Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes. 1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
>2016 >No source based GNU distro Why is this allowed?
Xavier Scott
What's the best way to update a package compiled from a github repo? Do I have to compile it again from scratch?
John Butler
Yes. It's a good idea to have a .git directory somewhere at home. If you're on Arch, there are -git packages in the AUR for some selected programs.
Jose Diaz
So I have this VM (this is booting from the live DVD in the .iso file), and as you can see I made the HDD file bigger, but I need to add that new space to the partition and I just don't know how to do it. I think that both the unallocated space and the partition need to be next to each other but the swap partition is on the way and it seems that I can't just get rid of it and create another one later. How can I fix this mess?
Zachary Wood
bc -l
Gavin Rogers
>update >spend 72 hours compiling
Caleb Wilson
I've used a handful of distros in the past namely, crunch bang, watt-OS and debian and I want something different. I was wondering if anyone could give me some recommendations?
Juan Adams
OpenSUSE is nice
Mason Phillips
You could help making one.
Nathan Wood
Protip: users of any distro can use the pkgbuild in the aur to compile their stuff.
Jace Ward
GuixSD, parabola, debian sid, lfs
Mason Gomez
What's the difference between qemu-kvm and qemu-x86_64 -enable-kvm?
Charles Morgan
>buy SSD for my Thinkpad >make an image of my old partition on HDD with dd and copy it to my PC >dd it into a partition on the SSD from the PC >everything is write-protected >system starts very slowly (I suppose it has problems with not being able to modify anything) >on the third startup it said it couldn't do stuff and wanted me to run fsck (it was on the raminitfs stage or something) >so I ran it >no more write-only errors >the startup still took over a minute (it was doing some startup job (iirc) and had time limit of 1:30)
Wat do I do? I'm updating it right now hoping it will fix stuff
Michael Cruz
I just started using MATE and since then, resizing the chromium window leaves leftover edges. Is there a way to fix it?
Jason Martinez
i need halp guise
Tyler Hughes
how do i fix this on xubuntu? i want the small pictures like windows. being able to edit/delete files would be also nice.
Levi Nelson
you need to 4k align the image when moving from hdd to ssd
Eli Nguyen
Adam Campbell
add a trailing slash to /yada/a
rsync -r /yada/a/ /yada/b
Isaac Smith
the easiest thing to do is just use your file manager and drag and drop it into the file upload box
there are patches out there but you are on your own
Gabriel Howard
I have two patches in the build dir, using patch -Np0 < patch.patch, fails to patch.What am i missing?
Juan Kelly
You dont mirror a hdd to an ssd. The partition tables are aligned differently.
I didn't copy the whole disk, only one partition. Does it make it better?
Joshua Ward
Hunter Torres
Christopher Hill
what do
Thomas Hill
What I found is that partition table stores information about partitions so I suppose it's not a part of any partition. What I did is I first copied just a single partition to a file ( dd if=/dev/sda1 of=[...]partition.img ), then copied it to a new partition (which I just created) on the new disk ( dd if=[...]/partition.img if=/dev/sda1 bs=64K ). There shouldn't be anything wrong with the partition table now, should there? Please explain further if I'm wrong.
Is there a good fix for the volume being super low compared to Windows? I know you can boost the volume up to 153% in the sound settings, which is adequate, but I can only go up to 100% using my laptop's volume keys, which is annoying.
Using Cinnamon on Ubuntu.
Jason Davis
Okay, the partition is aligned. The problem was an out-dated swap UUID in /etc/fstab. Now the startup is fine, but there are still a few problems remaining so I'm considering a fresh install anyway.
Thanks for help.
Cameron Young
install Microsoft Windows of course.
Oliver Torres
If your linux is so good then why there less than 1% of all steam users that are actually using it ?
Isaac Morales
Installing random malware wount solve his problem.
Kevin Davis
Because gaymers are retarded and thus linux isn't meant for them?
Carson Martinez
install the specific x86_64 version lmao
Zachary Moore
Sup newfriend.
Henry Clark
5/10 image still triggers me.
Alexander Cooper
sorry, I have steam in my OP filters so I was never exposed to the meme
Colton Hernandez
Just filter by image-md5: /wOHhs/wFWbIjgB4U7X3bwg==/
Parker Ross
>linux >high performance applications pick one
Jaxon Hernandez
nice b8
Cameron Stewart
Granted, it's 5/10 disinformation. But I guess everone with a little bit brain will realize that it's just trolling.
- left side: app1, app2, app3, app4, app5, etc - right side "application"
Aaron Myers
Oh, that's Yokohama, I was at that exact spot before >tfw missed linux qt
Adrian Phillips
What OS is used on 98% of supercomputers?
hint: it's not windows
Nathan Smith
Reminder we have two threads on /t/ - Torrents, and one thread on /vg/ - Video Game Generals
Ported videogames (torrents) Training videos for GNU/Linux (torrents) GNU/Linux gaming Also check the list of open source games
Hudson Carter
HPC is only about pure computation: programs barely rely on the os features. it's totally irrelevant to the peasant who is concerned by high performance interactive applications. don't fell for the linux meme.
Eli Thompson
>what is a kernel
Jack Fisher
The network that assigns tasks to a supercomputer (what people use) is a Linux network. Try to estimate how many science departments use Windows over Linux networks. It's funny that you think there is a competition in practical application of those systems.
Hudson Turner
Bumping for answers for this question
James Morgan
> I think that both the unallocated space and the partition need to be next to each other AFAIK, yes, that is the case.
>but the swap partition is on the way and it seems that I can't just get rid of it and create another one later. I'm pretty sure you can. Never did it myself, but I think either: 1 - Unmount swap or 1- Boot from a liveCD with Gparted or whatever partition editor you like best Then: 2- Delete swap 3- Expand your partition 4- Create new swap partition/file (or don't) 5- Adjust your fstab accordingly
Should do it.
Isaac Phillips
Can I just unmount swap while booting normally?
Dominic Gutierrez
You can. Just swapoff -a away
Robert Myers
Can someone point me to a distro/version that would 100% boot from a usb drive in a 1.9ghz pentium 4?
No luck with lubuntu and slacko, they crash/freeze after loading
Eli Powell
Ok, I did that but it won't let me move the partitions, just resize them. When I took that screenshot I was booting from the liveCD but the swap partitions were locked, I was not allowed to delete them, so what should I do now?
Brody Reed
I"m beginning to think my microphone isn't supported properly by alsa. Iv'e tried every setting in alsamixer and pavucontrol under linux for the microphone and the best i can hear (with loopback module on) is static when I physically touch the microphone's cable. Ironically the shitty apple headphones work fine, and the buil't in mic as well. Iv'e also made sure the microphones physically work on my android phone. Is there any thing else I could try?
Alexander Rodriguez
No particular clue why your partition manager of choice won't let you mess with a partition even when it's not mounted. If it doesn't give you any clue then I'm out of ideas.
Jaxon Bennett
hi guys. just installed 16.04 on a new ssd, for reasons unknown i put encryption on the whole disk
now i wanna put win10 on the same ssd, but i cant repartition the one huge partition ubuntu made by itself, and that it know uses as root (it didnt allow me to continue installing after i made a partition table on my own, cause the uefi error dialog wouldnt close, so i let it do it alone)
so now my sda1 is luks crypt, and gparted cant partition it
should i clean install again and try to avoid the error, and partition it myself, or maybe just turn off the crypt option in the installation, or should i boot from liveusb, gparted from there, after i >cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 crypt and then i backup, partition and put the system back into root the way it was?
now honestly ill probably nuke the disc and then clean install on it after i first partition it from live usb, all my data is backed up on an old hdd already but if i am missing something easier pls do tell me
> people usually recommend letting windows do its thing and fuck around with the boot manager first, and then trying to install linux afterwords... bump
Camden Wright
Oh look, it's Quake 2. If only we had a game like that.
Chase Cooper
i need a linux, win is not something i need that much but i sense that win is gonna fuck me hard
Gavin Bell
How do I stop my system volume from jumping to 100% when a notification pops up?
Levi Brooks
well windows is usually the problem with dual booting. So if you have everything backed up and some time i would do that.
Bentley Bennett
Do you use pulseaudio? If so, think that might be happening because you have flat-volumes on and your system notifications volume is set to 100%. Either set your notifications volume to something lower or disable flat-volumes.
Luis Richardson
qemu-kvm has been removed and its functionality has been integrated into qemu. Use the second command
Christian James
will linux ever support virtual reality ?
Samuel Allen
The HTC Vive will. They were going to have day 1 support, but it seems to be taking longer.
Tyler Rodriguez
Lincoln Allen
they probably dropped it when they saw the mess that x11 is.
Josiah Butler
>write .net application >try to use it in Linux >measurestring keeps giving 0 width sizes so the UI is all fucked up >anchors and docks are all fucked up >message boxes don't have text when they pop up Did Microsoft release anything for Linux? mono is fucking garbage.
Luis Ward
Is X11 really that big of a mess compared to other window systems?
Ian Gonzalez
Depends on what GPU you use, you should make a new thread with the OP containing your graphics card and the actual question.
Ayden Ward
The source engine already has great GNU/Linux support though. Most of the demand for VR is windows though. When I eventually get a VR headset I will probably use it through my GPU passthrough. I will probably want more that 4 cores for that though, so that I can dedicate more for the VM.
Nathan Martinez
But user, mono IS Microsoft. At least now it is.
>window systems >X11 Part of the problem is that X11 has grown wildly and does far more than that. As one of the guys who worked on it and is now in Wayland puts it, if what X11 does can be put in few, clear words at all then it is "really bad interprocess communication".
Isaiah Jackson
>mono IS Microsoft >Sponsored by Microsoft It really isn't, and it's fucking garbage right now. If I can't take a fucking application off my Windows machine and see the same thing when I run it with mono, it's shit. It's not even not the same thing either, it's fucking no where near what it should be.
Henry Rogers
Brandon Nelson
I actually want to use VR simply as a superior display. The ultimate display with 360 degrees view angle. Who needs 3 screens when you can have just one goggles?
Isaiah Cruz
>current year >using feh
Joshua Perez
Mono is mantained by Xamarin, which was bought by Microsoft, to make it perfectly clear. And AFAIK Xamarin doesn't have any other product targetting desktop Linux, meaning you're out of luck.
Julian Powell
Debian or ubuntu? I really like debian from what I've seen but I'm concerned that my ineptitude may cause problems down the line.
Also, what the fuck is all this about desktop environments? I roughly get the concept but I don't understand a lick about whether KDE or Xfce is better for what I want
Alexander Torres
what pixel-perfect image viewer do you use, then, faggot?
Carson Smith
I have thought about that too. Once the resolution on VR headsets is better that could be amazing.
Ayden Morales
ubiuntu is for newbies, and has actual ISOs for other desktop environments. Debian has none by defaut, you must choose to install it. It's also chronically outdated due to the fact that it is primarily a server OS.
Cameron Perez
Settings says I'm using Phonon.
Mason Ross
fedora's installer is hot garbage
Tyler Watson
Uh, none. But if I really had choose between any of the two I'd go Debian.
>Also, what the fuck is all this about desktop environments? Once there was Gnome and KDE, life was simple. Torvalds said whoever used Gnome was stupid because KDE was so much better. Then KDE done fucked up and Torvalds abandoned it, at least for some time. But in another plot twist Gnome done fucked up and a lot of guys started making their own DEs based on GTK2 and whatnot, leading us to the current situation.
>I don't understand a lick about whether KDE or Xfce is better for what I want Then try both and come to your own conclusion. You can very well have multiple DEs installed and switch between them as you see fit until you settle on whatever works best for you.
Lincoln Jenkins
There were always a ton of DE's its just when they went full retard with gnome 3 the others got more popular
John Murphy
is this ANOTHER audio layer in linux? fucking topkek
Isaiah Wood
(Debian 8 question) Where can I enable non-free programs through synaptic? I want to enable it to be able to download "iwlwifi" drivers. I go to settings -> repositories->? I tried to do it through the command line, but I cannot /etc/apt/source.list, because every time I try it, it denies me (Permission Denied). If there's a way to type in the command line then awesome (if you could instruct me on how exactly it should be typed it would be of great helpf or a linux newbie like me). Thanks in advance.
Kayden Roberts
nano /etc/apt/source.list
Dominic White
Fedora itself is a hot garbage. There's no reason to use Fedora when Cent OS exists
David Carter
who is this jap fap or chink kink?
Ian Hill
How is it like having a subhuman IQ?
Jaxson Cox
superb feeling
Daniel White
Awesome, got in, now how am able to download the iwlwifi drivers through here?
Jaxson Fisher
literally every random image viewer shipped with your DE is better than feh
Samuel Edwards
Nice, now go back to your special classes, manchild