The inventor of the TCP/IP and the internet uses a Mac, why don't you use a Mac Sup Forums?

The inventor of the TCP/IP and the internet uses a Mac, why don't you use a Mac Sup Forums?

Even dogs poo in loo, why don't you Pajeet?


Because I'm not a closet homosexual. And all memes aside the only users of macbooks I've ever seen are homosexuals and girls.

i dont mainly use a mac but i do own one

2 rupees have been deposited in your designated shitting street Rajesh.

he only uses it to browse facebook

what else can you do with a mac?

www inventor invented it on a NExSTEP machine and now uses OS X

2 rupees have been deposited in your Apple affiliate account Sukhdeep!

The inventor of everything else uses a PC, why don't you Pajeet?

Macs are PCs

NeXTCUBES weren't though

I eat a big mac every week.

He uses it because he actually has shit to do - other than getting his wifi/sound/video working ?

Go to a NANOG meeting and count the Macs. These are the people that make the internet run.

2 rupees have been deposited in your loo Pajeet.

I work in a CS department doing research and everyone uses a ubuntu desktop, over half have MacBooks they use too (the other half doesn't use anything except the desktop)

Hating on OSX is a weird neckbeard meme

windows: pajeet
os x: rahjeet
linux/gnu: mr stallman
freebsd was made by literal faggots
openbsd: john

install nextstep

this. linux is for hobbyists.

OSX is a weird neckbeard meme


the inventors of unix used macs
but that probably doesn't mean you should

The inventor of the Mac uses Windows, why don't you use Windows macfag?

good one.

The inventor of the Linux uses Mac, why don't you use Mac lincuck?

>Hitler drank water, why do you drink water, user? Do you want to be like Hitler?
Same logic

There's nothing wrong with being gay but I'm not gay. Tons of really successful dudes are gay but that doesn't mean I'm going to start eating my own cum out of a guy's prolapsed asshole.

The inventor of Windows stole concept from Mac which stole concept from Xerox, why don't you use Xerox Star?

The Xerox Star used an AMD Am2900 CPU, why don't you use an AMD Am2900.

>Mac which licensed the concept from Xerox,
Apple paid PARC with Apple stock, otherwise XEROX would have sued, wouldn't they?