>tfw have no idea for degree thesis

>>tfw have no idea for degree thesis

-one of my friend is making TSP visualisation
-one makes java card game
-another one makes hobo database system (wtf)

I can either choose from 3 main topics
-study from IT field
-develop a software
-make a DBMS

>java card game
what country is this in?

This, even for a dissertation that shouldn't do, unless he crowbars in something cool like advanced AI

>study from IT field

Boring as hell.

>develop a software

Might get you a job afterwards.

>make a DBMS

Oh well, DBs are fun.
But it depends on how "low level " you have to start? If you have to low level shit like "how to lock pages" I wouldn't do it.

Not OP, but you could do a lot with a Java Card game:

Think about the network support, graphics, combinatorical / scheduling problems, the AI, the way he uses abstract patterns..

this, i haven't seen the project itself, maybe it's hearthstone 2.0, or something

They're talking undergrad thesis, not dissertation-level shit. US universities often make undergrads do pathetic little projects in their senior year and make them feel good by calling it a "thesis" or "capstone"

Assuming you don't already have a capstone class for it, make a compiler faggot.

smoke meth

>nother one makes hobo database system (wtf)

>>nother one makes hobo database system (wtf)

temporary accommodation registration system for the homeless

>undergrad thesis, not dissertation-level shit.

Can I get some ideas for my "pathetic"little project? I don't wanna end up like pajeet

Make some kind of application that would be beneficial to you (and likely others). That way you at least have some investment in it and others could get some use out of it.

Like, what's something you need or want or think you could do better?

Do they even let you choose? I still have one year before my thesis, but the way it works here is you choose a department (department for database systems, software engineering, theoretical computer science, computer engineering etc.) and then I assumed the professor would give you a task, but maybe not.

Undergrad? here's some ideas.

a) Document Collation System - A program to search locations, and allow users to sort docs into virtual folders. Allow them to tag the documents with new metadata. You'll need some way to preview various document formats.

b) Image Stenography - Build a program to embed messages into images. Use various encryption methods, and stenographic techniques. Have the program allow users to choose the different approaches, and show the resulting image. Show what happens with longer messages, if anything, depending on the approach used.

c) Code a basic Z80 emulator- No need to code gfx support, just code a basic emulator to handle Z80 machine code.If you don't like Z80, you can always go for Z-Machine instead (easy to prove it works as well, just use Zork).

face recognition app that searches porn stars who looks like the person

x86 assembly ping pong/tetris/snake game

op here
my problem is, everything has been already made

here you can choose your own, or get one, my prof's choices are pretty lame

b, actually I was thinking of some a encryption program /already made
c, that's out of my league

Write something privacy related, like a program that tracks the outgoing packages from your own computer from certain programs of your own choice.
Like a program to monitor what kinda crap windows 10 sends to Microsoft servers

wireshark did it

So I should remake something that has been already made, but not remarkebly succesfull from my approach?

A complete fluffy game, since no one else can.

Don't worry, just claim it's LGBTQAAIPF and you'll be safe from recourse.

Make a torrent plugin for Firefox. Basically a more advanced download manager with p2p support.

1. I have never seen such a plugin.
2. Firefox already manages all my other downloads from the internet (sans specific application updates)
3. I browse for torrents in Firefox anyway, then have to switch to another application to actually download it wtf.
4. You can support all of the protocols and include some advanced features like multiple download requests to sites that deliberately throttle connections.
5. Would give you some networking experience and you might actually use it after (unlike the homeless database and that java card game guy)