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/gcg/ graphics card general.
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Won't work. Better to have one thread than asking 15 threads to go to Sup Forums
I guess I have no option but to fall for the AMD meme. I can't wait 6 months for the 1060.
this needs a refresh. It's simply too epic.
he's gonna do it again. The destroyer of cards is back for moar blood.
Calm down.
>i'm positive they won't fi. We're gonna see if we'll MAKE it fit or...
dis gunna be gud.
he didn't bring his doodle board for this.
he doesn't even give a fuck if he breaks this card (or lose the screws, again).
If I get a 1080 will I need to upgrade my cpu as well? i5 4690k @ 3.5ghz here.
No, but if you are using 1600mhz ram, faster ram wouldn't hurt.
Literally makes no difference in 99% of the cases.
da fuck did you do? not that pic.
is this bait?
Posted this in the dead thread but no one is there
For some reason my computer keeps crashing when I'm playing games on my new monitor
It's a 4k one
I have a 970, can anyone help with this?
Why are there so many anti-amd threads?
Are we being hit hard by paid nvidia shills?
I've never seen it this bad before
Didn't have issue with old monitor?
Did you try re-installing drivers?
Do you get any error messages?
Just sage and redirect them here. They don't deserve a bump
Just crashes once a map loads
Does it in a lot of games, menu screen is ok, but in game it crashes
Kind of disappointing to see the reference card made entirely of cheap and fake plastic shit.
no part 2 yet.
it wasn't epic but the way he manhandles everything is nerve racking.
I'm actually using 8 gigs @ 800 mhz, I guess I should upgrade that too?
Reinstall drivers.
Are you using hdmi or dvi?
It crashes when the game loads? So when the gpu is stressed?
Did you try benchmarks like heaven?
Nvidia is a SLUT
AMD is a cute
The 480 really is a decent card at that price. It doesn't live up to the hype created by shills, but it's still pretty good.
I'm going to pick one up once we get aftermarket coolers for them
If not bait, yes. 800 mhz is abysmal
>hype created by shills
and another word loses its meaning
Which one? I don't see what's wrong with his statement.
Isn't the point of a shill to sell and hype a product?
shills are actually hired by companies to pass their "unbiased" opinion as a genuine one. What you're referring are fanboys. These people are doing it for free. 480 hype is fuelled by AMD, but if you see presentation numbers, they are more or less align with the card results, but hype around the card was immense, people said it will kill Fury and 980.
Good point.
I'm sure there was at least one nvidia shill overhyping the rx480 though, no way anyone that dedicated would be unpaid.
>no way anyone that dedicated would be unpaid.
The payment was AMD tears by the liter. Seriously, fanboys shouldn't overhype, it's a poison to the soul.
Good for 1440p ultra settings?
How bad is the reference cooler? Been waiting for a gcg to ask because of how shit all the gpu spam threads are.
From what reviewers are saying, 1440p ultra isn't too much to ask of current games, but you might not be running AA.
I have a 1440p Korean monitor, but don't game often, which is why I'm not aiming to spend much more on this upgrade.
Anything better at around A$400?
Gtx 970 is similar price, and looks like similar performance, but last gen...
fuck reference, wait for custom coolers, don't do this to yourself
I'm upgrading from a GTX 660 and wonder whether I should buy a GTX970 or a RX480.
They seem to have similar performance on current games but I wonder if the 8GB will make a difference in the long run.
>beleiving speccy
DDR fool - speccy reports half speed because thats how ram works (and nobody uses QDR ram).
Then again, you might actually have 800mhz ram (it must be DDR2 or something to be that slow).
There is no real reason to buy a GTX 970 over an RX 480 at the moment.
I'm more of an nvidia fanboy than anything (I just got a 1080 in the mail) but I would not recommend people jump into a 970. The RX480 looks like a very solid choice at its price point and if it's between a broken card (970) and the RX480, there's really no contest here.
No one should be considering a 970 over an RX480. If you want to buy a green card, you should resign yourself to waiting for the 1060.
It's not fair to compare reference 480s to GTX 970s.
The 970 didn't have a reference cooler available until months after its launch, and even then only in limited quantity from limited retailers. All the 970s that we're comparing the 480 to are vendor cards, with custom cooling and power delivery.
A fair comparison can only be made when we have vendor 480s available.
>there are still people considering the 970 when the 390 and 480 exists
Piggybacking off this. Anyone got estimates on how much more custom 480s will be over the $240 reference card?
>AMD fanboys and shills btfo
>Nvidia fanboys and shills btfo
Feels good to be indifferent and critical
I'd prefer the 480 because of muh DX12.
More VRAM is always handy especially for new games. You can get GTA V using 4gb easy. It's only going to get crazier from here.
People keep asking, so to put it as straightforward as possible: VRAM matters, guys.
Does this mean we can analyse/encode with 2 passes in real time, resulting in better quality live streams?
Why is the RX480 drawing more power than PCIe spec now an issue? Why wasn't it brought up when the 960 did the EXACT same thing?
w t
I think that's what the slide says.
Ignoring ultra low end cards where its DDR3 vs GDDR5 more vram only matters to a point - its still the overall compuitational power (shaders, comnpute units, rops etc etc) that are more important. For a card like the 480 8gb isn't really needed as you generally won't be pushing the sort of settings and resolutions (certainly not at a framerate above 30fps) where the extra vram truly shines.
Sure more ram never hurts, but given 8gb isn't free compared to 4gb yhou have to bring price into the equation. Its why 8gb on the 390/x is mostly a marketing gimmick with only very few exceptions.
AMD didn't give enough of pic related.
Because it's a lot worse on the RX 480
>draws more than the 1070 while performing far worse
What... Have... AMD... Created? What is this """"""""""""""""""""video card""""""""""""""""""""?
That is retarded no matter what gpu we are talking about - average load is what matters for psus.
No it's not. It's exactly the same.
Yeah, obviously it's not free, but it's not that much more expensive, either, and I have a feeling that even the 1080p people are going to need more than 4gb of VRAM going forward, or at least that only having 4gb will cripple them even if the other factors are not. Hell, this is already true of the 970 where only having 3.5gb is crippling at 1080p.
I guess in the end I'm assuming that the average guy on Sup Forums is the type of buyer that would rather wait a paycheck to get the 8GB card if they think they'll use it. I think he will.
That was ASUS' problem, not nvidia's.
And maybe because RX 480 release saw a bit more attention.
Now compare gaming loads rather than furmark.
No one gives a shit about furmark.
Guys, I just realized that with the power consumption of this architecture, the 1080 competitor is going to be like 340w.
What the fuck is the 1080ti competitor going to look like. Are we back to the days of 500w cards from AMD?
Well you also have to consider GCN has dynamic memory caching - its partly why the fury x's 4gb rarely becomes an issue at 4k.
>mfw 970GTX is already gimped and falls behind the 390
>RX 480 consumes 40W at idle with multi monitors
>meanwhile 1070/1080 consumes
truth for vega is not clear its just speculation and rumors
You're right, I had not considered that. Hmmm
Still tho.
If this is the level of efficiency we can expect out of AMD 14nm, then house fires fucking confirmed.
that was an 960 issue in general since most of the cards was drawing pretty much above of their max power draw...
AMD will always lag behind on efficiency but honestly I don't care, their efficiency still improves compared to their previous cards which is all that matters to me.
For once hardocp weren't retards and started collecting data of dynamic vram usage.
>new OC tool doesn't work on my 7870
Why? Why do AMD suck so much dick, bros?
Did nvidia put out a reference card where it was a problem?
Did all 960s have the problem?
The answer to both is no. Nvidia is not responsible for the implementation of power delivery on the aftermarket cards.
Don't forget pascal is also increasing power consumption compared to Maxwell so it's more balanced.
Less from AMD, more from Nvidia.
It'll be like HD7950 vs gtx 670 again I hope.
>yfw AMD releases a stock card with 3 8-pins
Now you know what people meant when they said that AMD can only compete with price.
Good. It's cold where I live and the byproduct heat kept my room warm in the wintery months.
the answer is that nvidia never made a 960 refrence model available to anyone
it was only aib
also yes the majority had the same problem
lol factory always have a saying on the desings who ever think that aib go full retards without the parent company knowning about it is just delusional
you do realise that smaller chips get hottter and 14nm is really fucking tightly packed CU's
Nvidia is 16NM so it has more over all heat than 14nm albeit not much more.
the 14nm polaris has the worse heatsink for a GPU like no heat pipes no close kitted cooling fins and just budget plastic c'mon its just a cheap vidoe card it has nothing to do with the card its self in theroy 1070 in the same caller sould be near the same heat over all.
OEM's already have great coolers like all the other reviewers said OEM's make great coolers and then your get some fairer heat readings
but with amd's low cash rate i honestly didn't expect a good cooler on that RX480 for US 249 for the 8gb model.
Vega will have better cooler though rich fags get all the nice stuff.
Its due to the 480 having programmable power states - something older cards don't support. Powertune has come a long way from its first iteration.
So why can't they enable the new tool without that specific feature? The new tool has custom fan curve, something the shitty old AMD Overdrive doesn't have.
AMD again failing epically like the shitter retards they are.
No they didn't you fucking liar.
Alright fellas I'm getting a g4400. Do I pair it with a gtx 960 or 380?
>you do realise that smaller chips get hottter and 14nm is really fucking tightly packed CU's
Also consider AMD's chips are denser than Nvidia's offerings - in some cases dramatically so (hawaii vs fat kepler for example).
Don't do this.
Get an i3 6100 instead. You'll regret it so much.
Kek, rekt.
is it Worth to put 1080 with g4400?
Just like the strix.
Only Asus has this problem.
oh, sorry
I personally went with a 380 because they're cheaper than 960 where i live and all the benchmarks i found (tried to seek out as many as possible) seemed to favor it. No problems so far, got a sapphire nitro version core oc'd to 1150mhz, never goes above 60°c in gayman (1080p). Though i paired it with a 4690k so this may or may not be true with your case.
GTX970 at $100 or RX480 at $240?
Not necessarily. Current thermal issues of 480 are mostly due to AMD being cheap fucks with their cooler design. People are already seeing good results with universal aftermarket ones.
lol the chart literally shows the cards passing quite a lot on the torture just like 480 but its only asus
love when people just twist
Anyway, is a 1080 + 4400 (just for a bit till I upgrade) better than 1070 + i5 6500?
I3 6100 and rx480 is a nice, balanced build.
Or i5 6500 and gtx 1070
seriously is there a fucking card after 32nm that uses GOOD refrence cooling system besides the fury line?
NOT A SINGLE ONE mainly because the aib's need to sell their cards
its not like amd or nvidia cant built a nice over the top desing like they did with radeon pro duo
its because the aib wont sell shit if they do it
it might bottleneck, bt I just saw a video of guy playing Doom 4 at stable 60fps, ultra settings. Just want a cheap rig to shit post and overgay.
if 970 is not some burned out, abused card from bitcoin mining rig, it's not even a question.