RX 480 worth it?

I have a XFX r9 280x currently; im just wondering if it would be worth it to upgrade to the 480

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Not until AMD finds a way to stop the cards from drawing way too much power from the PCI-e slot.

You should give it another couple of weeks to make a decision. Partner boards will reveal how Polaris really performs, and by that time, we may see a 1060 launch, which could be better value.

I'd love to prove how much of an AMD shill I really am but this user has it right . There was already a small stink about too much power draw (which was since proven to be nbd) you might as well wait for the AIB custom cards to come out, once that happens and you have a card you can reliably overclock for 200-230$ i would say yes it is plenty worth it

They didn't just prove that it wasn't a big deal, they proved that the method Tom's Hardware used was flawed.

I'm waiting for this baby

Why waste 200 dollars on this poo?

i sold my asus 280x to buy RX480 , this pcie power draw and the cooler barely able it to OC more did draw small stink. having living in malaysia had me to pay XFX RX480 for $316 and yeah its non oc non backplate edion. this is wrinkling my brain!

750 ti drew 125 watts from the pcie slot.


Ignore nvidia FUD shills. Buy non reference.

the rx 480 is literally less than gtx 760 performance

shitty poo in loo indian card

From what I understood the issue wasn't with the method it was with people's misunderstanding of what "PCI-e specifications" actually are. Everybody got spooked because of an arbitrary number that some dickwad pulled out of his ass

I think you jumped the gun friend, getting the reference card is always a mistake


i havent buy it yet . sorry english not my primary language. but now i feel torn a part to wait a few more weeks or months for new AIB version. which mean it could add up another 50$-100$ in Malaysia. i really dont want Nvdia card as it obsolete faster than Amd and resell value drop significantly when new card arrive.

You hit the nail right on the head, although i think a month is the longest it will take for the AIB versions to release, and maybe wait for a small time after that for prices to drop. It's your call buddy

This thread has convinced me and messed my confidence in getting a non reference 480 when it comes out, thanks!

They'll have to gimp the the cards, to limit the amount of power they use, or recall all their faulty reference cards. No other way to deal with the fact that the piece of crap uses 160-170 w under load and only has a 6-pin connector. Either way, AMD is probably done for.

>which was since proven to be nbd

Retard detected.

reference is crap

wait for non reference versions

also it's always good to give any new GPU release a few weeks so that the issues are figured out.

It's a decent upgrade, albeit not mind-blowing. You could wait and see what the rumoured 490 offers, but then we don't even know if it's real yet.

look what i found

How so?




Yes. It's 45% faster than a 380, so it's about the same with a 280x. Wait for aftermarkets though

But user, thats what makes it so juicy

>build new rig
>get RX 480 $199
>keep until GTX 1080ti / Vega comes out and upgrade screen

It's going to fry your motherboard eventually

Stay away from defective products

It violates both the PCIe and the ATX standard due to excessive power draw on both the PCIe slot and the 6-pin connector.

Hell no, wait for the 490 or just get 1070


Huh, didn't know this was the case with the 750 Ti. Had the card for years and no issue in a small form factor ass rock mobo

the card is fine it has a vbios problem that doesnt let the voltage go down from 1.3 to 1.1 after the boost mode is gone
other than that the card is an evolution of your its 40-50% faster than it

Same here, waiting for Vega.


Wondering the same.

Need I upgrade from my GTX 770?

>end of life 'super clocked' edition
>new dx12 reference card

which one has more potential?

What's the point in buying the 480 because it's new and uses dx12? I want muh 1st gpu to be something i don't regret.

you mean you dont reget being the parapligil brother of the gpu family that your mother says you have 2 legs and 2 arms yet half of one your arm is missing?

>1st gpu
ah I see, you're uninformed, just like all Novideo fanboys

This user is right . At least grab a current gen if you are gonna go nvidia, or your 3.5gb card will be out of date in year.

The 750 ti averages 60w, under 75w whereas the 480 averages 80w, over 75w. There's the issue.

Exactly. nvidia shills are trying so hard to make this a big deal when it doesn't fucking matter at all. The 960 did this as well and nvidia shills didn't care. The only time this will matter is if you're running a fucking $20 motherboard with dick all for power phases.

I don't care about brand i just want a gpu that is not OS locked like my cpu will be soon.

it´s more like you have a weird condition where you can only move half of your arm very slowly
meaning yes you still have 2 arms and 2 legs
one arm is just crippled

>I don't care about brand
Then stop comparing a 'super clocked' edition to a fucking REFERENCE card. Wait for the AIB to hit the stores, then compare them and only after that form your opinion.

>gpu that is not OS locked
Great AMD is vastly improving their Linux drivers, and I think the 480 works on a Hackintosh too.

From here on out new games are going to use either DX12 or Vulkan, which the 480 is designed for, but whatever you want user, get the DX11 optimised end of life 3.5GB.

>budget card
>thinks people who can afford it are going to have $200 motherboards

Drown yourself

if you have a chinese or north korean motherboard then its your fault...
even asrock has failsafes nowdays..

nah, the 290x is still quite badass. Wait for the rx490

You misread the op my son

What game are you playing OP and what what resolution?

Yes, it's like in between the fury and 980 but for only $199

She is pretty

If you knew you were going to OC why did you get the reference?

Wait for retail updates/BIOS updates and real tests from non-reference versions.

Some testers said the reference and early retail cards were overdrawing power but that happens pretty often in new card models, and is usually fixed either by pre-retail modifications (which its too late for AMD to do right now) or by updating drivers or BIOS.

Tl;Dr: we just don't know. If AMD fixes the overdrawing issues the 480 looks to be delivering really stellar performance if you can get it at North American MSRP.

Wait for custom cards, the cooler on the reference model is shit anyway and custom models may have better power delivery and will definitely have better cooling, so they may be able to hit higher clocks and be more of a worthwhile upgrade.

It can be fixed via software nigguh.


inb4 >reddit