger

>was waiting for 970s to drop to $150
>mfw they're actually gonna go back up

Sup Forums users irl

Is it second hand? How much for the TI?


I have no affinity, but a legit question: gimping cards? As in purposefully making performance go down? This is a thing?


well no SLI for me...

Yes, second hand, not TI

Yes and no.
AMD cards increase in performance over time as AMD fixes their drivers even for older cards.
Nvidia doesn't do driver optimisations on anything but their latest gen.

So the overall effect is that it looks like nvidia cards are being gimped

The only proven gimping nvidia have been doing is to AMD cards

Nah that's a shit price, when you can buy a brand new one for £276.


Just look at any Quadro and GeForce card manufactured after 2010.
Nvidia now purposefully adds additional hardware to cards in order to prevent softmodding GeForce cards into Quadros.

Nvidia's more recent drivers get worse performance on older hardware than older drivers on older hardware do.

Basically nvidia intentionally gimps their older hardware to push you towards buying new hardware.

I think you're misconstruing not optimising for gimping. There's a world of difference.

>not kicking beta neets out of the house

only kepler is gimped, get your facts straight.


>being this much of a Shabbos goy

i feel depressed now. i had high hopes, but turns out it's pretty shitty. the only thing you get by buying rx480 is 8gb vram. and burned mobo, it seems: RIP AMD.