Low budget cpu

Do you have some suggestions on low budget cpus? I want to buy GTX1080 + CPU, but this cpu gets its budget limited by the gpu. on Intel side, there's a g4400, on AMD's side? y'know, I think I'll need more cores than 2

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CPU runs games so be careful, some fag is running around Sup Forums spamming everyone to post in his generals threads.

But your question you need an Intel quad-core or 6-8 core AMD part OC'd past 4.3 GHz.

With the 1080, really, you need an i5.



Or at the minimum the 880k

i can only get an i5 or i3 with the 1070. do you suggest to do that?

just get a gtx 1070 and spend the difference on an okay i3/i5 assuming you don't have a good cpu now

*most* games now will utilise all your cores properly and the ones that don't are still going to be bottlenecked by the far lower clocks on the pentium/celreons, it's a lose-lose getting a top of a line cpu and getting a bottom of the barrel cpu

That's only two cores

I'd advise against it.

The 1080 will be a good card for like 3 years.

I have my doubts about a dual-core chip.

now I've got no CPU. I'm writing on a AMD turion 64 laptop

>it's a lose-lose getting a top of a line cpu and getting a bottom of the barrel cpu

erm, I mean getting a top of the line gpu and you get the picture

pic related is fallout 4 which is unusual in that it does use a *lot* of cpu power for all its draw threads but consider that most pentium/celreons only have 2 cores and no hyperthreading, even on a lower end i3 you'll be running into issues on fallout 4 (near max cpu usage will eventually cause stuttering in some cpu heavy areas of the game) but you'll at least have 2 cores/4 threads on a higher clocked cpu in the first place

What's your total budget?

If you have a medium to high-end GPU, just a non-K i5 and cheap mobo.

AMD's current CPUs need too much overclocking, 3rd party cooling, and beefy mobos to really perform.

770eur, on amazon.co.uk it's 630£ (everything's cheap down there, thanks brexit)

Get the cheapest celery for your motherboard, then buy an i5 when you have the money.

ah good stuff, my old dell laptop from 2007 had an amd turion

in that case I'd recommend getting an okay i3/cheap i5, can't give any solid recommendations but i3-6300/6320 or an i5-6600 or something along those lines will be suitable, something from the last generation might be a bit cheaper for mobo/ram but have a look around

use pcpartpicker.com and logicalincrements.com for a general idea

>That's only two cores
>I'd advise against it.

it's only 2 cores but it has hyperthreading and is far higher clocked versus something like an i5-6400, it even has higher single core performance over an i5-6500

personally I'd say an i3-6320 if it has to be an i3 but otherwise an i5-6600 minimum (i3-6320 beats i5-6400 and is cheaper)

I heard i5 6500 is the sweetspot, ain't it?

One of the hex core amds
Theyre like 80-90$
Or i3

I5 would be ideal

with a 1070, I can get an i7 6700 non k but I'm without a ram. I'll wait till I have money for 4GB ddr4 and then I'll buy

according to cpubenchmark.net the i5-6500 has 1k more points than the i3-6320 (6k~ versus 5k~ respectively) but the 6320 has 200~ more points in single threaded performance, however the price difference might make the 6320 worth it, £140~ versus £170 for the 6500

plus the 6320 is 47w vs 65w for the 6500 so you might be able to overclock (blkid) the 6320 a little better on the stock intel heatsink too, I don't think you're getting that much extra out of a 6500 but the 6600 onwards definitely start to shine

all the difference the higher base clocks make

I found some benchmarks here if anyone's curious: translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pl&tl=en&u=http://pclab.pl/art66945.html

tl;dr it holds its own, does better than the 6400 in some games but with notably cpu heavy games the 6400 (and as a result the 6500) *will* pull ahead

get 6600 or 6600k if you can get ram, the difference between high end i5s and low end i7s is so minimal outside of really cpu heavy work it's not even worth mentioning

i7 for 3d is better than i5, I'm gonna use this pc for gaming, programming (games too), and 3d model making, if I can play vr with something like trinus it's better. also, i7 6700 is not low end

>, I'm gonna use this pc for gaming, programming (games too), and 3d model making,
Get a mid range card and a good i7 - 6700K is quite excellent for professional work.
If you're going to do anything remotely concerning 3D you need a good processor.

I have an i7 48something from years ago in my rig, it's awesome, I've worked with lesser cpus i5 and amd memes and they're shit.
On the other hand when my 7970 died I replaced it with a 950 and I've quite honestly rarely even noticed my card isn't good.
A good i7 can be viable for years, a high end card will only be high end for 2 years probably less nowadays.

>CPU runs games so be careful, some fag is running around Sup Forums spamming everyone to post in his generals threads.
Dude, what?