Now the r9 380 is cheap enough for poorfags like me :^)
congratulate me Sup Forums
Now the r9 380 is cheap enough for poorfags like me :^)
congratulate me Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Nice choice c:
Poor fag here , im playing on a Gt640 and Gt210 as dedi Physx
Thank you based amd for providing the most power and cost efficient video card ever
>4gb vram
>current year
The best 390x is $309 right now. How much was this 380?
fuck off back to Sup Forums you cancer. sage
fuck off newfag the same thing happens when I new cpu releases
it would have been better to wait for custom cooler cards but well.. people get what they deserve
Doesn't matter I'm selling this and getting a 490 on launch
see stop spamming, shill
>implying people don't get excited when they get new things
>implying people don't like to show their new things to other people
Stop being a dumbass we get "I just got a" threads all the time
>back plate is premium feature
Back plates are dumb. When am I ever going to be looking at my video card outside of opening up my case?
then ask chink moot for a consumerism board
>using the smiley with a carat nose
When done right they also add to card rigidity so you get less sag.
Faggot OP here.
thanks m8
I honestly don't care about the rx480
I am le poorfag, maybe next year I'll have enough for a 8Gb card
Now downloading DOOM :^)
[spoiler]Only 15 hours left thanks to my shitty 3rd world internet[/spoiler]
I'd like to show her back plate my premium feature, if you know what I mean
>using the smiley with a carat nose
The fuck are you using 8gb for
good job mr op .
you have done it .
there is no reason to do anything else , you have reached your potential .
>have this for half a year
>green screen of deaths
>signal losts
>driver failed to responds
tell me Sup Forumspu, is it the card or the psu?
Both :^(
Two 1080p screens
Like not being stupid, but no I don't know what you mean. Also I'm almost sure that's a guy. Seen him in a issue if display magazine I bought at Walgreen's a few months ago.
For max graphics in 2014+, 1080p or higher gaming and or multi monitor, vr, of down sambling. Shit poorfag iAMmaD fags don't know anything about still.
Please move all graphics card discussions to /gcg/, thanks!
Saged to avoid confusion.
you actually bought a 380 instead of a 480 that is almosr 40% faster than it?
*of cosplay magazine*
Ugh.... Fucking le phone auto correct.....
Sage isn't a down vote newfag, also sage has been ded since like 2013 or 2012…..
>modern Sup Forums
>modern 4cham
Sage means don't bump.
Please move all graphics card related discussions to /gcg/, thanks!
Saged to avoid confusion.
fuck off jannie, tis is NOT a grapics card discussion.
God damn it moronic janitors like you are the reason Sup Forums is fucked.
Just installed my r7 360
P comfy fampai
Mine says packaging too, don't have much experience with newegg but I hope mine doesn't get cancelled. We will see tomorrow I guess
enjoy your credit card charge for a product that will never get to you
>cheap enough
How fucking poor are you? The card was 190€ fucking 6 months ago.
A card like that will sag in no time without a backplate.
It also helps to protect the card and dispense heat, there's actually a thermopad under the GPU spot on the backplate on that card.
I think the price of the 380 with or without the backplate was the same, so it would be stupid to not buy it with a black plate.
Actually you should only buy them with one if you can.
The issue with the NDA is I had to order before I knew what the card was like. So far performance looks okay, but I wouldn't be devastated if it got cancelled. I'll wait for non reference designs or find some other option now that we have a better idea of performance
I can't get GTA5 to use more then ~3GB with a 980...
Please move all graphics card related discussions to /gcg/, thanks!
Saged to avoid confusion.
You got cucked
Fuck off 9fag
But I have this same card and run it at 30% OC, never had any problems since November last year.
>literal representation of Sup Forums capacity to answer a simple question
all you pajeet shills should take some non-shill courses to be helpful at a minimal rate at least
this is more cancerous than gpu threads
I didn't even OC is more than the factory.
will test in another config in a few days but im suspecting the psu more and more
thx user, you be a helpful little man
You realize you could've bought an even faster 390 for the same price.
that's nothing. every few months /o/ is 100% the same Shitpost about a furry called Alphonse.
it's a cancer yes
sounds like a mobo issue.
wtf is a green screen?
i only know about the random black screen that is a memory issue or whatever the hell that is
elaborate pls, in theory, how could a mobo failure result these errors?
both green screen and signal lost comes with full pc freeze
tested yesterday, if the gpu fan is running fast, there is a stop in it and then it resumes, like it lost power for a second
full green screen with crash, google comes up with results for "green screen freeze", because the actual green screen of death is a thing on xbox
Please move all graphics card related discussions to the /gcg/ thread, thanks.
Saged to avoid any confusion.
>because the actual green screen of death is a thing on xbox
Surprise! The Xbone uses AMD!
Do you have an AMD cpu?
Save it for when people listen.
Oh, wait.
Not gonna happen. People are free to make tech related thread on a tech board. Go find another community if you don't like this one but stop trying to derail other threads.
Used maybe, but not new.
The original xbox actually used nvidya.
and when they moved gow on dx12 along with hbao+ it literally destroyed amd cards lol a fucking nano was below a 950..
(well moved is a over reacted word..)
This. Had to jack my asus 760 up because it sags like a motherfucker. Same thing with my cousin's msi 970. Both have no backplates.
Eventually if it sags too much the heatsink might lose contact with the gpu die. I had this problem when the 760 started overheating on me
No need to bump stale threads when we have a gcg.
why they hell they dont have one board for hardware and one for software
That thread succcccs
>using an even number of monitors
>Le poor fag
get the fuck back to 9gag, Summerfag
Ill pray for you
>being this shallow and materialistic
You'll be broke soon so enjoy your debts
You can get a 390 for $250 brand new.
Compared to the 480s that are going for $350 now, it's a way better deal.
They do.
Sup Forums is for software and Sup Forums is for hardware, because we know 99% of gpu discussions on here are for video games regardless of what you want to say.
/gcg/ please.
>Do you have an AMD cpu?
no. nice try though, now get out nvidiot, your shilling is not welcome here
Yes, and it also used a Celeron 600. Then the 360 came out, and it too used AMD (ATI, actually) and an IBM CPU.
So what's actually better? The Nvidia GTX 970 or AMD RX 480?
i dont know lets put it down
>970 already eol
>970 its 3.5/4 good
>970 is literally shit on dx12
>it will most surely be gimped by nvidia
Your pc setup is shit you fuckin inbred pleb
>your mum and dad were brothers and sister and they were rasied up in the woods by bush pigs that smelt like garbage rats that were deformed in various places
I have 8gigs in my 880M.
Never ever hit even 3gigs.
It's only possible with 4K. Even 2K fits into 3-3.5gigs.
But these cards - that are fitted with 4GB or less are not really suitable for 4K anyhow.
It's just stupid, kinda like how they put 10 cores in a top-tier Android device, and it's still weaker than Apple's 2 core CPU.
Lemme help.
> 970 will still have drivers support, years to come. AMD will spend half a year supporting the new card, then will neglect it. After a year, it will become a "Legacy" device.
> 970 have Shadowplay, PhysX, Gameworks, CUDA, SLI.
> 3.5
See my reply:
> it will most surely be gimped by nvidia
Yes, the NSA will send out microwaves that will slow down the clocks in the memory chip adapter and that will cause a cold fusion inside the chip, thus slowing the device. I knew it!
Apple has done it long already, but to meet someone who thinks the same way, it's awesome!
the 390 and 970 are in a clearance sale where I live and cheaper than the rx 480
should I go for the memevidia or grab the 390 now that AMD has the upperhand in some games like Far Cry Primal?
Please move all graphics card related discussions to the /gcg/ - graphics card general thread, thanks.
Saged to avoid any confusion.
Did you try asking /gcg/?
That's what it's there for.
Saged because this thread should just die.
Bump, just for you...
There is no reason for this thread to exist or for people to ask graphics card questions when we have a general dedicated to that.
Fuck you man, fuck you.
You know where you belong if you want select threads about certain things
If it's cheaper, 390, assuming you have a psu to handle it.
Containment generals are necessary to keep the cancer at bay, like you.
Ask on AMD support forums
And still, (mostly) nobody cares...
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Faggot OP here.
I can finally play games that I've owned for years (Shadow of mordor, tomb raider) at delicious 1080p/60fps.
Even the shitty pc ports like Wolfenstein The Old Blood work nicely.
Very happy with this buy.
DOOM is only 3 hours away :^)