Is ubuntu 16.04 stable yet? i tried it on release and it had a lot bugs

is ubuntu 16.04 stable yet? i tried it on release and it had a lot bugs.

Ubuntu MATE is your only answer


I can't even run steam

OP here, Since ubuntu is fucked what os do you guys recommend as a replacement?

Xubuntu 16 has it's quirks as well, wait for point release.



If you have amd card, you are fucked

I’m on Trusty now and they still don’t offer an upgrade to Xenial. I guess it will be possible with ‘point’ release (16.04.1) and it’ll be stable enough to upgrade.

>point release
You really don't understand ubuntu's release model at all do you?

wair for the .1 release.

will move over my VPSes when that releases.

I'm using Arch with GNOME.

It will only happen when 16.04.1 is released, probably next month.


Pick 1 and only 1

spotted the beastieposter

Windows crashes because you set the wrong user name. Kill yourself

Ubuntu is never stable
Canonical abandoned it's development for mir, unity 8, and their phone os
Had to distro jump again to get away from that mess

use debian!!

Whatever you wanna call .(point)1, you pedantic faggot.

yes just weks on my laptop
inb4 ubanto is for n00bs
tfw linux user for 14yrs

Hi I am relatively new. But shouldn't they at least review their own shit before releasing? Shit is broken, really.

Managed to get kubuntu working user seems the stable of the lot as of now

not broken (i have all foss here, minus intel microbotnet) no breaks so far.

Not if you're using AMD, Radeon drivers aren't compatible with it and you're forced to use buggy open source drivers

radeon+intel gpu
all oss as i said.
this new radeon drivers are not so bad.

depends on your hardware.

btw, there is a whole thread dedicated to this topic:
quite the contrary

I use Void Linux.

I pick Linux

now what?

jusr wait till 16.05.1

why the fuck would you install v1 of any software? you asked to fuck yourself

yeah, why would you install version 16.04 of a software?