For fuck sake. We need a containment bread/board for this shit. It's out of hand. 90% of the front page is AMD v. Nvidia fuckheads.
Sup Forums is officially dead.
For fuck sake. We need a containment bread/board for this shit. It's out of hand. 90% of the front page is AMD v. Nvidia fuckheads.
Sup Forums is officially dead.
Just give up and embrace nihilism. Mods won't care enough to make /consumer/
I 100% agree with this, but meta threads aren't going to fix anything
AMD are finished
She's saying rx480
I'll take a meta thread over a legit NVIDIA vs AMD thread anytime.
is there any way to fix this cancer?
send them to
No, mods like Sup Forums this way.
The subject of the threads isn't the problem. The problem is the content... All the trolling, etc.
And if you think the content is any better in your desktop threads, or your "chink" shit threads, or your "poo in loo" threads, you're woefully ignorant.
I have to sift through garbage every time I come to this board, whether there's a big product launch or not. Stop acting like you're special or something.
>complains about GPU threads
>posts a GPU thread
le funny meme frog
poo in the chink desktop general
use an extension to filter the OPs
GPU threads are bottom of the barrel because they're mostly Sup Forums
what is the appeal anyway?
do people really buy new graphic cards every other month?
My brother watches linusjewtips and he obsesses over him and his mediocre videos
He also talks to me about new graphic cards when he himself never plays video games at all, or anything that requires a powerful card, but I can't call him out on it, because he gets upset over the slightest things. Each time I see those graphic cards or hardware threads, I think of everyone posting in it is him
why have such a financial unhealthy hobby, that yields no satisfaction?
le hilarious frog meme lololo
at any rate I agree, we need a /dev/null for this redundant shitposting
You haven't been here long, have you?
There have always been GPU threads. You know what's new? The mindless racism and aliexpress threads.
There are literally threads about people discussing random shit they bought from China (literally /consumerism/) and you're complaining that GPU threads are off topic?
I wish the graphics cards were moved to Sup Forums where they belong
Because rage threads are so much better
We used to have a gpu general.
Just make one of those and redirect threads.
You forgot your ree..
What's wrong with racism?
dumb frogposter
>Come to technology board
>Get mad when there's a lot of threads about the most important piece of consumer tech this year so far
gcg here.
>Sup Forums is officially dead
fuck off and die.
>48 hidden threads
why do i even come here
this, also politics
lets talk about protocols?? like, how there's 7 layers?
This a hundred times
AMD fans on sucide watch
just bought a cheap RX 480 off aliexpress
Checkmate, faggot.
So you're sayin more linux as a daily desktop and why my distro of linux is not shitty threads then I guess.
Sup Forums's PS vs Xbox cancer has landed on Sup Forums with this Nvidia vs AMD shit.
Fuck off Sup Forums.
> Sup Forums is officially dead.
Are you just realizing this?
>mindless racism is new
>Sup Forums is officially dead
Took you a while. The only semi-decent-sometimes general on Sup Forums is /dpt/ and fuck sifting through the shit for anything else.
huh? i thought Sup Forums stood for gpu?
>Mindless racism
>A recent development
Ah it seems Reddit has arrived. Mindless racism was, is and always will be part of the chans. Fuck off SJW.
/csg/ is at least interesting
>whats wrong with racism in a technology board
Stands for Sup Forumset out nigger
Please move all graphics discussions to /gcg/, thanks!
Saged to avoid confusion.
Sup Forums has been shit since the words
>Bankrupt and Finished
were first posted years ago. It sucks being stuck here
but nvidia is overpriced shit and nvidiots is forcing that shit in my mouth
Technology is racist you don't see any Africans in it