I bet no one on this board has worse internet than I do.
I bet no one on this board has worse internet than I do
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Poor people should really kill themselves desu senpai
wow you have worse than my Australian internet, impressive.
your dl speed is better than mine
This is the fastest internet available for about a half hour to an hour in any direction :( hopefully the local sattelite company will be expanding to my area this year then i can double my speeds
lost nigger (this is my home primary, and yes it is wireless)
but you can game on sat internet :(
Wow, literally 56k.
Very slow internet.
The site won't load
>complaining about free internet provided to everyone by government
Buy a better plan then
shit really?
what up
This is from the far end of my house using a wifi extender, connected with ethernet I get slightly better.
But in 5 weeks I'll be able to finally get fibre here, used to get 150+ in the UK, been here in Ireland for a year with this shitty speed, these next 5 weeks can't go quick enough.
>over twenty times faster than me
how much do you pay for yours?
0.06 upload 98% packet loss 3.36 download
mine is bad too
Get on my level
Surely with that upload speed you wouldn't be able to post that pic on here, that must time out the captcha like 50 times before it hits 100%
Then how did you just upload that pic
Mine's pretty terrible.
how to get internet like this
Currently have 4Mbit down ADSL1 (sync speed, less throughput in practice), 0.4Mbit up (yes that's Mbit not MByte), middling latency (25-30ms at best). There won't be FTTC or coax rollout here, ever.
FTTP (over GPON from overhead poles) miiiight be happening. Very few details, no solid date. Could be in weeks, months, years, or never. If/when it does happen, it will mean 330 down, 30 up. (I suspect the asymmetry is artificial to protect the network's active Ethernet business offerings. I won't be complaining though.)
It's fiber
Holy shit i live in ashburn too! where did you get this godly internet and for how much? being stuck on verizon is infuriating
RIP ookla
google taking over the game once again
bump for non gpu thread
Live in a place lucky enough to have gig fibre. Really the only way.
I'm in Charlottesville not Ashburn. There's just a fuckton of datacenters in Ashburn so it picked that up as the closest.
why da fuck would they have this infrastructure in the fucking south? wtf
What is poor somewhere is considered luxury elsewhere
typical Australia
If you guys are paying for more internet than this shit then you really need to get your wiring checked. That shit gets rusty after so many years.
I sent them a memo to download it from my pc, that way it's not uploading but downloading from them.
Here user, you can have some of mine
I'm paying for 50
Get NBN they say, it will be good they say.
I had more fucking reliable internet on ADSL1
I'm just glad I don't live in the States.
Holy crappers
I couldn't cope with that
I'm italian. I know that fell
I pay for 50 & this is usually what I fucking get.
At least most people here have stable shit internet. That's better than nothing.
Here I get 30mbit/s down and 12 up, but wifi constantly breaks down so every minute or so I have 0mbit/s and 0mbit/s and I need to switch between 2.4 and 5 again to make it work.
It's probably my router or modem or some bullshit but I'm so done. This has been the 4th brand and the 9th fucking router and modem in the last year and they all work perfect the first month and then suffer. Suffer hard.
Also internet is mostly stable in the morning and afternoon, but as soon as the clock hits 18:30 for some reason internet just dies for the rest of the night. Every single day. Exactly 18:30. Wat.
Pajeet pls, pls...
one of the very few advantages of this country
Wouldn't it be 550kbps?
Change the provider
google should just kill themselves.
fucking greedy monopolistic bitches.
You just perfectly described my Provider. Christ I wish I had fiber internet down here instead of this bullshit internet right now.
Best one I can get in my area. Everyday I'm hoping that someone decides to upgrade the cables.
Wi-Fi speed to my phone from my $300 router. Teets.