Why is it given to people so late in life? How can anyone even has aspirations to win one if you'll likely recieve it on your death bed even if you accomplished something in your life.
Why is it given to people so late in life...
Because it takes time to make sure a person's contributions are actually significant enough.
I'll assume you meant the STEM prizes.
Maybe because winning a contest wasn't their main goal?
Of course. The norwegian doesn't count.
Why do people even care about nobel prizes?
They're handed out like candy.
Why the fuck does obama have one?
>Why do people even care about nobel prizes?
>They're handed out like candy.
If Stallman had one you'd think they were wonderful.
>prize created by a man on his deathbed to mitigate his lifetime accomplishments
>awarded to other people also on their deathbeds to recognize their lifetime accomplishments
Like pottery.
>falling for the nobel prize meme
>why does Obama have a peace prize
Because he's black and seemed like a great improvement over Bush. Turns out he build on Bush's Middle East interventions and domestic civil rights violations.
I work daily with a nobel laureate. He's a great dude. You should see the way that my organization kisses his feet. It's nice to buy him tech shit though - truly unlimited budget.
filter out posts that use "meme" or "botnet" or a handful of other cliches that Sup Forums loves. this board almost seems not autistic once you've removed them
They hoped that the prize would put obama under pressure to stop bush administration laws and shit.
Of course didnt work.
Peace prize is a joke. The Nobel prizes in physics, math, biology, medicine, chemistry, etc. are the real deal.
Peace prizes are handed out like candy. The real prizes take effort.
Why it takes so long is first the actual discovery has to be proved and undoubtedly right. In modern science this takes a long time.
Then you have to have the big selection process where it takes time to decide who was behind said discovery, who contributed the most, which discovery is the most important, etc.
>tfw even the literature one is a politically motivated farce
Anything dealing with the arts and humanity are generally a joke wherever you look nowadays.
>the nobel prize "is a politically motivated farce"
At least the literature one could hide a bit their bias for european leftist shit.
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I heard that even /lit/ is full of hardcore leftists.
you have to fucking actually do something to get one.
fucking entitlement. wah, where's my nobel prize? wah.
There is no nobel in mathematics because nobel was being cucked by a mathematician.
look at the literature laureates and come back here retard