Post yfw Nvidia won AGAIN
Post yfw Nvidia won AGAIN
>tfw not NEET poorfag jerking off to anime
This is ruining the board
Fuck AMDumb poorfag
freetard pls
your """OS""" can't even into games
NVIDIA is the best.
AMD really has bad timing.
>RX 480 can't compete with GTX 1070/1080
>Everyone bought GTX 1070/1080
>Vega release
>Same performance as 1070/1080 but guzzle more power
>Get fucked over by GTX 1080Ti
The only kind of games we can talk about on Sup Forums are erotic games, preferably with lolis.
So advanced nobody wants to make programs for it, LMAO.
Freetards are degenerate pedophiles, typical.
Adults don't play video games
No wonder they're all on Windows, the operating system for dumb people
>Any sort of master race
Consoles are good because you can play with your actual friends and not random furries and pedophiles who you think are your friends because you shitpost together and that's about it
>inb4 my friends are PC gamers
Sure, PC gamers with friends
ah you got new trip
filtered! :^)
Freetards and anime watching pedos are worthless degenerates. Day of the rope is coming for you.
Anime is for low intelligent subhumans who need fictional characters to ignore the fact they're faggots. Your waifu will never love you.
>posting the "I'm raging on the inside face"
Top kek! Gaymur Gators BTFO
So you have no counter arguments that video games are childish?
Video games are for SJWs, neck beards, and children
Like you? You be perfect for video games.
filter by name you dufus
Why are you in the board? Is reddit down or something?
No one say at their death bed and thought "Gosh I wish I spent more of my time playing video games"
What a shitty analogy. Nobody on their death bed and thought "God I wish I spent more of my time watching anime"
>literally /reddit/
Fuck off and never come back, you piece of shit.
That wasn't an analogy you Sup Forumstard