Just you fcuking wait

>for Polaris
>for NDA
>for drivers
>for AIBs
>for 8-pin
>for Vega
It will be good this time, for real!

I'm done with waiting for AMD's shit. I'm buying a gtx 1080.

um ok yea sure "Vega"

Bet Vega does not use y = mx + b

Nah, I've got a 780 and made a conscious decision to wait for Pascal.

Now I'm just waiting for 1080 stocks to normalize (lol at paying 800 dollars for one) before getting one.

or you can buy nvidia :)


All the AMD shit talkers and now they can only say but but it's got 8Gb vram, lol the tears are tasty

We have too many shitty autistic GPU threads that it needs to stop, Sup Forums is a much better thread for this kinda stuff, do NOT respond to the spam and do NOT respond to any fucking frog poster ever.

Some have replaced the stock cooler and gotten rather impressive overclocks. For some reason the chip seems to hit a limit at 84C. Therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that a card which seems on par with an aftermarket 970 will drift toward 980 levels with an appropriate cooler, and perhaps additional power to help stabilize any OC.

I'm waiting for someone to write a good tutorial on how to use vulcan on linux because I'm too stupid to figure it out myself :'(

That's a completely different pricerange lmao

Fuck off dude, I was expecting a 1070 performance and more for 200 dollars and we didn't get that. Now I'm just going to buy the best thing there is on the market so I won't be disappointed again.

>We have too many shitty autistic programming threads that it needs to stop, /lbgt/ is a much better thread for this kinda stuff, do NOT respond to the spam and do NOT respond to any fucking frog poster ever.

fixed that for you

no one was talking about 1070 tier
leaks said about >just below 980
it is just below but 970

Kill yourself turboautist.

Get a very recent kernel, or compile from git. Boot using said kernel, open game, change render in settings to Vulkan. Game must support Vulkan.

I meant write code using the API. and I dont think you need a new kernel to run it, just new drivers

Some kernels have GPU drivers built in, rather than being smart and leaving them as loadable modules ("gaming" and "hardware tailored" kernels).
Read the documentation. The spec has been upped to 1.0.18, primarily for clarity in reading.

>the overcloker dream

AMD is done.

AMDfags are waiting since that abortion faildozer.

AMD died with that release. I've been very attentive of their releases and nothing makes me want to go back.
The RX 480 would have been a nice buy if my 670 lasted a bit longer.
Vega will probably disappoint as well with the shitty 14nm process they're using.
Zen might be faster than my 3570k, but I bet it's going to disappoint me yet again. Although it would be neat for building software, encoding, and VMs.

>J-Just wait for the GTX 1060 it'll be way better than the RX 480...
>I-If it isn't I promise the 1060Ti will, just wait a little bit longer...
>I know Broadwell-E was a massive disappointment, b-but if you w-wait for Skylake-X we'll have good single core performance and more than four cores...
It never ends does it?

Man, I want Zen to absolutely rape Intel's prices, but it will probably disappoint as well.

>bought a freesync monitor
>have to wait for vega
>will most likely buy a 1080 during black friday/cyber monday after vega disappoints
i shouldve just paid the gsync tax

Can confirm
The bulldozer is the reason I don't touch AMD anymore.
2600K was the best choice way back.

Turbo nerds booted off their own board, sad and hilarious at the same time.

Create a a consumer general containment board for GPU/CPU shitpoastan already.

Creating a dedicated programming board for programmers will just end up inundated with game development related discussion anyway. Still better than marketers shilling 24/7.