Why can ONLY OSX do font rendering right?

Why can ONLY OSX do font rendering right?

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Ubuntu has the same rendering right?

Because Steve Jobs really cared about typography and Macs are heavily used in the design industry.



Can someone tell me why don't rendering is important?

Ubuntu has better font rendering overall.

With 'retina' DPIs Windows/Linux/Android aren't noticeably worse. But the difference was night and day back when resolutions were low.

if you spend all day shitposting you see a lot of text. it's easier on your eyes if the text is easily legible

everything just looks bold there, thats not 'good' font rendering

>post screenshot with a very high resolution/huge fonts
>hurr good font rendering
Winows' font rendering would look good to on a 4k screen

Stop making these dumb threads

They are noticeably worse in that all font rendering that isn't OSX looks like shit

What's your real name?

>Only OSX can do good font rendering

Nice Me.me

It's a picture OP grabbed off of Google because he's too poor to own good hardware.

Indeed, on retina Macs you absolutely should have 'LCD font smoothing' turned off both because it gets rid of the everything-is-bold bug, and because sub-pixel-antialiasing breaks with scaling. It just isn't needed anymore.

>4 year old article



Font rendering being important is like screen resolution being important. You may think its not a big deal at all, until you get use to good font rendering/high resolution/whatever. Then you really notice how shitty everything else looks

My god those fonts look fucking horrible.

Because np one cares enough besides sperglords

blurry mess

people spend 99% of the time looking at text in front of their monitors you know

You can't seriously think this trash looks good?

You proved OPs point here. I'd almost forgotten how terrible Windows font rendering is. At least install 'MacType' or whatever it's called now.

>>post screenshot with a very high resolution/huge fonts
What would you want it on, a 800x600 screen?


I'm actually laughing because I think you genuinely thought this looked good

Is that supposed to look particularly amazing?

That would actually be better since the pixel density would be different. Pretty much every OS's font rendering looks good on a high DPI screen.

>he needs to zoom to hide his trash font rendering
nice one sandeep

>that chinese
>that arabic

On the 96 dpi screen you're on it will look bad, yes, thankfully I'm using a 185 dpi screen.



Windows fonts are so fucking ugly

No taste

>Citing a blog

not really just contributing friendo

>he actually, legitimaly, unironically thinks this looks good

Makes me sad that some people are so used to how Windows rapes fonts with its excessive hinting that they think that actual font rendering looks too bold.

>It's not Helvetica so its bad

not gonna lie back in the days of lion Mac font rendering was way ahead of anything else

But since Yosemite it looks like shit on non retina displays now because they fucked up the font size and contrast.
9pt proportional fonts might look good at 2880x1800 but it looks like a blurry mess on 1280x800

Apple hasn't been using helvetica for years, friendo

OS X blows windows out of the water with lower pixel densities, but the gap is closer at higher pixel densities. it's still not that close, and windows definitely doesn't close the gap.

it's shocking when people talk like windows resolution scaling is on par or even in the same ballpark as os x. like i understand if you're a zealot who starts spasming when you walk into an apple store, but get yourself in front of a rMBP or something. just for like 10 minutes.

>that awful kerning
please stop embarrassing yourself

San Francisco is almost just a modified form of Helvetica.

Yes and 2 dimensional space is almost just 3 dimensional space

If you start like that, then you might just as well say that any neutral looking sans serif type looks the same. And if you reached that point of ignorance, then you might just as well not discuss font rendering at all.

If Ubuntu already has good font rendering. Is there a point in using infinality?

5k is gr8


It doesn't seem important until it's not done right.

Why can only macfags not poo in loo?

It's not "bold", it's how medium font weight looks at high-DPI. Turning off LCD font smoothing will actually make some text appear thicker.