No, the 480 is pretty much exactly as advertised

No, the 480 is pretty much exactly as advertised

Retarded amd shills made loaded claims; saying it'd be on par with a fury/980ti

Other urls found in this thread:

implying that wasn't false flagging by Nvidia so their shills can now pretend the 480 is shit

I think the fact that it's slower than a card your competition have already stopped making and started selling 2 years ago is a problem.

Good upgrade for anyone with a 380 and below.
Not much other than that



and its 300€ lmao

you can get GTX970 for less than 200€ used

No bully to AMD, they're finally catching up to cards we had back in 2014. Be nice.

> $ 4 4 9 A U D
Fucking kill me

>970 slower than 290
>390 on par with 980
Nvidiots will defend this.
Once the 480 gets some driver optimization it will far outpace the 970


>muh drivers

shut up you deluded fanfaggot and take your btfo'ing

>Retarded amd shills made loaded claims; saying it'd be on par with a fury/980ti

Anyone who saw the leaked 3dmark scores 2 fucking months ago could tell that the card was on 390X level, better in some games, worse in others.

The Fury claims come from the fact that some Taiwanese overclocked the card to 1400+MHz, at which point it was 10-15% faster, just enough to put it in Fury ballpark.

I'm gonna upgrade my 6950 with a 4gb 8-pin rx480 for sure.

>Good upgrade for anyone with a 380 and below.

This exactly. Which is actually pretty fucking good, given that the only faster cards were $400+ for years.

Its slower than a 390. I don't know how they did it but they did. Polaris is actually fucking slower than hawaii from 3 years ago.

It isn't no matter how often you post it

and the aftermarket ones will blow away 980, the hype train is on tracks. Expected it to be between 970-980 and wow, it is. It will totally blow out the 980 when new drivers appear and dx12 games start coming out. When Vega comes out it will blow 1080 out of the window. HBM2 gives Vega a huge lead + higher clocks and almost 2x cores.
Nvidia is losing market share and fanboys are crying.

Overclocker's dream baby! (5%)

> basing overclocking performance on a reference card with shitty cooling
You a basic bitch


The only thing the 480 has going for it is the lower price, but that doesn't mean much when the 9 series NV cards are getting price reductions.

>could tell that the card was on 390X level, better in some games, worse in others.
Im watching the digitalfoundry review and it gets beat by the 390 in 5/8 of their games, the 390 not the 390x. They could only OC it 50mhz. This card is a disgusting failure.

I kept hearing it would overclock to be within 5-10% of a 1070 how off is that now?

it's power limited. custom models with more power connectors will overclock like mad

bulldozer was 'BLUNDER OF THE MILLENNIUM' this is merely blunder of the year, which is pretty good going by AMDs recent form

I get a 25% oc on my 1070 with a reference cooler

>Is there supposed to be a problem here? Slightly slower than a 980.
Yes. It's slower than cards which are on the 2nd hand market for nickles.

Fact of the matter is, most poorfaggots check the flea markets first.

It actually is in some games. Overall, they're about even though. I have no idea what they were thinking when they cut the ROPs in half...

>it's ok when AMDirt does it.
So you're saying AMDreg makes good reference coolers huh?

Its cute that you believe that.

>They could only OC it 50mhz.

Not all cards OC equally; and the card is limited by the shit cooler and the single 6-pin power connector.

I'm gonna wait for non-reference cards to see overclocking results. Kind of hard to overclock a card when it is already maxing out the connector power window.

It is in pretty much every benchmark out there. And not by a little bit.
The 390 completely slays it in Ashes, your favourite memebench.

Admit it AMDrags the brand you wank off to is finished. They basically released a piece of steaming shit.

Poolaris. Aptly named.

stop cherrypicking

>Im watching the digitalfoundry review and it gets beat by the 390 in 5/8 of their games, the 390 not the 390x. They could only OC it 50mhz. This card is a disgusting failure.

It's not meant to be a 390 upgrade, it's meant to be in the same ballpark as the 390 minus the 512-bit memory bus, and for $200 only.

Thing is.
I'm not.

>cherrypicking a game literally designed for AMD hardware

Look at the OPs review

Higher power draw than the 1070 at all loads.
41db fan
84c load
Still slower than 390 after OCing on bf3 at 2k.
The cards a piece of shit.

>amd shills made loaded claims

Half of it was false-flagging Nvidiots looking to talk the card up so that they could knock it down. Nobody with even half a brain thought that it would be anything except what it is.


>It's not meant to be a 390 upgrade, it's meant to be in the same ballpark as the 390
It fails that.
It's the same ballpark as the 970/290. It does trade hits with those.
But the 390?

The 390 is only 30$ more.
I'd get a 390 if I was in the market for a mid range card. It's always faster than the 480. Sometimes with a good 15 to 20 fps.

>41db fan
>84c load
There are expected with a reference cooler such as that, but I cannot excuse the rest of the faults.

Pic related was the only decent blower fan made. Mine doesnt go over 75c and doesnt piss air everywhere in the case

What is?
There's no 390 on that graph and the 480 gets the same performance as a 290 and near 970.
Probably a different map.

There's nothing "interesting" happening. You just know jack shit about benching cards.


>It's not meant to be a 390 upgrade
we can pretend like that isn't the case but this card is $240, and it has a core config much closer to the 390 than the 380.
Polaris is the equivalent of the gtx 1070 launching and getting beat the 980 in half its benchmarks but its ok because its msrp is $70 less.


>sold my 290x for this
god dammit JUST

fuck the amd shills on Sup Forums

>Polaris is the equivalent of the gtx 1070
it's half the price ffs.

Get a 1070

just get 2 in crossfire :^)

>literally 290/970 performance

Again. What is interesting?
It's a 250$ card with 250$ performance.

>sold gen N flagship for N+1 midrange
good bait

Was it a reference 290x or some thing cause these are reference shit blower non over clocked scores.

I very much doubt it's bait.
AMDopes are retarded enough to do that kind of shit.

It's a fucking mid range card you imbecile. If the Geforce 1060 does not beat the 980, that will be a piece of shit as well then?

$250 you say??

>41db fan
>84c load
>It's okay when Nvidia does it!

>posting benchmarks for the 8GB version

Yes. 250$ I say.
The 4GB is sub 290 performance is literally a worthless memecard.

Learn to read I'm making a comparison between the companies generational improvements not the two cards themselves.

4GB you say....very very interesting.......

>sold out
Prepare for price gouging.
Gonna drink your tears tonight bb.

honestly with the massive ass die shrink, i was expecting better then a card that goes over its tdp.

really want an 8gb card to alleviate some bottlenecks i have, but this isnt a good showing, possibly the 'beast mode' cards from oems will be compelling, seeing as a 5% oc is 5% gain, what happens when they get closer to 1400 or 1500?

that said, it would be an upgrade for me, but i don't want to pay 200-300$ for just this much of an upgrade... again, aib factory oc may get me but this sure as fuck doesn't, and puts the vega in a bad light too.

It depends on it configuration. If its 1280 cuda cores like is presumed that's not happening.

And So it Begins!

>seeing as a 5% oc is 5% gain, what happens when they get closer to 1400 or 1500?
Its power starved so it gains more like 10% fps with a 5% oc just due to the power limit being increased. What happens is those versions are going to cost closer to $300 than $200 and heat up and perform like OC'd 390s already do.

Nice. I think some folks are denial still or perhaps they really are picking sides here and fanboying (or baitin'). AMD has a mid tier budget card that goes toe to toe with Nvidia's flagship cards. That's pretty god damn amazing. This is a win for consumers.

>Translation: reference card throttles to 1200Mhz or below under gaming loads due to heat and power limits.
>With custom cooler the reference boards goes to constant 1350MHz, i.e. 12% OC.
Custom cards with no power limit and better coolers will probably OC to 1500 or 1600Mhz like some leakers claimed. This would put the card in 980ti/Fury X territory


Just stfu dude you are saying This on every rx 480 thread while it is fucking bullshit a new Non-reference card isnt under 200$

least corrupt hardware website out there. The people who run the benchmarks are so autistic they don't even understand the concept of bribery

OMG unplayable