How To Become a Hacker:

How To Become a Hacker:

Web Dev General: Daily Programming Thread: Learning:

News/CVE releases:


Tell us what you're working on.

Other urls found in this thread:*nix-more-secure-than-Windows-1/answer/Erik-Fair

I dont like your thread user...


>News/CVE releases:
You forgot about utorrent homepage

Ur a fagit

what about web series?

Because you sound like my uncle

did he touch you greentext your story

I just had an idea to run ads on a search engine website that just scrapes google. This seems too easy. Tell me why it wouldn't work.

Also, I'm gonna start port scanning on my raspberry pi on the network at my shitty subway job while I'm on the clock. That'd be pretty fun.

>green everything
>using pentium
>not even 8gb of ram

>be me
>with uncle
>we don't say a single word
>he tells me to get him a beer
>i get one
>he drinks it
>he get bit drunk
>tells me to man up and fuck shaw(my crush)
>the end

you sound like a pussy get yourself a beer and fuck shaw get her a beer and hack her vagina

And, did you fuck Shaw?

How do I stop getting distracted? I go through a repeated cycle of learning for awhile, then I crash and end up procrastinating and masturbating?

I know bro......I know that feeling I am there

So, blackhat or whitehat?

Grey hat

Shit I forgot to put /hackg/ in the thread subject

>not pointing to /lain/cyb/
>not pointing to /tech/fucko/
please don't
while many people encourage openness for innovation and security by openness and that many anons here recognise your noble effort, the potential for bad practices is great and also for misuse

never forget
>you don't learn to hack
>you hack to learn

In June 2000, while visiting Korea, I did a fun hack that clearly illustrates the original and true meaning of the word "hacker".

I went to lunch with some GNU fans, and was sitting down to eat some tteokpaekki (*), when a waitress set down six chopsticks right in front of me. It occurred to me that perhaps these were meant for three people, but it was more amusing to imagine that I was supposed to use all six. I did not know any way to do that, so I realized that if I could come up with a way, it would be a hack. I started thinking. After a few seconds I had an idea.

First I used my left hand to put three chopsticks into my right hand. That was not so hard, though I had to figure out where to put them so that I could control them individually. Then I used my right hand to put the other three chopsticks into my left hand. That was hard, since I had to keep the three chopsticks already in my right hand from falling out. After a couple of tries I got it done.

Then I had to figure out how to use the six chopsticks. That was harder. I did not manage well with the left hand, but I succeeded in manipulating all three in the right hand. After a couple of minutes of practice and adjustment, I managed to pick up a piece of food using three sticks converging on it from three different directions, and put it in my mouth.

It didn't become easy—for practical purposes, using two chopsticks is completely superior. But precisely because using three in one hand is hard and ordinarily never thought of, it has "hack value", as my lunch companions immediately recognized. Playfully doing something difficult, whether useful or not, that is hacking.

>not listening to pic related

Whatever gnuerd

OSes ? (mandatory matrix reference) (mandatory meme reference)

Or should we refer tools/frameworks?


I get more "hacking" done on my N900.

mantra is boss af

maddox pls

I just use Windows with Guest OS in Virtual Box

You are self employed right?
Otherwise you'd care about handling your work in a more reliable way.
>inb4 windows is more secure than *nix
by obscurity

Totally makes sense

what if I told you, it is an intentional funpost

I would totally want to suck your cock because you have defined the entire Arch community into one image

but user, Arch is no meme!
>You can claim that the community is based on a set of principles, but it has nothing to do with technical decisions by the developers. Memes about minimalism and user freedom != actual distribution policy / principles / history

>actual "developers" using the word "meme"
Holy shit, I chocked on my food, that's hilarious

Arch is a meme and it has been proven to be many times.

that's the point of my (sarcastic) post

>sarcasm over the internet

You can't deny it is fun to learn and that it gives you a background that propels you to master ganoo lunix better

This is what it is mostly exploited. I would've studied psychology.

You won't learn anything with Arch.
You seem new so I wouldn't expect you to understand.

Asty's CMatrix site is down for now but luckily I was able to find a mirror with the tarball'd source code for all you script kiddies to freak your "friends" out with
here faggots

I guess linux is like kung fu, you can never master it, but you can say you fully embrace the learning experience
You can deny the fact that building Arch eases your experience at Gentoo, and then Gentoo eases your experience with LFS and then LFS eases your experience for other obscure distros and those other obscure distros ease your experience to try other *nixes (Mac doesn't apply)

>You can't

lots of bad practices has made windows a minefield of bugs

You dont have to lecture me on Windows. I use it as my main OS because I also have games on it

Sorry I didn't meant to be autistic, I guess to each its own
I just thought people in the (IT sec) industry used anything, but Windows (Unless they work at a Microsoft based corp)

fuck this thread

whoever made this thread should kill themselves

Explain yourselves.

Fuck full disclosure faggots like you

summer is here wew edgy threads

Well, faggots like you are the cancer of the real hacking culture. Kill yourself

a script kiddie made this thread

I use Windows because it's where my workflow works best. I use autistic Linux distros in VMs anyway.