dpt - Daily Programming Thread

`'Frob'` Edition

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What are you working on, \g\?

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wincuck detected

>using strings for filepaths
Shitty OS detected

I'm making a testcase for a library in java called jawampa.

Please stop posting your forced meme trapshit, and kill yourself.

you have a point there. He IS a good politician, but politics itself is a problem.

It's too bad we don't have a system where utility is the deciding factor. instead, it's all a game of who can speak the loudest and not get caught off-guard.

yeah, true. Obama is pretty megalomaniacal. difference is, though, Obama has a deep-seated agenda. Hillary just wants to run shit, and she doesn't care who she harms. Obama has a calculated list of who he harms; Hillary doesn't.
On an alignment graph, Obama is like lawful evil, whereas Hillary is like chaotic evil.

Comparatively, Trump is like neutral good, and Bernie is like chaotic neutral

I wrote a program that says if a person in a picture is nude or clothed.

Nice, what does it use, a neural network or something?

Yes, I used Google's TensorFlow.

Donald Trump will purge your degenerate ass.

>also don't use linked lists
why not?

can you do one to detect anime images or kpop images?

Probably. I'm still new at this. I'm tweaking the model right now and causing it to break in most unexpected ways. It's going to be a long road for me.

Hillary has a very different vision of America's place in the world from Obama's. Hers is more traditional. And I agree with her there.

> Trump is like neutral good

I only know that he's an arrogant ignoramus surrounded by yes men and mobsters. There's no discernible method to his "policy" "ideas" or their frequent changes. And his rhetoric is aimed at morons.

Hello tumblr.

I'm YUGELY more conservative than you are, Trumpkin. Believe me. Believe me.

Anime girls reading programming books is my fetish desu senpai.

you should no longer say "recursion"
you should now say mise en abyme


l.lists are worse than vectors in almost every imaginable way

excellent taste


Delphi :-( I don't understand we are using delphi.

A realistic 3D cheese pizza MMORPG
Looking for free 3d models now lel


Stop posting this every thread.
This isn't even programming related.
Go to Sup Forums or /vg/ or wherever that game dev general is.

At least it isn't Java

>game programming
>not related to programming

>lists are worse than vectors
in case you don't know, they have different use cases

Here: pastebin.com/nzyz2G7A

It's mostly from advanced google's MNIST for TensorFlow tutorial.

If anyone here could help me find out why the model completely fails to learn anything when I feed it pictures sized 56x56 instead of 28x28, it would be extremely helpful.

I am probably going to ask this on stack exchange somewhere if I can't figure it out.

None of your post was about programming you dumbass.

There are no good use cases for a mutable linked list.

Working on creating a BlackJack game using the gtk toolkit

you wrote 3 posts crying about things not being related while I made one post asking for a component in the development of the game, stop shitposting moron

>it's game related so it's programming related
Back to Sup Forums you go

>what are requirements for the development of something
Back to the short bus senpai

LLs have one good use case, which is making your software slower. This will allow you to majorly increase performance in future revisions, so it looks like you're actually doing something.

In any decent language you should be able to simply a[0], a[1] = a[1], a[0]

>In any decent language you should be able to simply std::swap(a[0], a[1])

In any decent language you should be able to simply work with immutable structures efficiently

fib heaps require linked lists

binary trees are essentially linked lists

skip lists require linked lists

In any decent language you should be able to simply declare the start and outcome and have it compute the result.

You are completely in the wrong.
You've literally just told us you're fetching models.

What the fuck does that have to do with programming?
Fucking nothing. Nothing whatsoever.

Are you going to ask us about what our favourite music is? After all, that might help with what music you'll put in the game, and therefore you'd say it's programming related because it relates to game development.

Binary trees are not "essentially linked lists".
Binary trees are binary trees.

Thread asked what I was doing right now that is programming related.
I said I am programming a 3d cheese pizza MMORPG.
You had a BPD meltdown telling me to gobak2/v/ and wrote long paragraphs telling me to go for what?
If you're this desperate for online spotlight in your cyber refuge from real life, you can have it, you just had to ask.

>Thread asked what I was doing right now that is programming related.
>asked what I was doing right now that is programming related
>programming related

>A realistic 3D cheese pizza MMORPG
>Looking for free 3d models now lel
>looking for free 3d models

>what is asking for potential leads to resources in the building / programming of my game
>not related to the development / programming of it
dude, this is the internet, you dont have to fight for attention, you can have it.

>There are no good use cases for a mutable linked list
are you admitting I'm smarter than you?

>not related to the programming of it
Exactly, you finally understand.
Procuring resources for X is not programming related just because X is.
Please in future refrain from posting in every /dpt/ about how you're making a game, and every individual non-programming task that requires you to perform.

>having = as a mutating operator

anime lolis are better.

>not having mutable arrays

Who are you quoting?


I don't recall saying anything about no mutable arrays

if 5x5x5m cube of steel weighs 10 tons, how much does 15x15x15m cube made of steel weigh?
I am coming up with 270 tons, but that seems like bullshit number to me

You can do that? Is it some downloadable thing or are you dependat on connecting to some online google server (which would made it useless shit) ?

I want to make it as realistic as possible while maintaining it's legality to piss people off
but what if I am asking for models in order to transform them into matrices / vertices which is code? owned kiddo

>in order to transform them into matrices / vertices which is code
>matrices/vertices which is code

3375m^3 * 10T/125m^3
= 10T * 27
= 270 T

270 it's right

I want to improve my coding. I always manage to cum my code all over the classes but I name my variables and methods well and I also follow diagrams.

You aren't one of those UML cunts are you?


Sorry, I prefer Java :-)

Panafrican SMS-based application where all kinds of producers as small as they might be can "publish" whatever produce they have on sale using nothing but numbers (apparently there are many analphabets but everyone knows how to type in numbers).

Basically a peasant would have a list of produce like wheat, maniok, corn or whatever, different quality grades and from that they would send a number code per sms to a number with the ammount of items they have on sale.
Anyone looking to sell would immediately receive the location, price and volume of those willing to sell near them.

Right now its probably going to be some hashlist or hashbased data structure with built-in checksum so that a typo is automatically caught.

Because of performance requirements and probably limited resources on the server side its going to be a C++ project, maybe some Qt for the GUI.

Was thinking about setting it up using something like IPFS to ensure maximum availability but that might be a bit of an overkill.

Kickoff is probably going to be in 1-2 weeks in Tansania.
Already got two ministers of economy that cant wait to see this get started.

> things that never happened

You wot m8

P cool, good luck mate.

screenshot it and wait a few month.
Might not be superbig if there are budget cuts, but there will be at least two countries participating.

>never accomplished anything in my life so im gonna tell everyone they're lying so i can keep feeling better about being a loser
ok lol

We all have succeeded.

When our father filled our mom's internal HDD with millions of malware only one could remain unnoticed inside and that one is we. :>

Check my fizz buzz without any conditionals.


int fizz(int i){
int (*f[])(int) = {fizz, exit};
static char* s[] = {"%d\n", "fizz\n", "buzz\n", "fizzbuzz\n"};
printf(s[!(i%3) + !(i%5)*2], i);

int main(void){

Very good, well done.


That's why they came up with the garbage collector

fucking disgusting
i like it

>two ministers of economy

I laughed, thanks

why would anyone thrash a perfectly good loli

Working on requesting and favouriting songs in my R/a/dio front end


I swear if this is some Electron bullshit I'm going to rm -rf / remotely
Your font rendering looks fucked up
Make the Song name - Artist separation more readable
These colors are awful

well the one of Tansania and of another country.
Im not doing the PR though, I am/will be in charge of the software department.


>I swear if this is some Electron bullshit I'm going to rm -rf / remotely
No, its a native cocoa app

>Your font rendering looks fucked up
Trying to fix this, its a problem with the text field when its unselected

>These colors are awful
The application is vibrant so it shows the background blurred, my background is yellow so the application looks yellow

I ditched my GitHub account and I'm currently setting up my own server.

No one can possibly fathom how much I now wish I could just delete the damn project and restart it from scratch with new knowledge.

25 years of programming experience and I somehow manage to fuck up the whole architecture so thoroughly (not bad algorithms or storage choices, just thoroughly hacked-up design) that I can't do anything else than just stare at the whole mess and weep. A year's worth of code down in the drain.

Sorry, I just had to vent.

I think I'm going to play games or something for the next few months instead and forget this whole thing.

Since when can you favourite with the r/a/dio API?

You cant, im putting my own implementation in the app

can you try to refactor it somehow?
define your function as black boxes (what goes in, what goes out) and rewrite them one by one?

Does anyone have experience with network coding here?

I was thinking about making a program with a networking component. I know I could hack something together to make it work, but I don't want to have to rewrite the whole thing if it ever gets to the point of having a lot of users.
I know networking is one of those instances where performance is critical, but I don't know how early that kicks in.

For the sake of giving a more concrete example, let's say I want to make a chess server, where clients can connect, get matched up with someone, submit moves, have the server validate the moves and relay to the opponent/any spectators.
What kind of a server do I need to support 100, 1,000 or 10,000 clients like this? I figure for 100 I'll definitely be fine using a highlevel language, and just running each connection on a separate thread synchronously. But at what point do I need to worry about using async sockets, or even switching over to C/C++?

>I know networking is one of those instances where performance is critical, but I don't know how early that kicks in.

>and just running each connection on a separate thread synchronously. But at what point do I need to worry about using async sockets, or even switching over to C/C++?

You need to worry about it already because you're doomed to fail if you're going to do thread per connection. You want async sockets/polling. A lot of the performance will also boil down to tuning the kernel's network stack.

I started CS50x Monday and just finished Week 0 yesterday.
Currently watching the first Week 1 lecture now.
I had 0 knowledge of programming before starting.


When will you go back tu reddit?

>muh performance
Just write that shit and call it a day. Optimize it when you need to.
Simply having some way of handling connections concurrently is enough for now.

Still working on anime usenet indexer.

Just finished working on a script that matches a post to its respective series. Seems accurate enough, and lets me show the alternative titles like animebyt.es does. Will eventually be able to incorporate it in the search so searching for "Nichijou" series will show results that contain "日常" and such.

I think the site itself looks pretty shit. It's all white and blue, and looks like the godawful default bootstrap theme even though it's all my own style without a framework. Hopefully it looks better with some thumbnails when I get around to that.

For chess you need to support exactly exactly two users. Think about it.
And performance would not at all be critical, people have been playing chess over postal mail for centuries and having fun.

Have cache at your network connection, parse the "packets" i.e. the moves actually, for validity.
If they pass, move them forward to the opposite side and write them to the server, discard the packet.
You will need to have at most #users/2*sizeOfMoveInKB caching space.

AMA started here, dipshit.
Plebbit just stole it like they steal everything.

> tfw too cheap to buy this


I hate being such a greedy bastard. I really want this but FUCK IT'S 40 DOLLARS

>tfw made enough money today so far to buy two of these
Poorfags btfo

What the fuck is CS50x?

>AMA started here
So did troll and rage faces, as well as reddit man face (pic related)

Harvard's introduction to computer science course.

How do you get into Harvard compsci knowing nothing about programming?

>tfw Thursday and Friday are when all the qts show up at work

Its free for anyone and meant for people with 0 knowledge.

>tfw your coworkers see you as a magician just because you use git and vim

>im going to impress them with my sponge bob memes